Dan Culton6 hours ago
We need to start protecting our kids like the Israelis do, arm the teachers.
This of course will never happen and because of it this tradegy will occur again.
Richard6 hours ago
This is the type of courage one would expect from a soldier! What a remarkable woman, and what a tragic loss for every American. She was the daughter, sister and friend that everyone of us wants. I never met her, yet I share the loss and pain.
Uporabnik SJTV1 pravi:
Na Žurnalu pa res obvladajo. M4A3 ni polavtomatks apuška, je kar lepo avtomatska. Bushmaster pa je polavtomatski, ker se ne sme avtomatskih prodajat v štacunah. Pa ni različica, je sicer v sorodu, ampak mehanizem je precej drugačen, ne le navaden z zablokirano možnostjo avtomatskega delovanja, ampak samo polavtomatski (spet: predpisi).
Uporabnik QBR pravi:
Letošnjo nagrado za mir je dobila EU.