malaysian airline part 2


Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Ugotovitve kažejo, da je za nezgodo odgovorna Ukrajina, ki ni zaprla zračnega prostora.

Kot sem rekel že prej, če boš stal med dvema ognjema in te bo nekaj zadelo... Kdo bo kriv?


13. sep 2007
Upam, da bo NL imela dovolj jajc, da bo pritisnila na odgovorne.

Čeprav dvomim, rusija se umika iz UA in je šla delat sranje v sirijo, v UA pa je nek status quo, ki vsem ustreza.


10. maj 2014
Almaz-Antey na svojih tiskovkah govori eno, preiskovalcem pa pošilja čisto nekaj drugega

Does anyone figure out why Almaz A is shown, in the report, to point to a place very far from Zaroshtenske? Did they make a different report

Zaroshenske is 23 km from the closest possible dot in the possible polygon, as computed by the Dutch Safety Board.

! Almaz-Antey lied through their teeth today. See what they reported to @Onderzoeksraad regarding the launch site


TODAY, Almaz-Antey said launch site was "4 km south of Zaroshtenske"., But to Dutch Board they computed this:


Almaz-Antey also said today there's no way there would be the bow-tie fragments. Thus pilots must have swallowed a dozen each before flight

in še par cukrov z današnje tiskovke


Chilean journalist at Moscow presser: "Why does Russia always change its story on the MH17 events?"

Answer to Chilean question: "RU always insisted on multi-optionality of the events, so that we can choose most objectively the right answer"

After a few inconvenient questions, Almaz Antey started giving floor to media they like: "Can we give the floor to someone from NTV?"

Q: "Why did you make this press-conference exactly today?" A:: Coincidence. We had to find a plane for experiment, etc. So it just happened"

Q to A.A.: "But what about SledCom's claim it was an air-to-air missile?" A.A: "As I said, RU always insisted on multi-versionality"

Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version. A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Almaz Antey deflects answer to @novaya_gazeta's question about BUK M1-2 fitting "experimental outcome", talks about BUK M2 only.

Embarrassing...really. Almaz Antey CEO stuttering and talking gibberish in response to Novaya's question

RU Journo: "Is missile launch from Caspian source of pride?" A.A.: "Putin already said it. The President's words are not to be commented"


10. maj 2014
Osnutek je bil znan 2. junija 2015, tudi Rusiji.

The draft final reports on the investigation into the crash and the investigation pertaining to flight routes were made available to the accredited representatives of the participating States on Tuesday, 2 June. In accordance with ICAO Annex 13, they have sixty days to submit comments on the reports. The Dutch Safety Board will then assess the submitted comments and draw up the definitive final reports. The consultation period the investigation into the availability of passenger information has ended. The Board expects to publish the final reports in the first half of October 2015.


Kot omenjeno, osnutek je bil zainteresiranim stranem znan 2. junija 2015. Tole so željeni popravki in odgovori preiskovalne komisije:

Spremembe sta zahtevali samo Ukrajina in predvsem Rusija.


10. maj 2014

In meetings of the nations participating in the #MH17 inquiry, Russian experts seemed to be corrected by their political leaders - Joustra

Joustra (DSB chair) also confirmed he saw U.S. satellite images taken on 17 July 2014. Gave no further details, "top secret information".

Kot kaže celo obstojajo slike, ampak ne nujno, da od same izstrelitve.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:

Ni pomembno, postranska škoda je ta avion, žal.

Očitno je bolj pomembno prihraniti nekaj kerozina, kot pa se izogniti vojnemu območju, kjer veš, da Kozaki nadzirajo nebo.


10. maj 2014
poročilo nizozemskega NLR, priloga končnega poročila preiskovalne komisije in osnova zanj

c&p iz pdf-jev je bolj žalost, tako da za detajle klikajte sami

Scenario 1: Air-to-Air Gun

The damage observed on the wreckage is not consistent with the damage caused by an air-to-air gun in number of hits, density of hits, direction of trajectories and type of damage. The high-energy object damage on the wreckage of flight MH17 is therefore not caused by an air-to-air gun.

Scenario 2: Air-to-Air Missile

The damage observed on the wreckage is not consistent with the damage caused by the rod warheads used by most air-to-air missiles. The fragments of the fragmentation warheads used by other air-to-air missiles are not consistent with the bowtie fragments found in the wreckage. The damage on the wreckage of flight MH17 is therefore not caused by an air-to-air missile.

Scenario 3: Surface-to-Air Missile

Based on these points it is concluded that the damage observed on the wreckage of flight MH17 is caused by the 9N314M warhead of the M38(M1) BUK surface-to-air missile launched from a launch area in the east of Ukraine.


10. maj 2014
Bliža se zaključek kriminalistične preiskave, obtožnice bodo padle in je treba spet malo mešat meglo.

Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency, Rosaviation, has delivered to Dutch investigators “important new facts” concerning the July 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine.

Rosaviation believes these new facts should be “reflected in the final report” on the circumstances of the plane crash.

Drek od velesile. Sklatijo potniško letalo in se obnašajo kot 5-letnik, ki je ukradel piškot.


10. maj 2014


On February 24 at 10am GMT, we will release our 100+ page report on Russia's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, which we believe is responsible for providing the Buk-M1 system that downed MH17. The report investigates the brigade's activities in the summer of 2014, its command structure, and possible suspects for participating in or authorizing the transfer of a Buk-M1 system into Ukraine on July 2014. This version of the report is redacted from the longer, uncensored version that was sent to the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team on Christmas 2015.

A letter from the Dutch public prosecutor Fred Westerbeke into the downing of MH17 has been released to the media, included in the text of the letter are some mentions of Bellingcat, which have been translated below -…/190216_brief_nabestaanden_mh17.…

"The Ministry of Safety and Justice informed the parliament about the radar- and satellite data, about the research collective Bellingcat and the possibilities of prosecution of the culprits.

26 December 2015 Bellingcat sent a concept report to the JIT. In that report information is presented, based on social media and other open sources, about members of a military unit who according to Bellingcat tramsported the Buk missile launcher to Ukraine. Many sources to which Bellingcat based it's investigation, are known to the JIT. Apart from that the research team has information about this topic, that was not mentioned by Bellingcat. Insofar Bellingcat presented new sources, they will be studied and reviewed for usability."


10. maj 2014
Ekipa Bellingcata si bo prislužila Pulitzerjevo nagrado. Zdaj so identificirali verjetna vozila v spremstvu buka in njihove registrske oznake. Največji hec je, da sploh ne počnejo kaj pretirano zahtevnega, samo časovno potratnega.

At 9:40am on the morning of 17 July 2014, the first mention of a Buk missile launcher in Donetsk reached the internet. This came in the form of a post on the “Donetsk is Ukraine!” VKontakte (VK) community, warning of the Buk’s arrival from Makeevka and the presence of three civilian vehicles:

“Bad news. Around 9am, a hauler was going along the Makeevka highway from Makeevka in the direction of Donetsk. On the platform was a BukM1-M2? This AAMS proceeded to the intersection with Shakhtostroiteley Boulevard. The system was accompanied by a convoy that was composed of 1 gray Rav4 SUV, a camouflaged UAZ, and a dark blue Hyundai van with tinted windows. As of 9:15am, the vehicle was located at the intersection of Shakhtostroiteley and Ilycha. The militants got out of their cars, blocking 2 of the far left lanes. Obviously, they were waiting for logistical guidance.”

The RAV4 SUV is likely the same one parked next to the Buk in Donetsk hours before the downing of MH17. This RAV4 fits the description of the European version of the 2010 Toyota RAV4, with a non-stock roof spoiler and a rear spare tire.

A UAZ-469 jeep was seen with the Buk in Torez just after noon, likely a couple of hours after it had left Donetsk.

The Hyundai van is harder to pin down, as there are not many Hyundai vans used by separatists in convoys. It is possible that the “Hyundai” van was actually a Volkswagen, which are frequently spotted in convoys with Donetsk separatists, but there is not information on this vehicle to make any reliable determinations.

Tole na sliki mi izgleda bolj VW kot Hyundai

...2010 Toyota RAV4 and the UAZ-469 were filmed two days before the MH17 tragedy in a separatist convoy headed from Luhansk to Donetsk. There are several news reports, videos, and photographs of this convoy, allowing us to document the convoy’s movements and discern numerous details of the RAV4 SUV and UAZ jeep.

Dark blue Volkswagen with blue siren light and license plate АН 2338 ВК:

Dark green UAZ-469 with white marks on both driver and passenger doors, license plate “АН 2226 ЕС,” and blue siren light. It is possible that this license plate is counterfeit:

Gray 2010 Toyota RAV4 (European facelift edition, modified rear spoiler, rear spare tire, chrome door handles, roof rack):

License plate of the RAV4

Če koga kaj (z)moti, naj najprej prebere povezavo

Precej več detajlov.


10. maj 2014
Še najbolj je podobna kaki stari sovjetski