malaysian airline part 2


10. maj 2014
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:

ANNA News, 14.7.2014, tri dni pred MH17


Originalni VK link je pred tednom še delal, zdaj so le zbrisali. Tako da če je kdo kliknil gor, čestitam, videl si del dokaznega materiala v primeru MH17


10. maj 2014

SBIRS skoraj zagotovo ne daje fotografij, samo koordinate zanimivih dogodkov.


10. maj 2014

A 16 July 2014 Video with Igor "Strelkov" Girkin and Aleksandr Borodai shows that separatist deployed a Strela-10 air defense missile system just a few kilometers from the likely MH17 launch site. In the video, a Strela-10--which was almost certainly used to hit Ukrainian SU-25 jets in mid-July--is seen in a field just northwest of Stepanivka. This footage reflects how Russian/separatist forces made a concerted effort to deploy anti-air missile systems to protect the airspace near where MH17 was later downed.




Strela-10 seveda ni mogla "pošlatat" potniškega letala na potovalni višini, posnetek pa dokazuje prisotnost zračne obrambe v regiji in seznanjenost vrhuške ruskih turistov s situacijo.


10. maj 2014
Zanimiv detajl. Pri Siberia Airlines 1812 4.10.2001 so bile ZDA prve, ki so na osnovi satelitskih podatkov obtožile Ukrajino. Rusija in Ukrajina sta še par dni vse zanikali.


A RUSSIAN airliner exploded and plunged into the Black Sea yesterday killing all 78 people on board.

Terrorism was immediately suspected but America said the plane had been shot down by a misfired Ukrainian missile.


The pilot of a nearby Armenian aircraft reported seeing the Russian-built Tupolev-154 burst into flames, prompting immediate speculation that it had been destroyed by a bomb on board.

However, Washington quickly attempted to quash speculation of a new terrorist attack. Unnamed US officials claimed that the aircraft was brought down by a long-range air defence missile fired during exercises by Ukrainian armed forces.

"We want to get away from this notion that it was a terrorism act," one official said. "It could well have been a training accident, it could have been the Ukrainian military conducting a live-fire test. It could be a tragic accident."

A spokesman for Ukraine's Black Sea fleet, based in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, initially accepted responsibility, saying that an anti-aircraft missile - believed to be an S-200 with a range of 185 miles - had brought down the airliner.

But the Ukrainian defence ministry formally denied that it was to blame. A statement said that while anti-aircraft missiles were being fired at the time, they had self-destruct systems to stop them flying off course.


The Kremlin backed the theory that the plane could have been brought down by sabotage. Russian officials said that the accusation against the Ukrainian military was "unworthy of attention".

President Putin ruled out the idea that the airliner could have been shot down by the Ukrainian military. Speaking at a news conference in the Kremlin, he did not rule out terrorism.

But he stressed that the cause of the crash was not known and he appealed to the media not to be sensational. He said: "It is true that in the immediate vicinity of the area where the crash took place some exercises were being conducted."

"But the weapons used in those exercises had such characteristics that make it impossible for them to reach the air corridor through which the plane was moving." He said that although the Russian military did not take part in the exercises, they had observers on the ground.


The two developments amounted to a stark turnaround for the Kremlin and particularly for Russia's military establishment, which had openly ridiculed warnings by Pentagon intelligence experts that the jet and its 78 passengers had been destroyed apparently by a Ukrainian antiaircraft missile gone awry during a training exercise on the Crimean peninsula.

The chief of Russia's Air Force, who had witnessed the training exercise, called that Pentagon explanation impossible, and on Friday, the Russian defense minister, Sergei B. Ivanov, caustically called the theory the ''so-called version'' of the disaster.


Earlier today, Mr. Kuchma urged the United States and other countries to make available any information that might show whether his military had accidentally shot down the plane. He continued to maintain that both Ukrainian and Russian specialists still ''are ruling out the possibility that the plane could have been hit by a Ukrainian missile.''

Mr. Kuchma's request, at a news conference in Lublin, Poland, marked a change in tone for the Ukrainian government. Until now it had met questions about its military's possible role in the disaster, which is believed to have killed all 78 people on board, with denials.


Pentagon intelligence experts, relying on a global network of spy satellites that track missile launchings, have said privately that the jet almost certainly was downed by an SA-5 antiaircraft missile fired during a Ukrainian military exercise on the Crimean coast.

One American military official said satellite data unmistakably showed that a missile had veered off course and flown to the limit of its range before unleashing a fusillade of shrapnel-like steel balls at the jet.

Podobna zgodba je še pri MetroJetu 9268 in seveda MH17. Ameriški špiclji s sateliti imajo precej dobro statistiko zaznavanja eksplozij in raket v zraku.


10. maj 2014
Našel se je nov video konvoja z bukom s 17. julija 2014 dopoldne.

On May 3rd 2016, a new video of what appears to be the July 17th 2014 Buk convoy was uploaded to YouTube, and was on May 11th discovered by Twitter users @amishjihadi and @loondale. In the video, there are several details visible which seem to indicate this is the same Buk TELAR that has been recorded moving towards the suspected Buk missile launch site, thus associating it with the downing of MH17.


In the video at 0:47, the same white truck from earlier Buk transport videos can be seen. The truck has the Buk TELAR loaded on the back, and there appear to be four missiles mounted, with a camouflage netting covering them.

An interesting detail that provides further validity to the link to the previous videos are the escort vehicles that can be seen before and after the truck. Bellingcat has previously reported about the vehicles, and we can direct matches: there is a Toyota RAV4 in front of the truck, with a UAZ-469AZ and VW Transporter following it.

The description in the video claims the location to be Makiivka, east of Donetsk. There are details visible in the video which make geolocation of this video possible.


More detailed geolocations have been completed by other open source researchers, including Anton Pavlushko and @DajeyPetros (also known as Putin@War/Ukraine@War). The geolocations reveal that the convoy is headed eastward in southern Makiivka.

The time of the video can be confirmed to be in mid-July 2014 as well. As pointed out by Twitter user @WowihaY, the fuel prices in the video match that of a page archived on July 18, 2014 on the webpage of the fuel station in the video.

The visible shadows indicate that the video was taken in the late morning, which is in line with the anticipated time frame of the transport. The exact time of the video has yet to be determined.


10. maj 2014

Geolocation of new #MH17 BUK video: 48° 1'4.42"N 37°59'2.55"E

It means #MH17 BUK and loader did not exactly take expected route from Donetsk to Snizhne.

This also explains why the 'Bellingcat' satellite image did not capture the BUK + loader: it was not on that route anyways.

Estimated/calculated time of new #MH17 BUK video with suncalc is 11:10 local time.

PREDICTION: since the time the '@Bellingcat satellite image' was taken, was at 11:08, the loader almost certainly can be seen south of it.

Govora je o satelitskem posnetku, ki ga je pred časom croudfoundal Bellingcat. Njihov odgovor:

@DajeyPetros We'll get the rest of the image.

Saj ne, da bo kaj dosti več jasno, bo pa zanimivo poslušat izgovore. Vidnih je tudi nekaj oblačkov, upam da ne pokvarijo vsega.


10. maj 2014
Hop cifizelj, Stratfor se je izprsil.

In early May, new video footage of unknown origins was released, appearing to place the Buk system in question near separatist-controlled Donetsk on July 17, 2014, just hours before the airliner was shot down.

Building on this new information, AllSource Analysis — Stratfor's satellite imagery partner — was able to locate images that confirm the exact time and location of the air defense system on the day of the crash. The imagery shows the air defense system, mounted atop a transloader, being transported east through the Donetsk town of Makiivka. The images were taken approximately five hours before Flight MH17 was shot down from a location near the town of Snizhne, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) away.



10. maj 2014
Sem se šel malo Picassa.

zelena črta: pot avta z dashcamom
rdeča črta: pot konvoja z bukom
oranžen krog: mesto srečanja
moder krog: lokacija buka na satelitskem posnetku

Kroga sta manj kot 500 m narazen, satelit je šel čez v praktično istem trenutku. Zagotovo se da najt tudi avto, iz katerega je narejen video.


10. maj 2014

"It's possible that the suspected culprits behind the firing on MH17 may have been in contact with" the detective's office, de Telegraaf said, citing what it said was the Netherlands' request to Swiss authorities for help.

Da bi odgovorni samoiniciativno kontaktirali detektiva, ki je iskal informacije o sestrelitvi, se zdi malo verjetno. Najverjetneje je bila celotna operacija honey trap za pohlepne zgovorneže, organizatorji pa osumljeni storilci.


10. maj 2014
Svež album fotografij

Večinoma gre za kose Boeinga, ki so jih zgleda našli pri oranju, zanimiv pa je ta del tiskanega vezja

z v cirilici označenimi elementi

Mikroskhemy s voyennoy priyomkoy. 134-ya proizvedena Voronezhskim VZPP 12 nedelya 1985 goda, 153-ya proizvodstva Foton Tashkent 9 nedelya 1986 goda. Uchityvaya tsikl proizvodstva konechnoye izdeliye moglo byt' vypushcheno v kontse 1986 - v seredine 1987 goda. Tekhnika odnoznachno voyennaya. Pokhozhe na kakoye-to logicheskoye ustroystvo tipa prosteyshego kontrollera.

Chips with military acceptance. 134-I is produced by Voronezh VSP Week 12 1985 153rd Photon production Tashkent 9 Week 1986. Given the cycle of the final product could be released at the end of 1986 - in mid-1987. Technique uniquely military. It looks like some of the simplest logic controller type device.

Takole izgleda bukov radar, tale je sicer že malo novejši model

Pravokotni kosi pertinaksa z odrezanimi vogali. Sklada se.




6. sep 2007
Podobna/enaka oblika kot plata z BUKa + cirilica = Rusi so krivi tudi za ta dogodek? Hudo