Upam, da ne boš imel nič proti, če naslednji videoposnetek, prvega izmed serije 50-ih na Youtube (če niso katerega v mesecu dni že odstranili ...), objavim v tejle debati. Ker tematiki sploh nista tako vsaksebi ...
Celote si sicer tudi sam še nisem uspel ogledati, zato bom tule dodal le še kratek uvodnik k filmu:
Killuminati The Movie:
Your freedom is a lie. Your are being taught what is right, what is wrong,
what to know, what not to know, what to think, what to not think.
You are being taught how to live, how your life should be and what
everybody else expects you to find happiness in. Because the Illuminati
they're the one to blame of this world wide crisis, wars, terrorism,
rebellion, chaos, etc… and the best thing we could do to make them
down is to better not to support their products, movies, songs, slogans,
subliminal programming, politicians, businessmen, institutions, and
whatever in relations with them we should rebuke them totally ...
They're giving us this world hard to live with.
Bomo pa videli, kakšni bodo kaj (konstruktivni) komentarji ostalih ...
Lep počitniški filmski večer vam želim, ta ali (najbrž še) kakšen drugi!
P.S.: Bilderbergi so prvič omenjeni v 5. delu[/COLOR], t.i. Trilateralna komisija že nekoliko prej.
Celote si sicer tudi sam še nisem uspel ogledati, zato bom tule dodal le še kratek uvodnik k filmu:
Killuminati The Movie:
Your freedom is a lie. Your are being taught what is right, what is wrong,
what to know, what not to know, what to think, what to not think.
You are being taught how to live, how your life should be and what
everybody else expects you to find happiness in. Because the Illuminati
they're the one to blame of this world wide crisis, wars, terrorism,
rebellion, chaos, etc… and the best thing we could do to make them
down is to better not to support their products, movies, songs, slogans,
subliminal programming, politicians, businessmen, institutions, and
whatever in relations with them we should rebuke them totally ...
They're giving us this world hard to live with.
Bomo pa videli, kakšni bodo kaj (konstruktivni) komentarji ostalih ...
Lep počitniški filmski večer vam želim, ta ali (najbrž še) kakšen drugi!

P.S.: Bilderbergi so prvič omenjeni v 5. delu[/COLOR], t.i. Trilateralna komisija že nekoliko prej.
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