Ni treba, sej so jajošitsteki fantazirali o državljanski vojni, jo pa naj naredijo ,5 busov penzjonistov je upam da dost za vojsko, Voje jih bo pa vodil v napadCitat:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Za kokanje pa ponudiš svojo družino?
Ni treba, sej so jajošitsteki fantazirali o državljanski vojni, jo pa naj naredijo ,5 busov penzjonistov je upam da dost za vojsko, Voje jih bo pa vodil v napadCitat:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Za kokanje pa ponudiš svojo družino?
kdo že je ponujal neko "premirje dokler traja kriza s priseljenci ? En æefur al kaj je že bil ? Res se ne spomnim dobro, očitno res preveč podatkov..Citat:
Uporabnik capl pravi:
Ni treba, sej so jajošitsteki fantazirali o državljanski vojni, jo pa naj naredijo ,5 busov penzjonistov je upam da dost za vojsko, Voje jih bo pa vodil v napadCitat:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Za kokanje pa ponudiš svojo družino?
Syria (44 000 first time asylum applicants, or 21% of the total number of first time applicants in the EU) was during
the second quarter of 2015 the main country of citizenship of asylum seekers in the EU. Of the 44 000 Syrians
who applied for the first time for asylum in the EU in the second quarter 2015, more than three quarters were
registered in four Member States: Germany (16 300), Hungary (8 400), Austria (5 300) and Sweden (3 900). In
total, Syrians represented the main citizenship of asylum seekers in ten EU Member States.
Afghanistan (27 000 first time asylum applicants, or 13% of the total number of first time applicants in the EU)
represented the second main country of citizenship of asylum seekers in the EU in the second quarter 2015. Of the
27 000 Afghans seeking asylum protection for the first time in the EU during the period April-June 2015, more than
half (13 600) applied in Hungary.
With 17 700 first time applicants (or 8% of the EU total) during the second quarter 2015, Albania completed the top
3 citizenships of asylum seekers in the EU. Almost 90% of them applied in Germany (15 400).
20 asylum seekers went on hunger strike: They demand 2,000 euros net pocket money
The refugee crisis has many faces. A particularly ugly currently get to see the Carinthian. In St. Kanzian am Klopeinersee were 20 asylum seekers on hunger strike: They demand 2,000 euros net per month pocket money and instead of strangers cards that are given to you as an asylum seeker, a proper passport. The incident on Wednesday, says a police report. The chairman of the Carinthian Freedom Party, Christian Ragger, described this action as "outrageous demands", which shows that some speculated to be able to exploit the welfare state.
Press conference did not materialize
"The whole thing shows that you have to the question of refugees approaching very differentiated. Obviously there among refugees throughout misconceptions of what to expect in Austria or Germany. Asylum brings rights and responsibilities. About the latter is hardly informed," said Ragger. In order to enforce their demands for more pocket money, came the asylum not only on hunger strike, but they wanted to - as it became known - also organize a press conference, the then but did not materialize. Use the media that are aware of this issue, it was hoped apparently even more support for the desire for more pocket money.
Particularly outrageous the claim of the 20 hunger strikers from St. Kanzian appears when one uses the income of the Austrians for comparison. So a minimum pensioner comes to no more than 872.31 euros per month (according to Pension Insurance Institution). But of which he must cover its housing needs also. Even a couple who refers Mind Espen Sion does not come to more than 1307.89 Euro, although it has worked hard all his life in Austria and the country paid taxes. But with these people currently has none of the government members compassion. The currently heard throughout the refugees.
Uporabnik yahel pravi:
Uporabnik shift pravi:
a so jih grki popisali?kolikor mi je znano so oni tisti ki bi jih morali popisati?
a da jih bomo vračali?aha zato se peljejo naši avtobusu proti šentilju
G.Žnidarjeva je ravnokar na tiskovni konferenci povedala, da kordona v Sloveniji NI in se ga ne izvaja, migrante se ne vozi proti Avstriji.
Torej laž kar praviš.
Razen glede Grkov se pa strinjam ampak kot rečeno, Grki so cigoti tako kot Hrvati...neciviliziran narod katere nikoli ne bi smeli pustiti v EU.
Uporabnik yahel pravi:
Čaki, a meja ko nekoga zajebeš je tam, da nekoga 10x bolj zajebeš kot prvega?
Če so zajebali Madžare, potem so tudi nas. Razlika je samo v intenziteti.
Kako bedarije kvasiš
Uporabnik yahel pravi:
Ja pravim da lažeš, praviš da jih naši avtobusi organizirano vozijo tja tako kot hrvati
Fajn, ko bodo lacni bodo ze jedli.Citat:
Uporabnik yahel pravi:
20 cigotov v Avstriji gladovno štrajka, ker ne dobijo 2000eur mesečno
Uporabnik shift pravi:
Uporabnik yahel pravi:
Ja pravim da lažeš, praviš da jih naši avtobusi organizirano vozijo tja tako kot hrvati
pa ti znaš brat ali si kje videl da sem napisal da jih organizirano vozijo,nekontrolirano jih spuščamo naprej,z busi,vlaki in celo peš,a bo zdej šlo
Uporabnik shift pravi:
a da jih bomo vračali?aha zato se peljejo naši avtobusu proti šentilju