Rubelj 51-1 dolar. Mater kdor je imel en teden nazaj da je kupil za milojon evrov rubljev ima sedaj 2 milijona dolarjev

Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Kontraktnik je ruski izraz za poklicnega vojaka.
At the beginning of April 2006 the brigade had about 700 professional personnel, practically all sergeant positions having been filled by kontraktniks (Russian: контрактник contracted professional soldiers). More than 180 military men and women have signed contracts for service in communications, medical, and rear services subunits.
Alternativa so naborniki.
Kdor je v začetku decembra 2013 imel 10€ in napisal na stavni listek 1-8-18-25-47 ter dodatni številki 2 in 7 je imel en teden kasneje 21 milijonov €€€...Citat:
Uporabnik doctorz pravi:
Rubelj 51-1 dolar. Mater kdor je imel en teden nazaj da je kupil za milojon evrov rubljev ima sedaj 2 milijona dolarjev![]()
Recession-battered and war-torn Ukraine overhauled its business-choking tax system early on Monday, promising to lower the burden on small businesses and lower-income citizens while closing loopholes long exploited by oligarchs.
In a 4:15am vote during the extraordinary Sunday-into-Monday session of parliament, Ukraine’s lawmakers adopted the budget, cutting subsidies and government spending.
Controls were imposed on profits being funnelled to offshore tax havens through transfer-pricing schemes.
Oligarchs, Mr Yatseniuk said, “will no longer be able to hide their profits and fortunes in offshore zones”.
In a bid to simplify business activity in a country notorious for having one of the world’s most unfriendly taxation systems, the total number of taxes will be streamlined from 22 types to nine.
Rates for pension fund contributions, now at some 41 per cent, are to be cut to 16.4 per cent. Officials hope this measure will broaden the collection base, steering business away from the widespread practice of paying employee salaries under the table.
Tax rates will be raised sharply on luxury items including expensive automobiles, passive income, royalties, dividends from offshore entities, cigarettes and alcohol.
A 10 per cent tax has been put on lotteries; property taxes on large apartments and homes are coming in; and fees for hydrocarbon production will rise.
The decision to no longer refund value added tax to traders on the export of grain could spark protests from international agribusinesses that have invested heavily in the country.
After much debate, lawmakers approved government plans to introduce additional 5-10 per cent custom duties on imported goods for one year.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Odprem novo temo?
Uporabnik dodaske pravi:
Propaganda na delu??? Jep na polno!
Tukaj si lahko preberete dekonstrukcijo uvožene "demokracije"