Uporabnik Gasper008 pravi:
Zoe ni naprodaj v USA, tako da nima EPA ratinga. Pride pa ZOE s 40 kWh baterijo, torej skoraj 2x doseg trenutne, velikost in masa baterije je baje ista.
Tako je.
Se pa npr. v USA in v EU prodaja Nissan Leaf, tako da lahko zelo lepo primerjamo:
Eto, Nissan Leaf z baterijo kapacitere 30kWh po EPA (ameriška Enviromental Protection Agency) naredi 107 milj (171 km), po NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) pa 155 milj (248 km).
- Nagradno vprašanje: Kateri doseg od zgornjih dveh je popolnoma nerealen?
- Odgovor: NEDC je krepko preoptimističen in kot tak dela več škode, kot koristi, ker novega kupca zavede, da z vozilom dejansko naredi lahko 248km, ko pa gre na testno vožnjo, ali pa ga celo kupi na osnovi tega podatka, je pa tako razočaran, da ga popolnoma odvrne od EV-jev.
Za razliko od NEDC, so EPA številke realne in večino voznikov brez problema preseže doseg, ki ga navaja EPA (npr. Volt1 je po EPA imel doseg 35 milj = 56km in lastniki Volt/Amper ta doseg brez problema dosežemo, v večini primerov pa presežemo).
Faktor razlike v dosegu EPA : NEDC = 1 : 1.45, kar pomeni, da če ima Ampera-e po EPA dosega 238 milj, bo po NEDC ciklu imela dosega 344 milj, oz 551km.
Ampak, kot sem rekel, NEDC dosegi so
Kar pomeni, da če hočeš vedeti realen doseg Zoe-ja, vzemi doseg po NEDC in ga deli z 1.45.
Bomo videli danes, ko je tiskovna konferenca Opla na pariškem avto salonu in bodo predstavili Opel Ampero-e (Chevrolet Bolt), za koliko sem se zmotil v dosegu po NEDC ciklu
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Opel’s Paris Press Conference at 12.15 p.m. on September 29
Rüsselsheim. Opel will stage the much-awaited world premiere of the new, groundbreaking Ampera-e electric car at the Paris Motor Show. As usual, the show (which opens its doors to the public from October 1-16) begins with two press days. Opel Group CEO Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann and his team are therefore inviting all journalists to the Opel press conference at the Opel booth (501) in hall 5-2 on September 29 at 12.15 p.m.
Journalists attending the press conference or following it via the
dedicated livestream, can look forward to an exciting update on the latest additions to the Opel portfolio – including the brand new Ampera-e. Third party websites interested in embedding the press conference livestream can use the following code:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" style="border:0;outline:0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
In addition to the service offered on our media sites, the entire recording from the Opel Press Conference along with Best Of material including statements of Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann as well as Beauty Shots from the event location will be available through the media platform GOMEX Newsroom and via a satellite feed. Please contact us directly for more information on the exact timings and the satellite data.