Islamizacija Eu ni nič dobrega, razen če si muslič.Citat:
Uporabnik erikson pravi:
Zakaj meniš, da želijo Sloveniji slabo?
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Mirno lahko napišeš, da je "novica" čisto pumpanje glupega folka. Čist komunistični stil pisanja![]()
Uporabnik jtfc pravi:
Sem mislil en komentar zraven napisat.... samo bi me kdo prišel obiskat domov.
Uporabnik jtfc pravi:
Sem mislil en komentar zraven napisat.... samo bi me kdo prišel obiskat domov.
Nikdar v zgodovini ni bila tretja generacija musličev v Eu bolj radikalizirana kot prva.Kako boš take nagnal ? Projekt islamizacije Eu je v polnem teku, domači politiki aktivno pomagajo pri izvajanju.Citat:
Bi lahko vedeli za balkanske vojne in da so bili muslimani že nekajkrat naterani iz evrope. Milom ili silom...
Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and, subsequently, the elimination of nations by means of ethnic separatist movements or mass allogeneic (genetically dissimilar) immigration. In order for Europe to be mastered by the elite, homogeneous peoples are transformed into a mixed race of whites, blacks and Asians. Kalergi characterized these mestizos as cruel and unfaithful, and maintained that the elite must deliberately create the mestizos to achieve their own superiority.
The elite will first eliminate democracy — the rule of the people. Next, the elite will eliminate the people via miscegenation, thereby replacing the white race with an easily controllable mestizo race. By abolishing the principle of equality of all before the law, avoiding and punishing any criticism of minorities, and protecting the minorities with special laws, the masses are suppressed.
The aim of this plan is to destroy the White Tribes of Europe by what they call ‘ethnic dilution’. Is this a conspiracy theory? It reads like a James Bond film. If you think so then you must explain why Merkel and Van Rompuy have both been awarded the EU Charlemagne prize for their efforts in moving the Coudenhove Kalergi plan forward.
Richard Coudenhove Kalergi was the first recipient in 1950 for his Pan European Plan for the elimination of the White Tribes of Europe.
For a list of the rest of recipients others scroll down
“The very essence of Cultural Marxism is the support of mass immigration / open borders.”
“The end goal of Cultural Marxists is white genocide.”
“Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism.” see 2015 – 028
“Cultural Marxists have taken over the institutions of the media, education, mainstream Christianity (conservative and liberal), law, and finance often via Common Purpose 2015 – 013 The Rotherham Common Purpose Effect. Their goal is the annihilation of Western Civilization in general and white people in particular.”
Uporabnik Roberto pravi:
Kaj pa si od takega medija pričakoval? Kaj nasplošno sploh pričakujemo? Že nekaj mesecev je Alter poln izlivov domoljubja, patriotizma, fašizma, zaplankanosti, rasizma... In to od, pazi, istih oseb v isti objavi. Dejansko pa so (ste) ti ljudje ene obične pičketice, polna golflja na forumu, varno (kobajagi) skritih za anonimnostjo interneta. Ko bo (bognedaj) prišlo do situacije pa v prvih vrsta lizat rit okupatorju, kot pred 70 leti in več... Vsi bi vi nekaj, a nobeden se ni za to pripravljen odreči lagodju lastne riti...
Tako da, kerovi laju, zvono zvoni a karavana prolazi dalje.
Nahuje pa je, da novodobni zgodovinarji ne poznajo zgodovine pred 1940... Bi lahko vedeli za balkanske vojne in da so bili muslimani že nekajkrat naterani iz evrope. Milom ili silom...
Tukaj pa se dejansko vidi moč internet populacije... V goflji in gobcanju...![]()
Pa brez skrbi, lahko izlivate gnojnico, repliciral ne bom, vas je pa zanimivo brat... Na tablici na WCju... Kok se fino userjem od vaših nebuloz...
Uporabnik Denis pravi:
Ja ne vem, kako starši danes na to reagirajo. Lepo bi bilo slišat, da je mama poklicala učiteljico in jo malo povprašala po zdravju.
In zakaj je ne bi imela tam?Citat:
Uporabnik Mont pravi:
Naslednji dan, po dostavi 8-ih migrantov na dom. Če bi še imela glavo tam, kamo spada...