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Trenutno še niti približno ne vedo, kje iskati (oz. vsaj javno niso povedali) - letalo iščejo na območju južnega Indijskega oceana in centralne Azije. Večja verjetnost je Indijski ocean, vendar gre za območje, ki je večje od EU ...Citat:
Uporabnik SouthPark pravi:
Dele v morju bi že kdo (verjetno) opazil, dele nekje v gozdu pa prekriješ z zemljo, vejami...
(Američani so zaje.bali identifikacijo),
Finally, on 23 January 2013, Italy’s top criminal court ruled that there was "abundantly" clear evidence that the flight was brought down by a stray missile and confirming the lower court's order that the Italian government must pay compensation.
Poveljnik ladje Vincennes :Citat:
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Iranci so izjavili že marsikaj. Ne razumem, kaj bi imeli Američani od tega, da ubijejo skoraj 300 civilistov. Šlo je za tipično vojaško trigger happy mentaliteto (na podobno foro so Sovjeti sestrelili korejsekga jumbota).
Zakaj je padel tisti DC9 se (uradno) ne ve - prejšnje leto je bil v Italiji končan sodni proces, kjer so ugotovili
Finally, on 23 January 2013, Italy’s top criminal court ruled that there was "abundantly" clear evidence that the flight was brought down by a stray missile and confirming the lower court's order that the Italian government must pay compensation.
Je pa res, da je imajo v tvojem linku point.
Craig, Morales & Oliver, in a slide presentation published in M.I.T.'s Spring 2004 Aeronautics & Astronautics as the "USS Vincennes Incident", commented that Captain Rogers had "an undeniable and unequivocal tendency towards what I call 'picking a fight.'" On his own initiative, Rogers moved the Vincennes 50 miles (80 km) northeast to join the USS Montgomery. An angry Captain Richard McKenna, Chief of Surface Warfare for the Commander of the Joint Task Force, ordered Rogers back to Abu Musa, but the Vincennes helicopter pilot, Lt Mark Collier, followed the Iranian speedboats as they retreated north, eventually taking some fire:
“ ...the Vincennes jumps back into the fray. Heading towards the majority of the speedboats, he is unable to get a clear target. Also, the speedboats are now just slowly milling about in their own territorial waters. Despite clear information to the contrary, Rogers informs command that the gunboats are gathering speed and showing hostile intent and gains approval to fire upon them at 0939. Finally, in another fateful decision, he crosses the 12-nautical-mile (22 km) limit off the coast and enters illegally into Iranian waters.[31]