Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


13. sep 2007
Ja kako pa je zgledal janujovič, zabuhl pijanček...

Vseeno se gre za nek nivo komunikacije, ne vem zakaj bi bile potrebne žaljivke.


10. maj 2014
Končno so začeli razmišljat.

NYT: U.S. Considers Supplying Arms to Ukraine Forces, Officials Say


With Russian-backed separatists pressing their attacks in Ukraine, NATO’s military commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, now supports providing defensive weapons and equipment to Kiev’s beleaguered forces, and an array of administration and military officials appear to be edging toward that position, American officials said Sunday.
Secretary of State John Kerry, who plans to visit Kiev on Thursday, is open to new discussions about providing lethal assistance, as is Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, officials said. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who is leaving his post soon, backs sending defensive weapons to the Ukrainian forces.

In recent months, Susan E. Rice, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, has resisted proposals to provide lethal assistance, several officials said. But one official who is familiar with her views insisted that Ms. Rice was now prepared to reconsider the issue.
Fueling the broader debate over policy is an independent report to be issued Monday by eight former senior American officials, who urge the United States to send $3 billion in defensive arms and equipment to Ukraine, including anti-armor missiles, reconnaissance drones, armored Humvees and radars that can determine the location of enemy rocket and artillery fire.
But American officials acknowledge that Russia has repeatedly violated an agreement, reached in Minsk in September. The agreement called for an immediate cease-fire in Ukraine, the removal of foreign forces and the establishment of monitoring arrangements to ensure that the border between Ukraine and Russia would be respected.

In recent weeks, Russia has shipped a large number of heavy weapons to support the separatists’ offensive in eastern Ukraine, including T-80 and T-72 tanks, multiple-launch rocket systems, artillery and armored personnel carriers, Western officials say.

Some of the weapons are too sophisticated to be used by hastily trained separatists, a Western official said. NATO officials estimate that about 1,000 Russian military and intelligence personnel are supporting the separatist offensive while Ukrainian officials insist that the number is much higher.
All told, the separatists have captured 500 square kilometers — about 193 square miles — of additional territory in the past four months, NATO says. The assessment of some senior Western officials is that the Kremlin’s goal is to replace the Minsk agreement with an accord that would be more favorable to the Kremlin’s interests and would leave the separatists with a more economically viable enclave.
Russian casualties remain an unusually delicate political issue for Mr. Putin, who has denied that Russian troops have been ordered to fight in Ukraine.

The report by Ms. Flournoy and the other former officials argues that the United States and its allies should capitalize on this fact to dissuade the Russians and the separatists from expanding their offensive.

“One of the best ways to deter Russia from supporting the rebels in taking more territory and stepping up the conflict is to increase the cost that the Russians or their surrogates would incur,” Ms. Flournoy said in an interview.

The current stock of Ukrainian anti-armor missiles, the report notes, is at least two decades old, and most of them are out of commission. So the report recommends that the United States provide the Ukrainian military with light anti-armor missiles, which might include Javelin antitank missiles.

”Providing the Ukrainians with something that can stop an armored assault and that puts at risk Russian or Russian-backed forces that are in armored vehicles, I think, is the most important aspect of this,” she added.

The Obama administration has provided radars that can locate the source of mortars. But the report urges the United States to also provide radars that can pinpoint the location of longer-range rocket and artillery fire. Enemy rocket and artillery attacks account for 70 percent of the Ukrainian military’s casualties, the report says.

Ukraine, the report notes, also needs reconnaissance drones, especially since the Ukrainian military has stopped all flights over eastern Ukraine because of the separatists’ use of antiaircraft missiles supplied by Russia.
The report also urged the United States to provide military communications equipment that cannot be intercepted by Russian intelligence.

The report was issued jointly by the Atlantic Council, the Brookings Institution and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. The other officials who prepared it are Strobe Talbott, who served as deputy secretary of state in the Clinton administration; Charles F. Wald, a retired Air Force general who served as deputy commander of the United States European Command; Jan M. Lodal, a former Pentagon official; and two former ambassadors to Ukraine, John Herbst and Steven Pifer.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Kot sem rekel ze par strani nazaj...kot v oluji....nakonc bodo sam se satelitske koordinate dobival in se jih bo radiral na daljavo brez pehote


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Skoda da so morale za to past v obeh primerih zrtve...


18. apr 2013
Vsekakor se pozna več miljardna propagandna industrija vodena iz strani ZDA. A ne Pac-man?

Kdo v Rusiji je kupljen in od koga je dobro vprašanje.

Od kje "Demokracija" v Rusiji vemo...posledice so dobro uporabljene v propagandne namene....

Vse Pac-manove propagandne "letake" piše tista vojska, katere eksistenca je odvisna od eskalacije po svetu.

Ni čudno, da kar dežujejo taki "letaki" napisani izven konteksta po naravi po znanem "kuharskem" ključu...malo resnice, malo pol resnice in malo laži. Kako ne bi....ta vojska je plačana za to...

Ampak vse več ljudem je jasno kdo so kukacičja jajca

Pa to so uradna.....kakšna so šele tista, ki so podtaknjena iz strani CIE.


10. nov 2014
Jej, jej... Po 14ih dneh, pridem znova na forum in berem , kot po navadi v glavnem propagandne pamflete in vedno ene in iste nebuloze.... Pa dajmo vnest malo realnosti v tole Hollywoodsko pravljico.... Najprej tole.... " PARIS, February 1. /TASS/. French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Sunday called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, the press service of the French president said."........................... Vprašanje je zakaj sedaj... ???


10. nov 2014
Self-defence forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) on Sunday nipped an attempted breakthrough of two convoys with munitions for the Ukrainian troops trapped in Debaltsevo but let vehicles with would leave the area, a spokesman for the DPR defence ministry said.

"Early in the morning on February 1, the self-defence forces nipped attempted breakthrough of two convoys with munitions, fuels and foods for the Ukrainian troops trapped in Debaltsevo," said Eduard Basurin.

"Three convoys with medical and cargo vehicles with wounded Ukrainian soldiers were allowed to leave Debaltsevo," he stressed. "Our units blocking the Debaltsevo-Artemovsk highway were not shelled. Although, according to reconnaissance data, one of these convoys evacuated commanders of the Ukrainian army’s Debaltsevo unit."

"Over the past night and in the first half of the day on Sunday, the Ukrainian troops were regrouping forces to prepare a breakthrough from the Debaltsevo ring," Basurin said. "Armoured vehicles and personnel are beings witched from Debaltsevo to Popasny. According to reconnaissance data, the Ukrainian command plans another breakthrough attempt here."

He said that the DPR forces were reinforcing the ring arounf Debaltsevo.


10. nov 2014
Ukrainian artillery’s ragged shelling kills Ukrainian troops

Ukrainian troops often come under ragged friendly fire, Eduard Basurin said.

"On Sunday morning in Uglegorsk, three Ukrainian serviocemen blocked in a private house in the town;s eastern suburb agreed to surrender arms yield themselves to the DPR forces. But a Ukrainian Grad missile hit the house killing them all. Our servicemen were wounded," he said.

"This was not a sporadic case. A big number of Ukrainian troops are being killed as the Ukrainian artillery shells settlements Ukrainian servicemen are leaving," he said.


10. nov 2014
In the past 16 days Ukraine’s army lost 136 tanks

Ukraine’s army lost 57 troops, five tanks, seven armoured infantry carriers and 12 artillery systems in the past 24 hours, a spokesman for the defence ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said.

"Over the past 24 hours of combat operations, the Ukrainian army lost 57 troops, five tanks, seven combat infantry vehicles and 12 artillery units and mortars," he said. "Two field depots with munitions for Grad multiple launch rocket systems and conventional artillery were seized."

In the past 16 days, according to Basurin, Ukraine’s army lost 136 tanks, 110 combat infantry vehicles and armoured vehicles, 80 artillery units and mortars, and 58 cars. "Personnel losses stood at 1,569 people," he said.

H e also said that DPR security agencies were exposing and neutralizing small groups of Ukrainian soldiers in the settlements of Chernukhino and Uglegorks taken under DPR control on Saturday. "Nine Ukrainian servicemen were detained. Four of them have serious wounds. These people have been left here by their commanders while retreating to Debaltsevo," Basurin said, adding that the wounded had been offered medical assistance.


18. apr 2013
16 pac-mana kap

na zdej si mu pa naredu še več dela....propaganda za telebane press


10. nov 2014
Skratka... Za začetek, bi bilo tole povsem dovolj, da se pride do nekih resnejših zaključkov o trenutnem stanju v Ukrajini...


10. nov 2014
I want to briefly explain to the Ukrainian colleagues, what is the modern Russian army, and what would happen, if it would come to visit them in reality, and not in their wet dreams.

Firstly, today we use digital radio communication with local encryption. You can intercept it, but you cannot decipher it. The code changes in 50 minutes, an hour, an hour and twenty-two minutes - on arbitrary unpredictable schedule. Ukrainian military and the armed forces of Novorossia are using an old analog model, which you can listen to. And the Russian army now has communications which was previously only on secure communication lines, - you can only hear the crackling and a characteristic murmur.

Secondly, if the Russian army appears in front of UAF, it will be easy to determine.

The first sign - failure of all means of communication, full discharging of batteries in vehicles, tanks and other equipment, at the same time, discharge of batteries in mobile phones, the targets, and radio stations. Then, there is a rapture of electric circuits throughout all the equipment - all of it. This is EMP. All engines stall, no way to restart. This is how the system "X" works (in order to protect the author we do not specify the name), with a range of up to 20 km.

Second - complete failure of all systems using LCD monitors, the failure of all target-locating devices of the air defense system. This is how the complex "Altair" works (this is a known complex in the world, we can name it).

Third - a failure to deploy any kinds of guided missile weapons - from MANPADS to PTURS [anti-tank guided reactive missile]. Upon launching, the ammunition liquidates itself.

This is a battalion complex "Z" - on the basis of MTLB [multi-target light armored transporter]. Range - 15 kilometers.

Fourth - it is impossible to use a drone and low-flying aircraft. Their on board electronics will fail. This is system "Y". Then there is a complex "Avtobaza", which can forcibly land a drone.

What will happen next? Dozens (hundreds, if necessary) of the latest combat helicopters, flying over all the roads, start hunting for single armored vehicles, trains, cars. Railroad is paralyzed, bridges blown up. The lights go out on the home front - electric stations are out of service. Civil and military headquarters on the home front and separate leaders simultaneously are liquidated by the recon-subversive groups.

This is roughly how the Russian army would conduct military operations today. Therefore, the wet dreams about the "hero-cyborgs", spitting flame on hundreds of Russian tanks, are better left to science fiction writers


6. sep 2007
Tole se pa bere kot konkretna samohvala (ki se običajno "pod mizo val'a")


18. apr 2013
Manjka še legenda za ta članek...

z x,y označeni tisti sistemi, ki so del vojne tajne. Te in podobne sisteme imajo vse večje države na svetu in Izrael.Uporabljeni bodo samo v primeru resnih konfrontacij ali skrivoma.
Sisteme ki so poimenovani, so že znani in uporabljeni sistemi. Mnogi tudi v prodaji.

za točko š spomnite Irana, ki je prizemljil ameriški "drone"

Tako, da ne bo nekdo slučajno mislil kakšna znanstvena fantastika je je reala. Res pa je, da večino sistemov Rusi ne bi uporabili proti Ukrajini. Vrednost tajnosti in zmogljivosti teh sistemov je pre velika za tak "konfliktek".


10. nov 2014
Some 8,000 Ukrainian troops are believed to be surrounded near the village of Debaltsevo in Donbass, as militia units cut off the only road linking the pocket to Kiev-held territory. The servicemen have been offered the chance to surrender.

The forces of the People’s Republic of Donetsk (DPR) have stormed and captured the town of Uglegorsk, a stronghold of the Ukrainian army in the east of the country used for communication and supply. It is about 10 kilometers from Debaltsevo.


24. jul 2009
ampak ukrajinci imajo sigurno še kar nekaj starih ruskih tankov na zalogi
stari ruski tanki bi delali
nimajo nič elektronike pa še dizli so. ročni zagon pa gremo na juriš


18. apr 2013
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Tole se pa bere kot konkretna samohvala (ki se običajno "pod mizo val'a")

Da...namen tega članka je propaganda....vendar ni blef....danes je vprašanje bolj na mestu..Kdo ima boljše in močnejše takšne sisteme....Drugače pa kar se tiče elektrike in prenosa energije na razdalje....ja je bil razlog zakaj je FBI zapečatil Tesline načrte.

HAARP ni to kar ZDA pravijo in ni to kar "konspiratorji" pravijo. Eno je laganje...drugo pa "demage control" v primerih, ko kakšna informacija uide....In ja HAARP ni namenjen "človekoljubnim" zadevam niti kontroli vremena. Kaotični vpliv na vreme je le posledica uporabe tega "orožja", ki pa je le prototip. Znanost "ubijanja" je nekako 30 let pred dejansko znanostjo...Tako še nekaj malega za tiste, ki ne razumejo zakaj se tolko "ukvarjamo" z raznimi nebulozami okoli črnih lukenj in big banga...da ne govorim o "božjem" delcu itd. Kolk biljonov je šlo za cernov trkalnik? V tem času ste verjetno spregledal novico, ko so down play-al odkritje Higgsa..Pa tok dnarja so dali v vso to propagando...vključno s filmom. Ja...kolk je ovc, ki je sposobno spregledat "znanstvenike"? Malo ali skoraj nič. Idealka če mene vprašate.