The US-picked Ukraine President, billionaire oligarch Petro Poroshenko called “snap” elections at the end of August for October 26. He did so to make sure genuine opposition to his regime of murderers, gangsters and in some cases outright Nazis would be able to push an unprepared genuine opposition out of the Verkhovna Rada or Parliament. Because the parliament had significant opposition parties to the US-engineered February 22 coup d’etat, they had blocked many key pieces of legislation that the Western vultures were demanding, from changing key land ownership laws to privatization of precious state assets. By law, the old parliament would have sat until its five year term ended in October, 2017. That was clearly too long for State Department neo-con Ukraine puppet-mistress Victoria Nuland and her backers in Washington.
Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence, a fraudulent "hawkish" think tank
Readers of this blog may have heard of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence (CESI) that seems to promote a "hawkish" view on Russia's foreign policy. In his Twitter, Edward Lucas has recently raised doubts about the authenticity of this organisation, and, as I found out, for a good reason. Let's have a closer look at CESI.
According to their website, CESI "provides analysis and surveys of political, economic and security processes in Eurasia region. CESI was founded in 2014 with a focus on Russian policy of expansion and military aggression in the Eastern Europe". It lists the following individuals involved in the workings of the organisation:
- William Fowler, Chairman and CEO
- Alex Kraus, Chief Analyst
- Kelly Hunt, Chief Operating Officer
- Steven J. Hudson, Chief Geopolitical Analyst
- David Carpenter, Chief Economy Analyst
- Gareth McCallister, Jr., Information Supervisor
As Edward Lucas pointed out, William Fowler's profile picture in his Facebook is a picture of an anonymous "old businessman with gray hair and glasses".
CESI's website is registered in the name of Abigail Kalopong, and she is probably the most interesting person in the whole story.
She is a national and resident of Vanuatu, and appears to be a real person.
Another interesting thing about Abigail Kalopong is that, apart from being a "nominal director" of CESI, she is currently a director of 59 companies!
If you add companies registered in the name of Abigail Kalopung, you will have 86 companies in total.
Almost all her companies are registered with one and the same address (which is actually a mailbox): Office 11, 43 Bedford Street, London, United Kingdom, WC2E 9HA. If one looks at the companies that are registered with this address, they will see that all these companies are "offshore-type" businesses. Moreover, those are largely connected to companies in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as those associated with the regime of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and other Ukrainian businessmen.
- Kalopung's Fineberg Limited seems to own a yacht named "First Wave" that apparently belongs to Serhiy Arbuzov, chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine and, later, interim prime minister under Yanukovych;
- Kalopong's Helix Capital Investments Ltd. is a typical pyramid scheme that operates in Ukraine;
- Kalopong even "set up" a company named "Roshen UK Limited", most likely to "squat" the name of the Ukrainian company Roshen in the UK;
- around 75% of the Zaporizhia Automobile Building Plant is allegedly owned by three British companies, of which two are directed by the same Kalopong, but, eventually, are most likely owned by some Ukrainian or Russian businessmen.
CESI pictures Russia as an immediate threat to the West, but it does so in a manner that exaggerates the threat in order to discourage the West from opposing the aggressive politics of Moscow and impel to appease Putin's Russia at all costs.
The web-site of the bogus think-tank CESI is down. On their FB page, they write: "Our site is temporary unavailable because of attack. Sorry for inconvinience".
Alex Kraus has closed down his LinkedIn account, CESI have deleted all the videos on their YouTube channel, while the page of CESI's chairman "William Fowler" (who, I believe, does not exist) has been removed from Facebook.
Russia’s international reserves plunged the most in six years, losing $15.7 billion last week as the government and central bank pledged measures to support banks and defend the currency.
The value of the stockpile, which includes the central bank’s reserves and two sovereign wealth funds, fell to $398.9 billion in the week through Dec. 19, the Bank of Russia said today on its website. That is 22 percent drop from January.
The pure monetary component of the central bank’s reserves has dropped to about $172 billion, or enough to cover 6.5 months of imports, which is “still very far from critical levels,” according to Osakovskiy.
While Vedomosti quoted one unnamed attendee as saying some oligarchs were in a state of “confusion” and “tension” over the ruble crisis, Putin made things clear, Vedomosti said, telling them that the Kremlin and business had and would continue to have “close relations,” and that oligarchs should demonstrate “civic responsibility.” The means, Vedomosti quoted an unnamed senior banker as saying: by voluntarily converting at least 50 percent of their export dollars into rubles. “The government will help business, but let business help the government,” Putin was quoted as saying. In other words, the oligarchs will bail Russia out, and if they don’t, they’ll be tossed from their lucrative perches.
We were based at Rostov, a 20-kilometers from the Ukraine. We were based on the pretext start combined arms exercises. There were not only special forces and not only our team. Were still airborne troops, infantry, missile troops to the heap, and everyone started mirnenko to train on its territory
Secrecy was not special. We already knew and actually what we are going there for a reason. Well, what exercises just near the border when it is here on the territory of Ukraine there are such mess? We are there for a purpose, in fact, something came.
We always left alone in the night, only to KAMAZ, tents were closed, and went through the territory of Ukraine without light, without light, unloaded quickly, quietly, we just met in the dark militia, carried out in the correct box in the right box, we performed some task. No documents we are not taking all the insignia removed.
The first job was in July. (...) The task was pretty interesting: to recapture the checkpoint. He equipped, fortified, there were serious guys. This checkpoint was strategically important, it had to take.
The task was such that the shelling occurs, ie, working "Grad" with our own borders, without crossing it. They miss, then recharge, go already beyond borders of the Russian Federation, that is already working in Ukraine formally. And the essence of what was - they shelled, hitting the enemy, and we then just come back to finish off Nedobitko and hold the position until the militias will come. Militias come to KAMAZ, we change places. They take up the defense of all. Ostensibly this is all done militia and Russian special forces and as it was not present at that location.
And during the negotiations and planning was such a phrase which I immediately noticed. Said that for some intelligence for PPC have civilians, some small town was near. We were told that if they fall under the scope civilians, shoot them, too.
I was there once when capturing prisoners. They found American rifles, ammunition, American, American advanced suhpayki. Where do they get this? American form. Even ankle boots were American. Themselves, however, I did Americans living or the dead have not seen once. //malenkost naklada, ampak OK
Militias, by the way, there were many: KAMAZ, maybe four, one KAMAZ breaks forty people. All identified themselves. Designations were as follows: the left arm and left leg bandage was applied either, or PPI (individual dressing package - approx. Aut.). So we can recognize in the darkness of his. Each volunteer was exactly the same markings on the body. This was done in order not to shoot her.
And we just said that now would be an assault of this, well, this village, villages, well, I do not know what it was. Settlement some point in common.
Militias were allowed to fire from automatic weapons and fired at the village they are wild, very wild. Well, because of what they are warriors, the fire was just messy, so our commanders took command of themselves. Shows where to shoot in any direction. Storming of the village began just at dawn. The first rays went up, and with a body kit, height, ie, just flew here these RShG, RPG, RPO.
When we went to the village, we were greeted by grandparents. Met a warm, freshly baked bread, warm milk house and told that the main forces of the National Guard had gone away, roughly speaking, about five days ago. That is, it was actually all in vain.
Control of the village took militias, and we quietly came and sat down in KamAZ, turned around and went back to his home to sleep off.
Losses were. Our team had one loss, and pretty stupid. I sat in the headquarters and the first to hear when the radio operator reported to headquarters that a certain soldier was wounded, incompatible with life. It was around the 25th of July. In fact, it was a shock, because we feel immortal ... so unexpected it was just a loss. Have been previously wounded, only.
Still there was a serious case, but not in our brigade. These were the mortar. And they foolishly lost really. On stupidity. There were killed eight people at once on the same detachment. They threw mine in the mortar, it is not fired, and they immediately threw the top two, well, a mortar exploded. Collect them all and then it was difficult.
Once lost his. That was our only loss with a team. It is purely by chance really died. Just out of nowhere, appeared Ukrainian BTR and began to shoot. His shot on departure. Body mutilated dragged down just then to the border, to help him was pointless already. That is, after posek gun, he fell dead. Shitty happened that in funerals that were sent home, just say that "your son died due to improper handling of a machine gun." That is, it turns out, shot himself. In fact, as such, you can send home, I can not even imagine. But, of course, it's understandable. Do not write the same thing died a heroic death, performing combat tasks in Ukraine?
With some militias I spoke. Someone was, as it were, from the Donetsk region come from, someone was born in Luhansk region, there was someone from Russia itself. They were different people. Of foreigners, in my opinion, I only saw mortar and with them came into contact - just look at them, turned around and walked away. I did not even ask their names to anyone. Call sign - yes. Sometimes, they told of their losses. Losses have been fierce simple.
Was their column from point A to point B. They are a hundred people. They are attacked by 3 times, and they have thirty killed and as many wounded. And these guys say to me: "Come on, that lightly." I have a wild shock. I said: "You just lost almost 70% of staff and say that lightly?"
In my opinion, all the militia crazy. I do not know, really, what motivates them. Not all of them are there because of the purpose of protecting the homeland. From what I heard, they get sickly money for what they do. They are paid for what they are dying.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Intervju s kontraktnikom:
At the beginning of April 2006 the brigade had about 700 professional personnel, practically all sergeant positions having been filled by kontraktniks (Russian: контрактник contracted professional soldiers). More than 180 military men and women have signed contracts for service in communications, medical, and rear services subunits.
What do the militias in the south-eastern Ukraine. Interview-repentance
Many of the militias in the south-east of Ukraine, having arrived from Russia, we saw not what they hoped. Looting, arms trafficking, people trafficking - all this witness was a former Special Forces soldier, 31-year-old Maxim Videtskih Yekaterinburg. Since September, he fought in the LC in the battalion "Hooligans". Now, back, gave an interview to, calling the names of those for whom war has become a business.
- Come on in order of how you even got into the militia LC?
- We went there from the division of the Communist Party with Radishcheva (Sverdlovsk Regional Communist Party until recently housed in Yekaterinburg really the street Radishcheva 28 - approx. Ed.). First written off "VKontakte" with local - fund GCD (National Liberation Movement - approx. Ed.) Is a "Antimaydan." They cheated us. When we left there, they were promised that at least the payment of wages will be. When I left, I had 45 thousand. Rubles per month.
- What do you possessed in Lugansk go? I understand that you had a stable job, a wife, a child?
- Higher education - radiofak UPI, with a gold medal school finished 53rd at the compressor, a good apartment more ... Yes, damn it, I killed another there, and I went to return the favor. Guys here with me too pantalyku knocked and said that markets are no compensation payments. But I'll tell you honestly, no dick we had not paid! Promised some 2.5 thousand. Bucks a month for work, and paid us ... Do not pay! We even get out of there with such adventures - Eugene "mechanics" ( Eugene Laktionov of Staroutkinsk - approx. Ed.) was forced to his "sniper" sell.
- The node with whom specifically communicated?
- Semen Yurasov. This activist "Antimaydana", he works closely with Elena Kukushkina. Kukushkin - a deputy from the Communist Party. They have gathered there, and then everything just disown and sent.
- You promised compensation ...
- Arrived in Lugansk, there asked confirm arrangements. But the problem is that we went into the "dark" through the "North Gate." And it turns out that what we've got documents were? I have all the documents - certificate of Luhansk hospitals that wounded.
- Well, we went there, then what?
- We went, the village began to peck Lugansk in the composition of the mortar calculation. It is close to the city of Lugansk.
- You have experience of participation in hostilities before that was?
- He served in the Special Forces border troops, fought in Abkhazia - the commander of a combat vehicle. In general, not the finger I do.
- He told us about it. You said that there are people caught stealing.
- We have not had any of their weapons, nor their cars - it's all push-ups from the local population.
- You do not betrayed?
- Everything was captured, its nothing. We even ate with humanitarian columns that captured, then ate. Weapons, bazaars no, we were given automatic rifle - and all. Then I had spetszatochenny "Kalash" tactical body kit appeared. Even the technique that was, we overcame it in the village of Lugansk. The fact that there are helping the Russians, all lies. "Ukropov" there is normally tweak: drugs out there, and the food and things. They are, in fact, supplying militias. At this guys make very good money. There is such a man, Marat, and there is such a person Yuri Ravinsky (the name says is not legible), there is a man Denis, is the "Combat". These people are squeezed cars packs and took no shit no Russian-made cars - Germans, mainly: "behi", "Mercy", there are few Japanese at all. Our commander "Hooligan" traveled to Lugansk on BMW X6, which number hung - "Bully." Such garbage here.
- How did it all happen?
- It's very simple. People came, went into the house, saw a nice car and took her to him.
- How did your "fathers commanders" know who have faced the car?
- Local themselves sit and get paid for it. Specifically, for a good "behu" pay about $ 500.
- As civilians react to it?
- Poor.
- I have an ax came from.
- Can you imagine when the bus arrives, and it 8-10 armed men? You understand, do not rock the boat too much.
- Wait a minute, there is finally an LC power, that they - do nothing?
- I'll say this, there is one barrel length, and the law. There's a complete mess, you yourself do not even imagine. We even guys militias that went just to walk around the city, took them to the commandant, and then we have them out of there with a bullet through his arms and legs were taken.
- Where are the car then?
- In Russia.
- How to conduct them across the border?
- In the same northern outpost. His militia control, it's so clear to both sides. Machinery columns there were.
- And how it was explained to them - the guys are going to rob?
- Touted as the fight against all the accomplices of dill, search coordinator, gunners. Come on, say, the coordinator will schemit. 10 people in the "minivan" (bus - approx. Ed.) Jumps and ride, and immediately after that on the basis of 2-3 new cars appear.
- How many of these operations was that?
- Total "Hooligan" raised 1.5-2 million. Plus-minus this figure.
- Your colleague "mechanics" telling you the commander of "Aydar" slaughtered.
- I understand what you're saying. When we took the third column and Zhenya "Pturschika" beat them ... I do not forgive him (crying). When regular colon drove two tanks had left, the one we once burned, and the second as we otherachil, Zhenya immediately polbashki demolished. And his daughter just turned three months, can you imagine? Young guy at all. He served as a captain in the Russian army in the Krasnodar region. Its due to the behavior of "lieutenants" dropped, and he went to Lugansk ... Took six "aydarovtsev" - Lithuanian, Polish, Georgian, two zamkoma them there were. And when they said that Jack "Pturschik" died, there pereklinilo us. In general, not all the prisoners were taken to the headquarters. Bear with us, we're just people. Only with kid sitting at the same table, and now he's all!
- And you think that this is all justified?
- No, we must be punished, of course. But this does not detract from its merits as a combat commander. Take, across the benches and spank on the ass, that's what needs to be done.
- And how can you ensure that your new unit instead of cars will not engage in weapons or heroin?
- It's simple. I gather a group and go there at the end of January, the Cheka. This All-Russia honest people. Go to Lugansk Donbass not go, I Lugansk whole ispolzal. I'm just going to know who I'm going, why and by how much. Go in the month and a half or two again. The longer it is difficult to sustain.
Minister odločen
Pod vplivom zmanjšanja prihodka od izvoza nafte in krize rublja, je ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin pretekli teden dejal, da je možno, da bi se ZDA zarotile proti Savdski Arabiji. »Vsi vidimo, da se cene surove nafte nižajo. Veliko se govori o vzrokih za tak strm padec. Bi se cena nafte lahko nižala zaradi sporazuma med ZDA in Savdsko Arabijo o sankcijah proti Iranu in vplivale na gospodarstvo Rusije ter Venezuele? Morda,« meni al-Naimi. »Če bi radi zmanjšali proizvodnjo, lahko to mirno naredijo. Mi je ne bomo. Zagotavljam vam, da Savdska Arabija niti približno ne bo zmanjšala črpanja nafte,« je odločno dejal savdski minister in poudaril, da to velja za vse večne čase, ne samo za leto 2015.