340 k jih ne pride naenkrat.
Je vmes dovolj časa ga de stari dobri mg42 ohladi, če smo že pri ekstremni situaciji, imenovani invazija.
Poleg tega narediš na meji več check-pointov, vsak je primerno oborožen.
Lahko jurišajo, samo mimo ne bodo prišli - testirano v WW1.
btw, 20 km stran od MP Idomeni ima Unhcr postavljeno taborišče, ki sameva.Le zakaj ?
btw2, Grčija, Makedonija in Turčija (prve 3 države na poti) so varne države.Le zakaj tako rinejo v Žermani ?
Avstrijski sadovi zadnjih dveh dneh so obrodili sadove , http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35714087 .
Zmešana Merklova postaja v Eu bolj osamljena kot Severna Koreja
Je vmes dovolj časa ga de stari dobri mg42 ohladi, če smo že pri ekstremni situaciji, imenovani invazija.
Poleg tega narediš na meji več check-pointov, vsak je primerno oborožen.
Lahko jurišajo, samo mimo ne bodo prišli - testirano v WW1.
btw, 20 km stran od MP Idomeni ima Unhcr postavljeno taborišče, ki sameva.Le zakaj ?
btw2, Grčija, Makedonija in Turčija (prve 3 države na poti) so varne države.Le zakaj tako rinejo v Žermani ?
Avstrijski sadovi zadnjih dveh dneh so obrodili sadove , http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35714087 .
Zmešana Merklova postaja v Eu bolj osamljena kot Severna Koreja

Austria's Foreign Minister: opening of borders in the summer of 2015 was "serious mistake"
Thursday, March 03, 00:15: despite all the criticism of the blocking of the Balkan route for refugees and the limited reception of asylum seekers is Austria's Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz on the end of the policy of "Through Winkens". The opening of borders in the summer of 2015 for migrants on their way to Central Europe was a "serious mistake" that would now be quickly corrected, said Short in an interview Thursday's "Süddeutsche Zeitung".
Short reiterated the call for a European solution. "We work to ensure that Greece builds with EU assistance Hotspots to provide people there - and make pressure, because that does not happen," he said. "But I am convinced that the through Wave of refugees is the wrong way."
As "absurd", he described that immigrants demonstrated on the border with Macedonia to come from an EU country to a non-EU country. "We must be honest to express that it is not about the search for protection, but the search for a better economic future. This is humanly understandable, but we can not offer. "