možno, da tu ne gre za problem telefona, temveč slušalk - potrebujejo poseben kodek. mislim, da je kodek aptx, nisem pa 100%.
no, iPhone ga nima, ampak načeloma ga imajo vsi Androidi, zato pravim, da načeloma ne gre za problem telefona ... moje Marshall Mid B in Shure SE215 ga imajo, preko iPhonea zvok v videu zaostaja, preko kompa ne, saj ga Applovi prenosniki podpirajo.
fora je tudi v tem, da je kvaliteta aptx-a enaka kot pri ostalih dveh popularnih kodekih (SBC, AAC), plus da dviguje ceno napravam. aptx-hd je drugačna žival. Apple se je, kakor sem pred časom prebiral, ravno zaradi kakovosti zvoka odločil za SBC in AAC kodeka, ker naj bi bila kombinacija teh dveh boljša, kot je denimo APTX, čeprav - roko na srce, če nimaš vmes hudega hudega dekoderja, teh stvari niti ne bi opazil. opaziš pa zamik pri gledanju videa, kar je malo blesavo.
"SBC (Subband Codec)
SBC is the industry standard, and also lowest common denominator, when it comes to Bluetooth audio transmission. This means every A2DP Bluetooth audio device has to support SBC for decoding audio at the minimum. SBC was designed to obtain “reasonable” audio quality with low computational and power demands. In technical terms, SBC supports stereo audio at a maximum sampling rate of 48kHz and bitrate of 354kbps.
Since SBC doesn’t any require any extra technology and codec licensing, many companies choose to only support SBC in their products despite it’s sound quality limitations.
aptX & aptX-HD
aptX and aptX-HD are proprietary lossy codecs developed by Qualcomm. These codecs aim for “CD quality” sound, but require codec licensing and support from both the playback device and the receiving headphones or speakers. In the case of aptX-HD, specialized decoding hardware is also required. As a result, many companies choose not to use these codecs in their devices in order to maximize profit margins.
In technical terms, aptX supports 16 bit audio at 352kbps, while aptX-HD supports 24 bit audio at 576kbps. While aptX and SBC have similar maximum bitrates, the former is a superior compression codec which offers better perceived sound quality at the same bitrate.
AAC (Advanced Audio Codec)
AAC is a proprietary audio codec that was originally designed as a superior alternative to MP3. It’s used my many products and services, and it’s become Apple’s codec of choice for audio distribution."