Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Ce se do zdaj nisi dojela, da se gum, ki sem jih narocil ne da dobiti v Sloveniji
Let me explain once more.
MasterCard has returned the money to me, so I've been refunded.
I would like you to take back the tires. Will you do that?
Best regards
I ordered this, you sent me that. I wanted a refund on ground of that, you refused. I used MC's protection policy. MC read terms on Slovenian site, contacted you and me and decided that you didn't send me this and refunded me. I have your tyres. Will you pick them up? If so, your dead line is .
Let me explain once more.
On 6.3.2017 I have ordered the tires (525,16€), which I received on 13.3.2017.
In my opinion, those were not the tires I ordered and paid for, so I contacted you and you disagreed with me and didn't want to take the tires back.
On 16.3.2017 I contacted my bank's MasterCard contact and sent all documentation. They agreed with me, refunded me and opened the case and gave you a chance to respond to them.
On 13.6.2017 MasterCard closed the case concluding, that I'm entitled to the refund and that you should take the tires back at your own cost.
Will you take back the tires?
Best regards
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Ok, sem ravnokar govoril z Evropskim potrošniškim centrom Slovenija, ker mi je sogovornik govoril, da je za sodišče zadosti spletni obrazec, pošiljanje po pošti, priporočeno s povratnico je pa samo še dodatno.
Rok 5.7.2017 se ti ne zdi v redu?Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Ne ukvarjam se s takimi stvarmi vsak dan.
Poleg tega smo naslednji teden izven Slovenije, tako da trenutno jim roka ne bi postavljal, razen če se ti zdi rok do tega petka ok.