Klasika: Katere filme ste gledali? III


Izključen uporabnik
24. jul 2007
billionaires boy club 7/10

american animals 7/10

Vsi ti filmi postajajo eni zamorjeni. Letos nisem še dobrega filma vidu.


Izključen uporabnik
24. jul 2007
Mah zvrst ni tolk važna... tole top

The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Raging Bull (1980)
Scarface (1983)
Aliens (1986)
Wall Street (1987)
Goodfellas (1990)
Heat (1995)
The Matrix (1999)
Gladiator (2000)
Cast Away (2000)
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Potem so pa taki nišni, ki se bolj samo meni dopadejo...
Romancing the Stone (1984)
Point Break (1991)
Speed (1994)
Face/Off (1997)
Con Air (1997)
The Beach (2000)
21 (2008 film)

+ skoraj vse zgodnje od Tom Cruisa, DiCapria, Pitta..... Se mi zdi, da so imel skos eno kvaliteto tile.

Sedaj pa mi hočejo prodat za dobre filme...
Get Out (2017) wtf kako je tole med top 50 filmov vseh časov
The Titan (2018)Nevem zakaj se tako lotijo snemat, pa kdo vstopnico kupi ta tako.
The Shallows (2016)
The Florida Project (2017) Ene čudne indy zadeve, ki jih hvalijo ker so indy.
Ready Player One (tega je tudi milijon)
Siberia (2018) nevem kaj se tule dogaja s Reevsom. Wicki in še tako sranje, bo postal slabši kot Nicholas Cage, ki je bankrotiral pa vsako vlogo vzame sedaj.
Bright (2017)

+ miljon teh filmov po stripih, ki me pa tudi niso nikol interesiral. + zlajnani remajki/nadaljevanja
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Pa nevem kaj se bodo še spomnili....

No Red Sparrow tole je blo uredu letos.

Ni več dobrih filmov ali sem pa jst star ratal.

Potem je pa še tako, ki v teoriji bi se mi morali dopasti, potem je pa izvedba mjeh...

Billionaire Boys Club (2018)
American Animals (2018)
Hot Summer Nights (2017)
Nazadnje urejeno:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matey


Osebje foruma
21. jul 2007
Dobra izbira. Moram reči da so mi tvoji "nišni" kar všeč.

BTW, včeraj sem šel gledat M:I Fallout in je kar dober film, eden boljših akcijskih zadnje čase (s tem da je še vedno predvidljiv in rahlo "cheesy", a to se pri teh filmih nekako pričakuje).


Izključen uporabnik
24. jul 2007
Summer of 84 (2018)

No ja.... Goonies + Disturbia + IT + Synthwave muska

Všeč mi je bilo, dam za vzpodbudo 9.


22. jul 2007
The Unknown Soldier

Finski film, posnet po enem najboljših (finskih) romanov. Sam sem pogruntal da sem ga bral, ko je nastopil Rokka, eden glavnih junakov.

Ni to Hollywoodska klasika, ampak temačen, realističen prikaz vojne-zmage in poraza.

Zna pa določene navdušit, saj imajo vojaki nemške čelade in streljajo Ruse.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matey


6. sep 2007
The Unknown Soldier

Finski film, posnet po enem najboljših (finskih) romanov. Sam sem pogruntal da sem ga bral, ko je nastopil Rokka, eden glavnih junakov.

Ni to Hollywoodska klasika, ampak temačen, realističen prikaz vojne-zmage in poraza.

Finski pogled na film:

In Finland, we have a tradition to tell the story of WW2 as we actually almost won the war against the Soviet Union which is of course true in the sense that Finland was not occupied by the Soviet Union. After the painful war, the Unknown Soldier was a novel that was appreciated therapy for the wounded nation and it introduced dozens of catch phrases and iconic characters that were needed for the healing process. Every Finn can quote the book, often in a cheerful manner. Ask any Finn in the late hours in the bar and they will keep going forever.

The novel has been filmed twice before but the present version is the best and the most ambitious. Here, in the modernized version of the Unknown Soldier, the war between Finland and the Soviet Union is brutal, exhausting and devastating, and definitely Finland does not almost win the war. The humor used by the characters is a coping mechanism and is not used as a national therapy.

We see a beautiful and melancholic film that is very sincere. Finland fights side by side with Germany which may have been necessary to fight the Soviet Union, but usually the fact is hidden beneath Finnish pride of independence. Now, we see Hitler visiting Finland, we see Nazi flags.

We see how men are gradually broken. The heroes die, and in the end, the most unlikely characters still need to fight. The four main characters, Koskela, Rokka, Kariluoto and Hietanen are all played very well by leading Finnish actors. I was especially moved by Koskela played by Jussi Vatanen, who reminds me of Damian Lewis as Richard Winters in Band of Brothers. However, Rokka played by Eero Aho is the center and the heart of the movie. The opening scene with two swimming boys, filmed like in a Terence Malick movie, is the starting point for the story of Rokka who is brave, keeps the good spirit, encourages and teaches younger ones. In the end, he shows in one last scene how the defeat feels after several years of fighting. He endures but is not anymore the same cheerful happy farmer. Eero Aho tells the story of losing the war in a superb way. He should definitely be nominated for Jussi, the Finnish Oscar.

The film is a bit long and has some scenes like the compulsory "Finns getting really drunk" scenes that I always found rather boring. However, the film is so much better than the original war novel. My Finnish teacher tried to explain the idea of the original novel in the 80's: You will first get to know all the main characters, you really start to like them, and then, suddenly, one by one they are taken away from you. Now, in this film, I finally understood what my literature teacher wanted to make us to see in the Unknown Soldier novel.

In Finland, the reviews of the film have been really polarized, which reflects the unique importance of the Unknown Soldier for Finns. It is the story of endurance and suffering. This is not as good as TV series Band of Brothers, not as good as Unsere Mutter Unsere Väter (Generation War) or Saving Private Ryan. However, this is a solid war film using Finnish perspective and with two amazing actors in main roles, Jussi Vatanen and Eero Aho.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the independent Finland. The film is humble but strong, like the story of Finland, as I like to see it. My rating 7/10 aims to be objective but as a Finn, the objective rating of the Unknown Soldier is impossible. Yet, I recommend the film for everybody who aims to understand Finnish history and the way we see the world.


6. sep 2007
podnapisi švedski?

Se dobijo kvalitetni angleški s strani nekega Finca, jaz jih imam že naložene:

Objavil Tominator dne 03.06.2018 ob 22:25
film je odličen, res vreden ogleda, ampak toplo priporočam, da si potegnete podnapise iz opensubtitles... se je en finec potrudu in naložil gor, da se da spodobno pogledati, ker tole kar je priloženo zraven je samo za glavobol...


19. mar 2014

Kaj je tok krneki? Ne upraviči (relativno) dobrih ocen filma? https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hereditary

Film je popolno razočaranje. Dolgočasen, slabo režiran, večnima slabo zaigran, brez repa in glave. Definitivno pa ni grozljiv ali strašen.

Potem sem prebral en komentar (sicer je hec), da je šlo verjetno za eksperiment, da se vidi, kako kritiki ne ocenjujejo s svojo glavo. Najprej zadevo napihneš in potem gledaš, kako vsi kritiki pritegnejo zraven, ker ne želijo odstopat.

Dejansko se to napihovanje slabih filmov čisto preveč dogaja...
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: BornSkeptic


6. sep 2007
Ja kriza, potem pa tega najverjetneje ne bom dol vlekel pa me je prvotni opis kar pritegnil. Hvala za mnenje.


19. mar 2014
pa prvi deadpool mi je bil še zabaven, ta drugi gre pa definitivno v kategorijo napihovanja oz. "ocenam filmov na netu ni več za verjet"


22. jul 2007
Jaz potegnem film dol glede na mnenja uporabnikov forumov. Kateri niso namenjeni filmom, ampak je to stvar postranske debate. Kot recimo tu.