Klasika: Kateri film ste gledali?


18. jul 2007
Uporabnik Kibibi pravi:
Atonement (2007) - 8/10

Uporabnik Kibibi pravi:
No Country For Old Men (2007)

Film sem šla gledat z vsem navdušenjem po dobrih vtisih iz podelitve Oskarjev, pa me je vse skupaj malce razočaralo. Na začetku se mi je film vlekel, potem me je potegnil vase, proti koncu pa se je spet začel vleči. Liki so dobri, sam film pa je malce razvlečen. Mogoče bi bilo boljše, če bi ga malenkost skrčili in s tem malo strnili zgodbo, bi bil tudi malo bolj gledljiv.

Ocena: 6/10

Juno (2007)

Potem je sledila Juno. Malce bolj lahkoten film, pa vseeno zelo nabit. Ta pa me je presenetil v pozitivnem smislu. Zelo vredu film, glavna igralka, Ellen Page, je odlična. Film vreden ogleda.

Ocena: 8,5/10

Uporabnik Kibibi pravi:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

Vrnitev v otroška leta.

Sprva sem bila glede filma malce skeptična, kakšen bo kaj, glede na to, da je posnet po risanki. Ponavadi mi takšne in drugačne predelave niso všeč. Moram pa reči, da me je pozitivno presenetil.

Ocena: 8/10

Midva pa ne bi mogla filmov skupi gledat.

Pa kako daš lahko filmu Atonement in otroškemu filmu tok višjo oceno kot No country for old man. Ok razumem ni tvoj žanr. AMPAK ATONEMENT 8/10??!! A mi lahko prosim prosim prosim poveš, kaj ti je bilo dobrega na tem filmu. Sam sem ga 3x začel in končal gledat, 20 minut pred koncem pa popizdil in pobrisal film. Kaj tako dolgočasnega že dolgo časa nisem gledal. Znajo ubitačno razvlečt še tako banalen prizor, kot je sprehod iz ene sobe v drugo. Boring, boring, boring.

2/10 !


20. jul 2007
Atonement je zame dober film. Zgodba mi je zanimiva, posnet je tudi dobro, igralci so tudi vredu. Keira Knightley je odlično odigrala svojo vlogo. Film ima dobro zgodbo, ki se zaplete, zločin, romanco, na koncu pa še odličen konec. Ravno še tistih 20 minut bi še moral zdržati, saj je konec filma ključen, kjer se vse razplete. Pa če pogledaš oceno na IMDB - User Rating: 8.0/10 (32,705 votes) - nisem edina, ki je dala tako dobro oceno temu filmu. Okusi so različni, pač ne bova gledala filma skupaj.

O No Country For Old Men (2007) sem že napisala, zakaj mi ni všeč. Če so tebi prizori razvlečeni v Atonement, se mini No Country For Old Men vleče.

Če citiram konentar na IMDB:
Overall Atonement is a perfect movie, in actual fact its a movie with pretty much no flaws whatsoever. Superb performances, beautiful direction, a script and storyline to die for. It is unlikely any film will top this for a very long time, this is something that will go down in cinema history as being a classic, and it highly deserves it inevitable status.


20. jul 2007
Sem šla pogledati po forumu, če je že kdo ocenil ta film in ocene so sledeč:

Uporabnik pikapoka pravi:
Atonement - 8/10

Uporabnik Qmi pravi:
Atonement (2007) 6/10

Pričakoval sem več...

Uporabnik decva pravi:
Atonement ima odlicen konec- zaradi zadnjih par minut filma ocena 8,5/10
Očitno je ženski populaciji film dosti bolj zanimiv kot pa moški.
Nazadnje urejeno:


20. jul 2007
Pa še to (ker imam še ravno par minutk na razpolago malo na hitro ...). Sam zgodba ima tudi globlji pomen. Mlada nespametna deklica uniči življenje dvema osebama. In čez čas se šele zave, kaj je storila. Po neumnosti. In potem se vse življenje skuša pokoriti. Koliko je vredno življenje? Kako se lahko spokoriš, če na neumen način zagreniš drugemu življenje? Pa ne kar nekomu, nekomu, ki ga imaš rad, in to je tvoja sestra. Tu se odpira še marsikatero drugo moralno vprašanje.

Film je bil posnet po knjižni predlogi Iana McEwana, ki je bila tudi nagrajena.

Sicer pa čakam, da uporabnik Georgie pogleda ta film in poda svojo strokovno oceno. Me zanima, kakšno mnenje bo on imel o tem filmu.


18. jul 2007
No, ker tud jaz čakam sodelavko, da mi odpiše na mail...

This movie was an incredible waste of time, money, and gas. I went in expecting a beautiful, profound movie and left angry and disappointed. The film began with great potential but after about 45 minutes it plummets into an unbelievable, superficial and contrived story. How could Briony think that writing a happy ending for Cecilia and Robbie is any kind of Atonement? I would have liked the film better if Briony finally killed herself. It was so much like Titanic, technically amazing with an awfully cliché story.

I'm shocked and annoyed that it was nominated for anything and that it won a Golden Globe. If it wins the Oscar, I will never trust the Academy again.

From the beginning of this film to the end there is no consistency.

I would love to make millions of comments about how bad this film is, and why it is so, using words like "narrative" "cliche' " "heavy-handed" "badly-cast" "fan-service" but I don't need to use any of them.

This movie is a misery to watch... the music is awful and inappropriate.

There are only two reasons that make the sheep in all of us enjoy this film:

1/ they have read the book and actually know the story before-hand, turning the film into a series of visually pleasing memories from the novel. They already know the characters and the relationships and bring them to the film, because the film certainly does not bring them to the viewer.

2/ they enjoy feeling miserable because their lives are so easy that any kind of struggle (including watching horrible bad films) adds some variety and difference to their life. However, most people can't tell the difference between an emotionally sad story and an emotionally sad film-watching experience. I was sad during this film because it is a bad film.

so, if you liked "Babel" and "Hard Candy" then you should enjoy this film. If you don't like rubbish, then avoid this piece of trash with all of your powers.

When I see the trailer, I expect it to be something like 'Very long engagement'. After I see it, only thing I want to say is, What a ridiculous story! At the end, the old lady said 'I want to give them their happiness.' What a nonsense! Is it the so called 'Atonement'? The war and the sacrifice seems mean nothing compare to her 'Atonement', the only purpose is ripping her chance of saying 'sorry'? The title should be 'Hypocrisy' instead of 'Atonement' The way of telling story is also stupid, the repeating of go back and forward trick. Did the director think it is clever? It is just annoying! I feel sorry for the 3 house I wasted.

Yet another stupid tale of a 12 year old privileged girl, who thinks she is going on 30, but is actually about 6 when it comes to how much she knows about things like sex. So, being her selfish self, and because class-conscious England actually would believe a stupid 12 year old girl over a 19 year old medical student, she is able to completely wreck 2 persons' lives. Oh, and then she writes a book about what would have happened if she was not such a pesky, nosy, unlikeable brat. Like that is atonement.

This was the worst waste of my time i have experienced in many years. There's just one thing to say, boring, boring, boring, boring.

Totally meaningless waste of time, and to make it a 2 hours movie is torture on a new level. Whoever is responsible for this trash, **** ***. And after enduring the horrific experience, it even has a sad ending. What's the point???? WTF is that all about And now this page tells me I have to write 10 lines to be able to express my disgust for this so called movie on these pages, The torture never ends :s

Here is a fool explaining his "thoughts" "Well, from the trailers I could tell this would be an epic film before I was even able to see it." What a crock


Pomojem bo dober tistim, ki z navdušenjem gledajo mehiške nadaljevanke.


20. jul 2007
Uporabnik ynos pravi:

Pomojem bo dober tistim, ki z navdušenjem gledajo mehiške nadaljevanke.

Nisem gledala niti ene takšne nadaljevanke, pa mi je film vseeno všeč.

Je pa danes posnetih toliko filmov, da se za vse okuse najde kakšen dober in kakšen zanič film. Vsak pa naj gleda tisto, kar mu je všeč.


18. jul 2007
Uporabnik Kibibi pravi:
Je pa danes posnetih toliko filmov, da se za vse okuse najde kakšen dober in kakšen zanič film. Vsak pa naj gleda tisto, kar mu je všeč.

Res je. Sem bil pa tok zgrožen nad filmom, da nisem mogel biti tiho.


18. jul 2007
Bi prosil da se nehata ukvarjat s tem filmom. Uporabniki smo si že ustvarili mnenje. 2 strani je bilo ravno dovolj.


1. sep 2007
Far Far Away
Evo, Georgie je prisoten.
Tudi sam vsake toliko poškilim na tole vašo intenzivno izmenjavo mnenj o filmu Pokora (Atonement) ...

Uporabnik pediater pravi:
Bi prosil da se nehata ukvarjat s tem filmom. Uporabniki smo si že ustvarili mnenje. 2 strani je bilo ravno dovolj.

... in me prav tako ne moti.
Mislim, da je kar v redu, da se včasih malce poživi obstoječo debato in da se foruma ne obremenjuje z novimi temami.

Glede filma - res ga še nisem gledal. Sicer sem pred časom že dobil ponudbo od neke osebice, da mi ga zapeče na CD/DVD, ampak sem jo zavrnil (ta si res nalaga filme z mule "na debelo"
), pa še eni sodelavki je podobna skoraj kot jajce jajcu (...).

Bom videl, če mi uspe skočiti v Kolosej pred četrtkom, ko ga verjetno umaknejo s sporeda. Sicer pa enkrat drugič, nekoč, na TV, ...


6. sep 2007
Rambo IV
meni je bil film res zakon, po moje najboljši med vsemi ramboti in eden boljših filmov v zadnjem času