Uporabnik Drago pravi:
S sestavljenim lokom, moči med 60 in 70 funti, ne boš dobil puščice iz drevesa. Razen če narediš trske. Puščica ima precej večjo prebojno moč, kot puška. Samostrel ima lažjo in krajšo puščico, zato nima takšne moči, kot dobro naštelan compound. Uradno se lahko uporabljajo loki do 70 in samostreli do 150 funtov. Vsaj včasih je bilo tako. Zdaj že kar nekaj časa nisem več v tem.
uf. prespal nedeljo... kje se je končalo?
Myth: A crossbow shoots much faster and farther than compound bows.
Fact: Under controlled conditions, a series of velocity and kinetic energy tests were performed on two compound bows with 70# peak draw weights (248 and 205 feet per second) and 2 crossbows with 150# peak draw weights (228 and 242 feet per second). The bottom line was that both the compound bows and crossbows produced similar ballistic results. That is, the crossbows did not shoot farther or faster than the compound bows. If anything, the crossbow begins to lose velocity and energy slightly faster than the compound bow after 30 yards because it shoots a lighter/shorter arrow. However, that difference, while measurable, is slight and insignificant considering the typical whitetail deer shot is less than 30 yards.
Myth: Crossbows have the knockdown power of a firearm.
Fact: Comparison tests have proven that there is a negligible ballistic difference between compound bows and crossbows. These tests disprove the groundless claims that crossbows perform like firearms. In other words a crossbow has no ballistic similarities to a firearm.
Myth: Crossbows shoot as flat as black powder rifles.
Fact: Again, through comparison tests it has been shown that crossbows do not perform the same as firearms. Crossbows typically start loosing velocity and energy at 30 yards compared to a black powder rifle which begins to lose velocity and energy at 100 yards or more.
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No, vglavnem, živali se ne pobija s prebojno močjo, reči na tetivo niso podobne onim na strelivo...
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