The S1, which FLSun has declared its new flagship machine, features a build volume of 320 x 320 x 430 mm and is focused on high-speed printing – claiming a max speed of 1,200 mm/s, acceleration of up to 40,000 mm²/s, and a volumetric flow rate of 110 mm³.Cena je ugodna....
Poglej priponko 76141
Zgleda, da bo 1000mm/s....
Poglej priponko 76142
Poglej priponko 76143
flsun s1
New Breakthroughs New Speed FLSUN'S Goal Has Always Been to Achieve Faster speeds

Poleg hitrosti je najbolj fascinanten flow rate. Običajni printerji ga imajo tam okoli 10mm3/s. S CHC nozle na volcano heatblocku prideš nekje na 30-40mm3/s...
110mm3/s je nora cifra, me res zanima kak hotend je...
Pri 110 flowu bi v 2 urah porabil 1kg filamenta.
Cena bo pa 1300$ torej v evrih najbrž okoli 1300€-1500€.
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