Parada ponosa


Rezultati so vidni samo po glasovanju.


barbarski, nasilni, objestni motoristični norec
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
No ja tukaj si pa čez usekal. Veš zakaj taka nestrpnost do južnakov, ker se imate za več vredne, delate neumnosti, nočete govoriti Slovensko. Sicer pa tudi na Švedskem se vse obrača, vas imajo že poln kufer ker se niste sposobni prilagajati. Drgač pa dobite vse od stanovanj, do služb.... pred nami Slovenci. Po % gledano, da ne rečem poleg Romov ste največji odjemalci sociale.
Kar pa se homosexualcev tiče imajo vso pravico o porok, dedovanja, nimajo pa pravice imeti otrok, saj jim narava tega ni podarila.

no ko to preberem od legende kot si ti potem lahko samo rečem... mea culpa

dj 8ka pust te tvoje anti južne finte za tvoje obritoglavce


barbarski, nasilni, objestni motoristični norec
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik The_Red_Devil pravi:
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Nihče ni nikoli rekel da bi morali vsi otroki hoditi k verouku, ti bi svoje otroke lahko imel pri učenju recimo kakšnega južnega jezika.

Sej ločiš OŠ učni program in prosti čas ne? Upam, da vsaj dojemaš kakšen plus je znanje kakšnega tujega jezika.

on južne jezike nima za tuje;-)


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Za marsikoga srbohrvaščina ni tuj jezik, ne rečem pojdi se učiti ruščine, grščine.

ghibli, nisem skin, nisem proti homosexualcem niti proti levičarjem, moti me le to da ste dvoličneži. Lapate eno delate drugo, z moderatorji na čelu.


22. sep 2008
Višek hipokrizije je zame to da se pred parlamentom boriš za to da pedri nebi imel otrok (ker je to defacto slabo za otroka), ne prijaviš pa soseda ki dnevno pretepa komplet familijo. Moral bi se najt junak in včeraj med udeleženci narest anketo, koliko ljudi je že prijavilo soseda, sorodnika, znanca zaradi slabega vpliva/zanemarjanja otrok. Primerjava je zguljena do konca, ampak dejansko, če me skrbi za otroke drugih naj me za vse, ne nekako mal selektivno kakor se mi zazdi.


18. sep 2007
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
No, še ti povej, koliko pedrov poznaš, ki bi radi posvojili otroka.

Do sedaj Evrofil pozna 2.

Nekam hecno je sprejemati zakone zaradi par posameznikov, kaj praviš?

Jaz tudi poznam dve punci. Živita skupaj že vrsto let. Neverjetno inteligentni, ena bo kmalu zaključila z magisterijem. Neverjetno topli in odprti osebi katerima bi brez pomisleka "dovolil" imeti svojega otroka. Žal pa je oploditev "možna" mislim, da samo v UK, kar je pa trenutno še malce previsok strošek.


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Ni veliko razlike med tema jezikama, aha oprosti sem mogoče na žulj stopil, da srbski jezik dajem v isti koš kot hrvaškega, kot mulc nisi imel jajca pa govoril to je srbski to je hrvaški jezik? Dvoličnost?

Nisem bil tam ker se mi zdi bedno, ker sam NIMAM proti homosexualcem ama nič, imam pa svoje mnenje da otrok taki ne bi smeli posvajati. Drgač pa ne poznam nikogar da tepe svoje otroke ali ženo, na srečo je tega verjetno malo.


22. sep 2008
No jaz pa ne poznam nobenega ki nebi poznal vsaj 5 takih primerov v bližnji okolici. Sem štejem tudi psihično nasilje, ki je praviloma precej hujše in ga je težje preprečit od fizičnega.


18. sep 2007
Kok pa poznaš homoseksualcev? Ne mislim na te ki veselo skačejo na paradi s pobrito glavo ali violičnimi lasmi ter pirsingom na vsakem mestu in jih gledaš po televiziji?

Aja pa glede nasilja med družinami. Verjamem, da nobenega ne poznaš ampak a ni zanimivo, da kadarkoli je družinska tragedija in se pobijejo med seboj, so vsi sosedje presenečeni, šokirani, da so bili pa oni tako topli in priajzni pa brez problemov... beri: videz vara.
Nazadnje urejeno:
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Ni veliko razlike med tema jezikama, aha oprosti sem mogoče na žulj stopil, da srbski jezik dajem v isti koš kot hrvaškega, kot mulc nisi imel jajca pa govoril to je srbski to je hrvaški jezik? Dvoličnost?

Jaz sem slovenec, ki je zrasel med bloki. Pri meni ni nacionalne nestrpnosti, ker imam prijatelje v vse smeri. Človek je človek, bedak pa bedak. Tako nekako se ločijo. Ne po kava in kafa.

Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Nisem bil tam ker se mi zdi bedno, ker sam NIMAM proti homosexualcem ama nič, imam pa svoje mnenje da otrok taki ne bi smeli posvajati. Drgač pa ne poznam nikogar da tepe svoje otroke ali ženo, na srečo je tega verjetno malo.

Sej shod ni bil "imate kaj proti homoseksualcem" ampak "posvojitev med homoseksualci, tako da nimaš izgovora, da nebi šel izrazit svojega nezadovoljstva. Primeš Ljudmilo pod roko in jo mahneta proti Ljubljani.


12. apr 2008
Uporabnik Alex pravi:
A že nehaš težiti s temi fotr - mat kriminalom, ker so vsepovsod deviacije. Da, tudi pri isto spolnih.

Another Case of Deadly Lesbian Domestic Violence in Massachusetts

Ojoj, freerepublic...bravo bolj desničarske strani nisi našel ali kaj :D Na, še par stvari s te popolnoma nepristranske strani :D Za perspektivo :D

vanity | May 26, 2011 | Jim Robinson
Posted on Fri May 27 2011 05:31:29 GMT+0200 (Central Europe Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson


This message is intended for those posters on FR who seem to have missed my prior statements in this regard and insist on advocating for these bastards.

I'd rather shut the place down than be involved in any effort to install abortionist/gay rights pushing RINOS like Romney or Giuliani into the White House!!

Do NOT push this crap on FR. Take your business elsewhere!! And I don't care how long you've been here!!


Condition children into thinking the abnormal is normal. You destroy the Bible and idea of God as you encourage destructive, nihilistic ideas that create dysfunctional people who put emotions above intellect.

Surest way to destroy the intellect of children and redirect it into narcissistic destruction. Sexual impulses are powerful and when you are controlled by passion, you are a slave to it. Intellect needs to control the passions to create a rational civil society. Homosexuals want to indoctrinate and seduce children into their lifestyle because they believe in pederasty even if they deny it. It is the foundation of homosexuality since it is learned behavior and sexual identity has to be twisted while a child is forming their sexual identity. This is understood even by Freud who knew that it is necessary in societies to repress sexual instinct. Marcuse wants to UNLEASH all restraints and have man/boy sex....because that is what happens when you have no sexual morals which is what you get with homosexuality.

Destroy the morality and virtue of a culture and you destroy it completely. Founders knew this and of course, Herbert Marcuse and those who control and write textbooks. They are all cultural Marxists.

4 posted on Sat May 28 2011 19:08:41 GMT+0200 (Central Europe Daylight Time) by savagesusie
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hey have a pass under Barack Hussein Obama, infinitum.
If Obama or the Liberals ask for another company to be smashed by Government regualations and there is any pushback, he can always pull the "I killed Osama Bin Laden" card. Forever. When my grandkids turn on History Channel in 2050, they will see a documentary showing a black President killing a boogeyman and then returning to the White House for another 4 years, bringing Socialism to the United States and eventually ushering the New World Order run by Soros and the Global Elites.

The celebration was staged also to coincide with the World Workers Day on May 1st, so the Marxists, Communists, Open Borders and Unions can all rememeber this as a day of celebration, and rally their troops to push for more Stalinist programs. Nothing is an accident with these Democrats (Axelrod, Soros, MSM).

Mark my words, unless there is another attack on US soil in the next 1.5 years, Obama will remain President through 2016...focus on the next VP pick, as they will be grooming whomever runs with Obama in 2012 for the 2016 the Chinese, there is a master plan years ahead of time, as the dimbulb GOP has morons like Lindsay Graham and pack-a-day Boehner weep over a 0.0003% cut from an anticipated budget.

The end of America as we know it has come, the collapse is imminent and you should prepare now for the coming insurrection.

An evil madman is dead and another is still in power at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

God Bless, FReepers, pray hard in the coming months.


Hey Louis, and anyone else who supports homosexual "marriage" - you know what's hateful? Promoting sexual perversion and mental illness as natural and normal, and even worse, forcing others to accept, tolerate, celebrate or any other way support mental, physical and spiritual sickness. Homosexuals are not born, they are made - mostly be being molested when young by older homosexuals. Fatherless families don't help either. And schools and media telling kids that "gay is good" and "if you've ever had a gay thought/desire/experience - you're one of OURS and you cannot change!" Now that is hate speech.

And the more the lies of the homosexual are pushed down the collective throat of society, the more peoples' lives are ruined. It's not hateful to criticize the "gay" agenda, it's sanity. It's tough love. Seek help. Don't seek to change society, because that's what "gay" marriage is actually all about - destroying the natural family and real marriage.


[RE: An Atheist Soldiers Orginization]

This is just another part of the DADT bull**** timebomb getting ready to go off and destroy our military. If it is important for these maggots to be recognized as being a bunch of godless bastards, this old dogface feels they should go look somewhere else to find that recognition. Try the Nobel committee. I’m sure the military will survive without them being in the racks. I’d be willing to bet a dollar to a donut that 99.9% of this crowd are homosexuals and pedophiles anyway. Flame away!


[A California bill would require the teaching of LGBT history in public schools.]

Please be advised that I'm 100% in favor of teaching homosexual history (I refuse to use the term "gay" for this abomination).
Here's the history lesson to be taught:



Sodomy nazis invented the word “homophobe” to disparage and prevent rational thinking on same-sex attraction disorder.

What sodomites really want in our society is affirmation—enthusiastic endorsement—and they don’t care if it comes at the point of a gun. There is a reason that they seem compelled to broadcast their practice of sodomy to the entire world, with stickers, flags, marches, indoctrination of children, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It’s not about rights: that’s just boob-bait for liberal bubbas. What they really want is for every single human being to applaud, pat them on the back, and tell them how strong and great they are for being sodomites, whenever and wherever they prance in and commence to swan about. They want to thrust their perversion into the face of each individual resident of planet Earth, and be met with nothing but compliments and homage. Not even that will make them happy, though, as they’ll still have to deal with their awareness of the disordered nature of their behavior.


Twenty years ago, I attended an “open house” at my daughters school. One of the subjects discussed was a lesson plan called “ free to be you and me” which taught that homosexuals were normal.

I stood up and said “ Why is it that homosexuals have a much higher rate of suicide than heterosexuals? Why is it that alcoholism is rampant in homosexuals? Why is it that the average life span is so much lower than heterosexuals?

Could it be because homosexuals have sexual intercourse with, lick, suck and eat human $hit?

I got thrown out, but the curriculum was not adopted ;-)

DC is already a joke of Liberalism gone full-bore. Blacks are in nearly 70% of all public officials, police, fire, etc. and they adhere to every anti-gun, anti-business, high-tax Left Wing program ever invented. There are black programs of every variety, including colleges, schools, libraries, government housing, etc.

It is a cesspool, like every other Democratic, Liberal city. Murder, drugs, poverty and crime are rampant. The corrupt, lazy officials scream for more money to throw at issues that have continued to be swept under the carpet, instead of nipped in the bud with common sense.

Conservatism built this nation, Liberalism is there to hand out spraypaint to deface it.


Torej? Te je že sram kje moraš iskati podporo za svoja stališča, če ne imam še dosti cvetk s freerepublic, ki jih res prikažejo v lepi luči