Planet Golob


3. sep 2007
Dajmo tole kmetijstvo malo razčistit:

"At the EU level, direct payments represent on average 30% of agricultural income. They provide farmers with a steady income and thus help to maintain agricultural production throughout the EU. They ensure the long-term survival of farmers and mitigate the negative consequences of price fluctuations or crop failures."
"Between 2021 and 2024, Member States allocated over €18 billion in State aid to the agricultural sector, representing no less than 11% of the total aid under the first pillar of the CAP — a proportion that rises to 14% when focusing solely on the 2021-2023 period."
In €18 billion je podcenjeno, ker:
  • The data for 2024 only include aid referenced before 8 November. As a result, the proportion of aid in relation to CAP aid is underestimated.
  • Absence of certain national data: Poland, Spain, Romania and Slovenia do not use the Commission’s database, but their own national transparency registers. Poland and Spain are among the countries that have heavily subsidised their agricultural sector through State aid. According to the State Aid Scoreboard (the European Commission’s reference tool for monitoring State aid), Spain and Poland allocated €1.97 billion and €1.88 billion respectively in State aid to their agricultural sectors over the period 2021-2022.
Tole je direktna pomoč. To je samo del CAP

The Common Agricultural Policy is funded through the EU budget. Under the EU's budget for 2021-2027, €386.6 billion has been set aside for farming. It is divided into two parts:
  • €291.1 billion for the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, which provides income support for farmers
  • €95.5 billion for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, which includes funding for rural areas, climate action and the management of natural resources.
In večino tega denarja dobijo veliki kmetje, ker male kmetije se ne splačajo. To ni naredila EU, to je naredil trg. Ker ta zahteva nizke stroške in visoke donose, kar je na malih kmetijah nemogoče.


21. dec 2007
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: koliko in Kamele0N


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
:sprasujemse: Za tole razumeti bi pa rabil še za kakšno stopnjo več šol, kot jih imam..:evil:
Si edini ki bi za razumevanje rabil šolo ( očitno je diploma iz bileĆe bolj ***C vredna...)

Bil je altermeet....bil si potem te čudežno ni bilo, vedel si pa kao vse....sam si trdil da si nas opazoval iz bližnjega grmovja...
  • Haha
  • Objave ne odobravam
Reactions: jest5 in Gatto


21. dec 2007
Dajmo tole kmetijstvo malo razčistit:

"At the EU level, direct payments represent on average 30% of agricultural income. They provide farmers with a steady income and thus help to maintain agricultural production throughout the EU. They ensure the long-term survival of farmers and mitigate the negative consequences of price fluctuations or crop failures."
"Between 2021 and 2024, Member States allocated over €18 billion in State aid to the agricultural sector, representing no less than 11% of the total aid under the first pillar of the CAP — a proportion that rises to 14% when focusing solely on the 2021-2023 period."
In €18 billion je podcenjeno, ker:
  • The data for 2024 only include aid referenced before 8 November. As a result, the proportion of aid in relation to CAP aid is underestimated.
  • Absence of certain national data: Poland, Spain, Romania and Slovenia do not use the Commission’s database, but their own national transparency registers. Poland and Spain are among the countries that have heavily subsidised their agricultural sector through State aid. According to the State Aid Scoreboard (the European Commission’s reference tool for monitoring State aid), Spain and Poland allocated €1.97 billion and €1.88 billion respectively in State aid to their agricultural sectors over the period 2021-2022.
Tole je direktna pomoč. To je samo del CAP

The Common Agricultural Policy is funded through the EU budget. Under the EU's budget for 2021-2027, €386.6 billion has been set aside for farming. It is divided into two parts:
  • €291.1 billion for the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, which provides income support for farmers
  • €95.5 billion for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, which includes funding for rural areas, climate action and the management of natural resources.
In večino tega denarja dobijo veliki kmetje, ker male kmetije se ne splačajo. To ni naredila EU, to je naredil trg. Ker ta zahteva nizke stroške in visoke donose, kar je na malih kmetijah nemogoče.
In slovenska posebnost, kjer je vsak drugi grm v Naturi 2000 ali ga ščiti tak ali drugačen NVO nekako ne gre skupaj s temi EU željami. Ker pri nas ni moč ustvariti takih kmetij, kot jih imajo po EU. Veliko zemlje po ravninah so bolj ali manj pobrali kombinati in tisti lahko s par ljudmi obdelajo res velike komplekse kjer ti so. Kot tudi lahko kupijo vsako leto novo 200 - 300 konjsko mrcino in njej primerno mehanizacijo zgolj iz prejetih neposrednih plačili. Ostali pa pač moramo obdelovati na kupe majhnih parcel okrog mejic, dreves, po hribih,... s starejšo mašinerijo (katero se k sreči še da popravljati, so pa nekateri deli bolano dragi. Še zdaj imam v spominu en čisto navaden gumb na prestavni ročici, za katerega sem plačal 70 eur, pa ga ni niti za 1 cm2 ali navaden ampak neoznačen ležaj za 170 eur) s katerimi pač ne moreš biti konkurenčen v EU. In kakorkoli EU vlaga v "kmetijstvo" (tole bi se moralo imenovati vlaganje v gospodarstvo), bojo kmetije še naprej propadale. Nekatere velike bojo preživele, ampak te ne bojo mogle obdelati vseh teh površin, mladih pa po moje v ta sistem ne bojo dobili več, niti če jim pričnejo metati po 100 jurjev na prevzemnika. Nihče več noče delati.

Veliko denarja pa seveda izgine v neznano tudi čez takšne projekte:

  • Žalosti me
Reactions: koliko


2. sep 2007
Dajmo tole kmetijstvo malo razčistit:

"At the EU level, direct payments represent on average 30% of agricultural income. They provide farmers with a steady income and thus help to maintain agricultural production throughout the EU. They ensure the long-term survival of farmers and mitigate the negative consequences of price fluctuations or crop failures."
"Between 2021 and 2024, Member States allocated over €18 billion in State aid to the agricultural sector, representing no less than 11% of the total aid under the first pillar of the CAP — a proportion that rises to 14% when focusing solely on the 2021-2023 period."
In €18 billion je podcenjeno, ker:
  • The data for 2024 only include aid referenced before 8 November. As a result, the proportion of aid in relation to CAP aid is underestimated.
  • Absence of certain national data: Poland, Spain, Romania and Slovenia do not use the Commission’s database, but their own national transparency registers. Poland and Spain are among the countries that have heavily subsidised their agricultural sector through State aid. According to the State Aid Scoreboard (the European Commission’s reference tool for monitoring State aid), Spain and Poland allocated €1.97 billion and €1.88 billion respectively in State aid to their agricultural sectors over the period 2021-2022.
Tole je direktna pomoč. To je samo del CAP

The Common Agricultural Policy is funded through the EU budget. Under the EU's budget for 2021-2027, €386.6 billion has been set aside for farming. It is divided into two parts:
  • €291.1 billion for the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, which provides income support for farmers
  • €95.5 billion for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, which includes funding for rural areas, climate action and the management of natural resources.
In večino tega denarja dobijo veliki kmetje, ker male kmetije se ne splačajo. To ni naredila EU, to je naredil trg. Ker ta zahteva nizke stroške in visoke donose, kar je na malih kmetijah nemogoče.
Praktično ves denar dobi industrija v razvitejših državah. No nekih 45% skupnega EU kmetijskega budgeta po nekih podatkih, ki so krožili. 55% budgeta gre raznorazni birokraciji zato, da se potala prenašalcem sredstev = kmetom.
  • Objave ne odobravam
Reactions: Feniks


19. jul 2007
tu in tam
Golob ga je spet polomil.



22. sep 2008
Tole sem danes zasledil, Angleži so gotovi, čez 30 let jih ne bo več.
Mi gremo po njihovi poti, tako da če dobimo še za 4 leta levo vlado smo zaključili kot Slovenija in Slovenci. Upam da ljudje sprevidijo kam drvimo, čeprav ob toliko mešanih in tujcih ki imajo volilno pravico...
Točno, kaj se čaka, akcija. Pa ravno ko smo že imeli rešitev na dlani. Potrebujemo nazaj urad za nataliteto in zapis v ustavo, da nas bo leta 2050 3 miljone. In bika osemenjevalca, ki bo zaplodil otroke namesto tistih, ki samo cmizdrite, ko je treba flodrat za narod. Kdor ne jebe naj ne je.

In direktorja statističnega urada spet zamenjat, ker da je vsako leto 1k manj rojstev, to nikamor ne pelje.

Da nam kablov za optiko ne bo več vlekel 20 letni filipinec, ampak spet nadrkan 40 letni domorodec, ki namesto dober dan odrecitira kaj vse ne more, kaj se ne da in kaj bi moral oni pred njim.
  • Haha
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Samo Svoj in Gatto