Kot videno že večkrat pri podjetjih, ki svoje poslovanje preveč usmerjajo na podlagi prebliskov manjšine, se lahko to (milo rečeno) ne izzide ravno najbolje.
Veriga restavracij Hooters, ki je znana po strežbi s strani bolj ali manj lepih žensk z relativno velikimi joški, je v zadnjem letu zaprla desetine svojih lokalov in se pripravlja na stečaj. Oh, zakaj, le zakaj, kako za vraga lahko pride do propada tako znane in na splošno zaželjene restavracije?
Povprečne Hooters strežnice oz. natakarice prej:
Hooters strežnice oz. natakarice (in tudi natakarji) zdaj:
Hooters preparing to file bankruptcy after shuttering dozens of stores in 2024
Hooters — which has about 300 locations nationwide — has faced increasing financial strain as traffic declines at its kitschy restaurants, leading to the closure of several outposts.
Hooters closed approximately 40 locations last year and owes $300 million in asset backed bonds.

Hooters preparing to file bankruptcy after shuttering dozens of locations: report
Hooters closed approximately 40 locations last year and owes $300 million in asset backed bonds

Hooters prepares to file for bankruptcy amid declining foot traffic: report
Sources indicate that while no final decision has been made, the filing could take place within the next two months, Bloomberg News reported.