Kako misli multi-kulti eu rešiti ta problemček ?Citat:
On hatred of Jews and homosexuals among Europe’s Muslim population, Koopmans finds: “Almost 60 percent reject homosexuals as friends and 45 percent think that Jews cannot be trusted. While about one in five natives can be considered as Islamophobic, the level of phobia against the West among Muslims — for which oddly enough there is no word; one might call it ‘Occidentophobia’ — is much higher still, with 54 percent believing that the West is out to destroy Islam.” Recorded rates of Christian hate toward Muslims hover around 10 percent.
Predvsem bi morali preveriti vzorec in potek te raziskave.Citat:
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Kako misli multi-kulti eu rešiti ta problemček ?Citat:
Recorded rates of Christian hate toward Muslims hover around 10 percent.
is much higher still, with 54 percent believing that the West is out to destroy Islam.”
In Spain, youth unemployment has reached 50 percent and the welfare state is less developed than in Belgium, yet Spanish citizens aren’t blowing themselves up in metro stations.
No, tudi Španija je imela svoje teroriste, si pozabil? Ampak nikomur ne pade na pamet, da bi zato posploševal sovraštvo do vseh Špancev.Citat:
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Poleg tega se mladi Španci ne gredo multi-kulti razstreljevanja.
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Kako misli multi-kulti eu rešiti ta problemček ?Citat:
On hatred of Jews and homosexuals among Europe’s Muslim population, Koopmans finds: “Almost 60 percent reject homosexuals as friends and 45 percent think that Jews cannot be trusted. While about one in five natives can be considered as Islamophobic, the level of phobia against the West among Muslims — for which oddly enough there is no word; one might call it ‘Occidentophobia’ — is much higher still, with 54 percent believing that the West is out to destroy Islam.” Recorded rates of Christian hate toward Muslims hover around 10 percent.
IRA je bila aktivna tudi v Londonu.Citat:
Uporabnik Yagi pravi:
Pripadniki ETA in IRA, so se "bojevali" na svojem ozemlju in svoje pravice. Pa zivijo v Londonderry-u skupaj katoliki in protestantje.....