Boeing 747 zletel s steze


2. mar 2010
Švicarski ATC, tudi Japonski ATC (torej ne neki "Balkanci") je 1.5 leta prej skoraj povzročil tragedijo

TCAS je opozarjal, da se vektorja (tenzora) poti sekata

Če se oglasi TCAS alarm, ima pilot nekje do max. 35s časa da ukrepa

Natančnost navigacije je brezhibna
Gps jamming, pa ravno ti si dal nekje v temi link.


2. mar 2010
2011 ponovno Švicarski atc, "igre brez meja" med ch atc in tcas ra

tu piše da sta se letali zgrešili za 30 m
  • 2011 Fribourg near-collision, involving Germanwings Airbus A319 Flight 2529 and Hahn-Air-Lines Raytheon Premier I Flight 201. Air traffic control at Geneva allowed flight 2529 to sink to flight level 250 (25,000 feet [7,620 m]) but entered flight level 280 (28,000 feet [8,534 m]) as usual for handover to traffic control at Zürich. Air traffic control at Zürich allowed flight 201 to climb to flight level 270 (27,000 feet [8,230 m]). This triggered a resolution advisory (RA) for the Airbus to sink and for the Raytheon to climb which was followed by both aircraft. Nine seconds later Geneva instructed the Raytheon to sink to flight level 260 (26,000 feet [7,925 m]) which they then followed. It led to a situation where both planes passed at 100 feet (30 m) minimum distance. Shortly later the Raytheon was lower than the Airbus and TCAS issued a reversal RA for the Airbus to climb and for the Raytheon to sink.[4]


1. feb 2008

Gps jamming, pa ravno ti si dal nekje v temi link.
Jamming (izguba signala) in spoofing (napačna pozicija/čas) sta prisotna na znanih območjih, drugje deluje gps zanesljivo in natančno.
Hecno je, ko dobiš zaradi napačne pozicije na 35,000ft sredi morja med Sudanom in Savdsko arabijo GPWS "terrain pull up" in naenkrat celotno terensko karto na navigacijskem zalonu rdečo, kot da si pod vsem terenom.
  • Wow
Reactions: novaa


18. jul 2007
2011 ponovno Švicarski atc, "igre brez meja" med ch atc in tcas ra

tu piše da sta se letali zgrešili za 30 m
  • 2011 Fribourg near-collision, involving Germanwings Airbus A319 Flight 2529 and Hahn-Air-Lines Raytheon Premier I Flight 201. Air traffic control at Geneva allowed flight 2529 to sink to flight level 250 (25,000 feet [7,620 m]) but entered flight level 280 (28,000 feet [8,534 m]) as usual for handover to traffic control at Zürich. Air traffic control at Zürich allowed flight 201 to climb to flight level 270 (27,000 feet [8,230 m]). This triggered a resolution advisory (RA) for the Airbus to sink and for the Raytheon to climb which was followed by both aircraft. Nine seconds later Geneva instructed the Raytheon to sink to flight level 260 (26,000 feet [7,925 m]) which they then followed. It led to a situation where both planes passed at 100 feet (30 m) minimum distance. Shortly later the Raytheon was lower than the Airbus and TCAS issued a reversal RA for the Airbus to climb and for the Raytheon to sink.[4]
Tule (in v post višje primeru) je neposredni vzrok bližnjega srečanja (ali nesreče) na strani pilota, ki ni upošteval TCAS, kontrolor pa je bil le tisti, ki je zaradi napake povzročil pogoje za nastanek take situacije. Kontrolor je, v končni fazi, le svetovalec - končno besedo ima pilot. TCAS dela brez napak. kontrolorji ne.


25. okt 2007


6. sep 2007
Boeing, boeing, boeing... o_O

Accident: Delta B739 at Salt Lake City on Sep 15th 2024, cabin did not pressurize

By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, Sep 16th 2024 11:19Z, last updated Friday, Sep 20th 2024 01:57Z

A Delta Airlines Boeing 737-900, registration N916DU performing flight DL-1203 from Salt Lake City,UT to Portland,OR (USA) with 140 people on board, was climbing out of Salt Lake City's runway 16L when the crew stopped the climb at 9000 feet due to a cabin pressure warning. The aircraft landed safely back on runway 16R about 16 minutes after departure.

A passenger reported: "I noticed my ears were popping much more than normal upon takeoff. A few minutes after departure, there was a rapid level off and possible descent. ... We landed no more than 10 minutes later, obviously overweight with a hard landing and heavy braking. My ears were popping the entire time and some children behind me were screaming in pain. After a few minutes ... we taxied back to a gate where paramedics came on board where they attended to multiple people with apparent ear pain. I heard that multiple people were taken to the hospital. A replacement plane was provided with the same crew a few hours later."

Another passenger reported a collegue had blood coming out of the ears, which turned out to be ruptured eardrums. About 10-15 passengers were taken to a hospital.

The airline reported the aircraft was unable to pressurize the cabin, the passenger oxygen masks did not deploy. A number of passengers were met by paramedics after landing.

A replacement Boeing 737-900 registration N807DN reached Portland with a delay of about 5.5 hours.

The airline later reported during flight DL-1203 of Sep 15th 2024 at an altitude of 10,000 feet the crew had been unable to control the cabin pressure and apologized.