Vojna v Ukrajini 2


16. mar 2008
Ameriški ujetniki nasmejani v prostosti, ruska svoboda pa izgleda malo manj srečna... Gulag čaka.
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30. jul 2022
Sankcije ne delujejo, čez $20mio dnevne izgube.

Gazprom began selling off assets after a record loss in history

After the first loss in 25 years and a record loss in its history, Gazprom is starting to sell its assets.

On Wednesday, the company announced that it was looking for buyers for large real estate in Moscow and the Moscow Oblast. These include office buildings on Stroiteley Street, the Imperial Park Hotel & Spa sanatorium complex in the Pervomaiskoye settlement, the village of Rogozino, non-residential premises on the first floor of a house on Novocheremushkinskaya Street, as well as a 96-space parking lot near the company's headquarters in Moscow.

The decision was made "taking into account the completion of the relocation of Gazprom Group companies to St. Petersburg," explained the company's press service.

Last year, Gazprom, in accordance with IFRS, suffered a net loss of 629 billion rubles, recorded a 27% decline in revenues and a halving of EBITDA. The gas business of the company, which has the largest reserves in the world, has become unprofitable (by 1.2 trillion rubles per year), and Gazprom's debt has reached a record amount of 6.65 trillion rubles, exceeding the size of the liquid part of the National Welfare Fund (5 trillion rubles).

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1. jun 2011
Sankcije ne delujejo, čez $20mio dnevne izgube.

Gazprom began selling off assets after a record loss in history

After the first loss in 25 years and a record loss in its history, Gazprom is starting to sell its assets.

On Wednesday, the company announced that it was looking for buyers for large real estate in Moscow and the Moscow Oblast. These include office buildings on Stroiteley Street, the Imperial Park Hotel & Spa sanatorium complex in the Pervomaiskoye settlement, the village of Rogozino, non-residential premises on the first floor of a house on Novocheremushkinskaya Street, as well as a 96-space parking lot near the company's headquarters in Moscow.

The decision was made "taking into account the completion of the relocation of Gazprom Group companies to St. Petersburg," explained the company's press service.

Last year, Gazprom, in accordance with IFRS, suffered a net loss of 629 billion rubles, recorded a 27% decline in revenues and a halving of EBITDA. The gas business of the company, which has the largest reserves in the world, has become unprofitable (by 1.2 trillion rubles per year), and Gazprom's debt has reached a record amount of 6.65 trillion rubles, exceeding the size of the liquid part of the National Welfare Fund (5 trillion rubles).

Bo treba počakat na nevtralne, da nam potrdijo ali je to zahodna propaganda ali ne.
Mi žal nimamo dostopa do zanesljivih virov.


30. jul 2022
Itak da je zahodna propaganda, Gazprom zato prodaja ker ima preveč vsega. :evil:

Prihodki +7%, stroški proizvodnje + 15%...samo to ni važno, glavno da so povečani prihodki (Made in China). Do konca leta bo še pestro :srce:
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YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008