nima klasični alteraš električne Nevere?Ampak samo po sistemu par/nepar. Ter omejitvijo 20 litrov benza. Kar ne bo problem za par tisoč km, ker klasičnemu Alterašu avto pije samo dve kaplji na 100 km.
nima klasični alteraš električne Nevere?Ampak samo po sistemu par/nepar. Ter omejitvijo 20 litrov benza. Kar ne bo problem za par tisoč km, ker klasičnemu Alterašu avto pije samo dve kaplji na 100 km.
Trenutno brez veze, kar je je. Samo srednjeročno bi bilo to verjetno najbolje za eu.Po drugi strani pa bi morali sedaj iz Evrope nagnati ZDA, razpustiti NATO ter ustanoviti EU vojsko.
Ma sej Niva ni slaba za svoj namenpa lade bojo tud fajn pocen
kr ene dve al pa tri naroč
Other features of NLAW include anti-tank missiles integrated in a reloadable launcher, night vision capability, un-jammable proximity fuses and confined space capability.
Mercator, Sberbank, kar neka nepremičnin, vprašanje kdo za raznoraznimi skladi stoji...Koliko imajo v lasti Rusi v Sloveniji?
Železarne, Rogaška....
Edini zmagovalci bodo strici preko oceana (v zahodno smer).It all comes down to whether the EU decides to destroy its economy by doing what we Americans call ‘suicide by cop.’ That’s where someone wants to die and picks a fight with a policeman in order to get the cop to shoot him.
Europe is staring at a complete collapse of its economy if they sanction Russia’s energy sector and shut down her ability to do business with their banks. The question no one is asking is, “Did they provoke this fight on purpose to do exactly this?” From where I’m sitting, it looks to me like their insistence on zero diplomatic concessions to Russia led directly to this outcome. So, the answer to my question is ‘Yes, it was deliberate.’
But, even if I’m wrong and there are other unstated reasons why Russia blitzed Ukraine’s military installations off the map last night, the fallout from this will be far higher energy prices than the weak coalition governments will be able to sustain. I expect the map of Europe will look very different by the end of 2024 than it does today, reaching far beyond Ukraine.
Ma sej Niva ni slaba za svoj namen![]()
NLAW is a maintenance-free disposable system, although the Trijicon Compact ACOG 2.5×20 sight can be detached and reused if required.
Ni iz trte izvito da je se mrtvim zal da so glasovali za bidenaUKRAINE PRESS RELEASE ABOUT JOE BIDEN
Korupcija, vladavina prava, oligarhi...![]()
This isn't new, it came out in 2020 when Biden was running as a Presidential candidate. Maybe this time it will wake more people up. The two men speaking are: Konstantin Kulik (on left) and Andrii Derkach (on right)
[Sputnik asks about Europe’s energy security]ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Edini zmagovalci bodo strici preko oceana (v zahodno smer).