No ko si se ravno vpiknil v moj avto. Tukaj je en naziv, ki ga ni "skoraj dobil" ampak ga je dobil. Sicer pa mi je za poglede vseeno. Z tem se verjetno obremnejujete bolj tisti, ki na takšen ali drugačen način pimpate raznorazne Kie in podobno.
I“In short, the Citroen DS3 is a hoot to drive. It’s fast, nimble, responsive, forgiving and much quicker than you’d ever have expected. There’s room in the back for the kids and it has an interior that’s a delight to the eye. The exterior is as good looking as it can be without your knees going funny every time you walk on the drive – and it doesn’t cost a fortune.
In fact, the Citroen DS3 could well be the best car we’ve had this year. It’s certainly the best car in its sector and, although it resorts to an iconic moniker to state its intent, it’s as contemporary as you can get.”
Ampak to so stvari, ki povprečnega kupca korejskega vozila tako ali tako ne zanimajo, tako da brezveze, da se o tem prerekama v tej temi.
Ima pa samo 2 leti garancije. Šment.