Vojna v Ukrajini

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.


11. sep 2007
Pred nocojšnjim nadaljevanjem pogovorov med Rusijo in Ukrajino je ruski zunanji minister Sergej Lavrov dejal, da Moskva vztraja pri demilitarizaciji Ukrajine in določitvi seznama določenega udarnega orožja, ki ne sme biti nikoli nameščeno na ukrajinskem ozemlju.

"Treba je določiti tipe udarnega orožja, ki ne bodo nikoli nameščeni v Ukrajini in se jih tam ne bo razvijalo," je dejal Lavrov v pogovoru za Al Džaziro, ki je bil objavljen na strani ruskega zunanjega ministrstva. Po njegovih besedah Rusija priznava Volodomirja Zelenskega za ukrajinskega voditelja in kot pozitiven korak pozdravlja njegovo odločitev, da si želi varnostna zagotovila za Ukrajino.

WOW! končno nekaj dobrih novic! vem da je nekdo že objavil, ampak tak korak mora biti dvakrat objavljen!

WOW, nobenih nacistov, narokomanov, denacifikacije, odstranitev, zamenjava vlade, odvzem ozemlja, ipd...

WOW, upam samo, da je tudi Putin požegnal tole izjavo.


5. sep 2007
Eritreja je zaresna država al kakšno svetopisemsko pleme... Eritrejci? :sprasujemse:

eni glavnih plavalcev čez sredozemsko morje

tko piše mmc:
Istega leta, se pravi 1993, je na oblast prišel prvi, in trenutno tudi edini, eritrejski predsednik Isaias Afwerki. Pod njegovo 23-letno vladavino je Eritreja zdrsnila v mednarodno izolacijo, ki so jo zaznamovali posredni in neposredni spori z Etiopijo, Sudanom, Jemnom in Džibutijem. Prislužila si je tudi nelaskavi vzdevek Severna Koreja Afrike.


7. okt 2013
Saj so tudi Jugoslavijo bombardirali brez soglasja UN. Ubogi NATO, ZDA, koalicija še danes trpijo za hudimi sankcijami...
Čak mal? A ti resno vlečeš vzporednice. Me pa res zanima na kero državo je Ukrajina usmerla agresijo in klanje, da je blo zadost in se je nekak ukrepal, tko k s Srbijo.
Dokler je blo to usmerjeno sam na vojsko in zaščito unih dveh republik bi blo to sicer nesprejemljivo, sam bi bil za Ruse way back. Ko je začel padat po mestih, je pa ratala stvar zelo resna, EU pa presenetljivo enotna, ostali svet pa tud. Očitno in hvala kurcu noben noče ww3. Pa Ukrajinska propaganda gor ali dol. Tud kle se bije vojna, ni vse v metkih. To je že Kaco pokazal leta 91 v Cankarjevem domu.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Ginginova


19. mar 2014
eni glavnih plavalcev čez sredozemsko morje

tko piše mmc:
Istega leta, se pravi 1993, je na oblast prišel prvi, in trenutno tudi edini, eritrejski predsednik Isaias Afwerki. Pod njegovo 23-letno vladavino je Eritreja zdrsnila v mednarodno izolacijo, ki so jo zaznamovali posredni in neposredni spori z Etiopijo, Sudanom, Jemnom in Džibutijem. Prislužila si je tudi nelaskavi vzdevek Severna Koreja Afrike.
sej vem, samo zajebaval sem se...

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Čak mal? A ti resno vlečeš vzporednice. Me pa res zanima na kero državo je Ukrajina usmerla agresijo in klanje, da je blo zadost in se je nekak ukrepal, tko k s Srbijo.
Dokler je blo to usmerjeno sam na vojsko in zaščito unih dveh republik bi blo to sicer nesprejemljivo, sam bi bil za Ruse way back. Ko je začel padat po mestih, je pa ratala stvar zelo resna, EU pa presenetljivo enotna, ostali svet pa tud. Očitno in hvala kurcu noben noče ww3. Pa Ukrajinska propaganda gor ali dol. Tud kle se bije vojna, ni vse v metkih. To je že Kaco pokazal leta 91 v Cankarjevem domu.

Ni vzporednica med vojnama, temveč o tem, kakšne posledice bi/bo imela obsodba v UN...


6. sep 2007
Na netu sem že pred dnevi zasledil fotografije in video iz kraja dogodka, ko je bilo že vse mimo, zdaj pa se je na netu znašel tudi video, ki ga je posnel eden od ubitih, od vseh skupaj je preživel zgolj en pes. Bolj občutljivim odsvetujem ogled. Se nimam za (preveč) občutljivega pa se kar malo tresem od jeze in žalosti...



13. dec 2015
WOW! končno nekaj dobrih novic! vem da je nekdo že objavil, ampak tak korak mora biti dvakrat objavljen!

WOW, nobenih nacistov, narokomanov, denacifikacije, odstranitev, zamenjava vlade, odvzem ozemlja, ipd...

WOW, upam samo, da je tudi Putin požegnal tole izjavo.
Glede na dogajanje in eskalacije, Rusom ni nič za verjeti.
Zarolej si Putinove izjave pred invazijo....

Ameriškimi obveščevalnimi so se pa vsi smejali za paničarjenje..
Če je to vsaj malo res, potem sankcije prijemlejo, bolje kot smo si želeli v mokrih sanjah...

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Treba je določiti tipe udarnega orožja, ki ne bodo nikoli nameščeni v Ukrajini in se jih tam ne bo razvijalo," je dejal Lavrov v pogovoru za Al Džaziro, ki je bil objavljen na strani ruskega zunanjega ministrstva. Po njegovih besedah Rusija priznava Volodomirja Zelenskega za ukrajinskega voditelja in kot pozitiven korak pozdravlja njegovo odločitev, da si želi varnostna zagotovila za Ukrajino

Al Jazzera nima tega nikjer objavljeno, prav tako nima tega posnetka rusko zunanje ministrstvo. Zadnja izjava, ki jo je dal Lavrov in povzeela Al Jazeera:

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said “Ukraine has the capability and the technology to manufacture a nuclear weapon… The mission is clear: to disarm Ukraine and not deploy and manufacture any weapons that threaten Russia’s security.”

Lavrov added Russia had made its requests clear. “President Putin has repeatedly expressed our position, which our delegation conveyed in the talks with Ukraine in Belarus: Crimea is part of Russia; recognising the Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics within the borders of the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk; the eradication of Nazism as was the case with Nazi Germany,” he said.
15. jan 2019

Ne vem, če obstaja večje dno od tega našega domobranca.

Le dve leti nazaj: Zelenski ni bil heroj, v Janševem propagandnem glasilu je bil označen za ruskega plačanca in propadlega komika, podobnega Šarcu
19. jul 2007
Al Jazzera nima tega nikjer objavljeno, prav tako nima tega posnetka rusko zunanje ministrstvo. Zadnja izjava, ki jo je dal Lavrov in povzeela Al Jazeera:

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said “Ukraine has the capability and the technology to manufacture a nuclear weapon… The mission is clear: to disarm Ukraine and not deploy and manufacture any weapons that threaten Russia’s security.”

Lavrov added Russia had made its requests clear. “President Putin has repeatedly expressed our position, which our delegation conveyed in the talks with Ukraine in Belarus: Crimea is part of Russia; recognising the Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics within the borders of the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk; the eradication of Nazism as was the case with Nazi Germany,” he said.

Strani ruskega zunanjega ministrstva (google translate) (https://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1802485/)

Originalni citat je bil iz RtvSlo

02.03.2022 19:00
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview with Al Jazeera, Moscow, March 2, 2022

Question: Many people did not fully believe that Russia would launch a special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian side has repeatedly voiced the reasons, including the threat of a military-strategic nature from Kiev. What threats did Ukraine have or may have, forcing Russia to launch a military operation?

Sergey Lavrov: This story dates back to much earlier. And not even in 2014, when a bloody coup d'état was committed in Ukraine with the support of the West, but in the early 1990s, while the USSR ceased to exist. The Soviet (then Russian) leaders Boris Yeltsin and Eduard Shevardnadze were promised by their Western colleagues that there would be no geopolitical turning point, NATO would not take advantage of the new situation and would not move its infrastructure to the east. Moreover, it will not accept new members. The British archives published the relevant records of the negotiations. Once again, it became crystal clear.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has repeatedly spoken out on this issue in his public speeches. Instead of fulfilling the promise and ensuring stability in Europe, NATO undertook five waves of eastward expansion. Moreover, all of them were accompanied by the deployment of the armed forces of the alliance members in these territories. They said that "on a temporary basis," but it quickly turned into a permanent one – all the time creating a military infrastructure. Now neutral EU member states or states such as Switzerland are also trying to involve NATO in meeting the needs. The "Military Mobility" project forces Austria, Sweden, Finland to provide transport capabilities so that NATO can transfer its armed forces. "NATOcentricity" becomes all-encompassing. The European Union, for all its slogans about the need for "strategic autonomy of Europe", is by no means inspired by this topic and perfectly agrees to be an obedient "appendage" of the North Atlantic Alliance.

This period was accompanied by a frank provocation of the post-Soviet states (primarily Ukraine): they say, you have to decide who you are with – with Russia or the West. They sounded directly "head-on", starting from the first "Maidan" in 2003, and this was also the case at the subsequent stage, when Ukraine under V.F. Yanukovych decided to wait a little with the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, because it contradicted the long-existing agreement on a free trade zone with the CIS. Viktor Yanukovych understood that it was necessary to harmonize the trade regime with Russia and other CIS countries and with Europe. That is why Brussels organized the "Maidan" and the protests, which resulted in bloody confrontations in February 2014.

Then "peace" had already been achieved. A settlement agreement was signed with Viktor Yanukovych. He resigned from all powers and held elections ahead of schedule (which he would not have won). Poland, France and Germany, who guaranteed this agreement, after the opposition committed a coup d'état and trampled on their guarantees, remained silent, as we say, "in a rag." They even began to welcome the forces that came to power, by and large, the putschists. These putschists first of all announced that they were abolishing the special status of the Russian language in Ukraine, did not want to see Russians in the Crimea, and sent armed gangs there. Crimeans refused to obey those who committed the coup d'état.

That's when it all happened. It all started at that time. People who openly encouraged neo-Nazi sentiments in society, the creation of appropriate organizations marching on torchlight processions with portraits of Hitler's criminals with openly neo-Nazi and Russophobic slogans came to power. The West accepted all this without meekness. Many even supported and encouraged in every possible way. Then the topic of Ukraine's accession to NATO began. V.A. Zelensky came to power under the slogans of peace and the need to save human lives, to prevent the death of either Ukrainians or Russians. In the end, he became the same Russophobe as the government of P.A. Poroshenko. V.A. Zelensky called people in Donbass "individuals". Under the previous president, Prime Minister A.P. Yatsenyuk called them "non-humans".

V.A. Zelensky did not do anything about the ongoing bloody war against his own people. He, in fact, lied, promising to restore order when they signed numerous agreements with representatives of the Donbass. He violated them without blinking an eye. All these eight years, we have tried to appeal to the conscience of the West and to reason with this regime, which has acquired all the outlines of ultra-radical and neo-Nazi. There was nothing the West could do. I think he did not even want to do anything, because even then Ukraine (and until 2014) was used as a tool to contain Russia. The whole current situation has developed due to the fact that the West refused to recognize the Equal Rights of the Russian Federation in the organization of the European security architecture.

This is confirmed by the reaction of the leading NATO countries, primarily the United States, to the initiatives that President Vladimir Putin put forward in December 2021 on the need to honestly implement what was agreed. No one should, even choosing their possible military alliances, do anything that would infringe on the security of any other country. This commitment was approved at the highest level, signed by the presidents and heads of government of the OSCE countries within the framework of the NATO-Russia Council. The West categorically refuses to comply with it. Zelensky said that if Russia does not stop demanding that Ukraine fulfill its obligations, then he will think about Ukraine regaining its nuclear weapons. It was a little too much.

Q: Was that the most important thing?

Sergey Lavrov: No. It all piled up. There are drops that overflow the cup of patience. I would suggest considering all that I have listed as an everyday argument, a phenomenon that convinced us day after day that the West had set a course for using Ukraine to contain Russia, to create an "anti-Russia", a "hostile belt". For a couple of years, Ukraine has been pumped with weapons, and recently it has been especially active. The Americans and the British built military and naval bases there, for example, on the Sea of Azov. Through the Pentagon, military biological laboratories were created in order to continue experiments on bacteria. This program of the Americans is classified. It exists in other countries of the former Soviet Union right along the perimeter of the Russian Federation. Pumping Ukraine with a military component hostile to us was very active. Let me remind you that President of Russia Vladimir Putin has spoken about this more than once. In 2014, probably, nothing would have happened, there would have been no unrest in the east of Ukraine, there would have been no referendum in Crimea, if the agreement guaranteed by the Germans, the French and the Poles had been implemented. But they have shown their inability to force Kiev to respect the signatures of the so-called Eurogrands. Now there is a conversation about how the European Union can play an independent role in efforts to ensure European security. I think that the European Union played its main "role" in 2014, when it could not force it to respect its guarantees. A putsch took place, putschists moved gangs of armed militants to Crimea when Crimea held a referendum, rejected the putschists and reunited with the Russian Federation. This is the EU's greatest contribution to European security. If this had not happened in Crimea, if it had remained Ukrainian, now there would be NATO military bases, which is categorically unacceptable for Russia.

Question: Does Ukraine have the potential to create nuclear weapons, a threat to Russia?
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Reactions: Davidoff
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