64 | Firm > 100 zaposlenih |
29 | Texas |
5 | Arizona |
4 | Colorado |
4 | North Carolina |
3 | Florida |
3 | Tennessee |
2 | Montana |
2 | Mississippi |
2 | Ohia |
1 | Alabama |
1 | Indiana |
1 | New Jersey |
1 | New York |
1 | Washington |
1 | Utah |
1 | Virginia |
3 | multiple location |
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Podjetja množično zapuščajo s kriminalom prežet San Francisco
Pred dnevi se je urad županje San Francisca kritično odzval na prispevek oddaje Good Morning America, v katerem so San Francisco označili za prenevaren za snemanje. A dejstvo je, da je to kalifornijsko mesto v zadnjem času pridobilo zelo slab sloves.www.rtvslo.si
One of the largest supermarkets remaining in San Francisco, the flagship Whole Foods on the corner of 8th and Market, shut down with little warning at the end of business on Monday after only a year in business, citing high crime and drug use in the area.
For several years, large chains and small businesses alike have been leaving San Francisco, either closing permanently or relocating operations outside the city. In the case of small businesses, some have left the area entirely, moving out of state or to other areas in the state. For the last few years, for example, Walgreens has closed more and more stores in the city due to the massive amount of crime happening within it’s stores. Higher-end stores have also cited break-ins and crime as major reasons for leaving. And just last month, Amazon announced that all their Amazon Go stores in the city would be closing as well.
Vir: https://californiaglobe.com/article...y-one-year-in-cites-high-crime-rampant-drugs/While high costs from rent and other factors was listed as a primary reason, a lack of customers visiting the stores due to many avoiding crime in the Downtown area was also a factor in the decision, tying in crime once again.
“A growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees, coupled with the fact that these significant issues are preventing an economic recovery of the area,” the mall said.
Nordstrom is closing both of its stores in downtown San Francisco, citing the changing “dynamics” of the area that hasn’t recovered since the pandemic and has been in the spotlight for crime. “Decisions like this are never easy, and this one has been especially difficult,” wrote Jamie Nordstrom, Nordstrom’s chief stores officer, in a memo obtained by CNN. “But as many of you know, the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”
Vir: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/03/business/nordstrom-san-francisco-closures/index.htmlThere are several other reasons that may have contributed to the Nordstrom locations’ closures besides crime. For starters, remote work following the pandemic has caused a decrease in foot traffic in major US downtowns, including San Francisco. Malls have also been fading in popularity with shoppers as they shift their allegiance online.
In posledično se zaradi tega prikazuje tudi nerealno statistiko, ki izkrivlja poglede in tako lahko bereš izjave kot je npr. sledeča:Po drugi strani pa zgleda ni nic drazjega kot pa da ti kolesariat hodi v trgovine ropat do 1k usd ker to wokjenj tozilci pac ne preganjajo.
"Crime has generally fallen" a v bistvu je ogromno stokanja s strani manjših in večjih podjetij zaradi tistega zakona o "toleriranju" tatvin do 1000€.Incidents of theft in San Francisco have gained national attention, though crime has generally fallen over the past six years.
Pa to ste kalibri. Enkrat šibki drugič 100 let pred ostalimiStrah pred Veliko Rusijo je zgleda vecji od sranja v lastni drzavi.
Jaz ga cisto razumem, zda je sibka kot se nikoli.