

2. jul 2020



13. avg 2007
Za ostalo se tudi razume, oglasi so snemani za več tržišč. Ampak dajmo no, koliko temnopoltih je pri nas, da so prikazane temne manekenke, mešane družine... Je precej bizarno tako rečeno.

Najbolj smešno pri tej korporativni "inkuzivnosti" je, da nam tiščijo samo črne. To je diskriminacija! Rasisti so. Kje so latinoti? Kitajci? Kameltrajberji? Prebivalci Tonga otočja? Zakaj ni kake tipične debilne albanske face v reklamah?


3. sep 2007
Tole so obsodbe posiljevalcev. In nekako se mi dozdeva, da so jih kljub vsemu našli organi pregona in to že leta nazaj
2010Razwan Razaq30Sexual activity with a child11 years[50]
2010Umar Razaq24Sexual activity with a child4 years, 6 months (later reduced on appeal)
2010Zafran Ramzan21Rape, sexual activity with a child9 years
2010Mohsin Khan21Sexual activity with a child4 years
2010Adil Hussain20Sexual activity with a child4 years
2016Qurban Ali53Conspiracy to rape10 years
2016Arshid Hussain40Rape, indecent assault (23 charges)35 years
2016Basharat Hussain39Rape (15 charges)25 years
2016Bannaras Hussain36Rape, indecent assault, actual bodily harm (10 charges)19 years
2016Karen MacGregor58False imprisonment, conspiracy to procure prostitutes13 years
2016Shelley Davies40False imprisonment, conspiracy to procure prostitutes18 months suspended
2016Sageer Hussain304 rapes, indecent assault19 years[51]
2016Basharat Hussain40Indecent assault7 years
2016Ishtiaq Khaliq33Rape, three indecent assaults17 years
2016Masoued Malik32Rape, false imprisonment, conspiracy to commit indecent assault15 years
2016Waleed Ali34Rape, indecent assault13 years
2016Asif Ali30Rape12 years
2016Naeem Rafiq33Conspiracy to commit indecent assault, false imprisonment8 years
2016Mohammed Whied32Aiding and abetting rape5 years
2017Basharat Dad32Rape, indecent assault, and false imprisonment20 years
2017Nasser Dad36Rape, false imprisonment, inciting gross indecency with a child14 years, 6 months
2017Tayab Dad34Rape10 years
2017Mohammed Sadiq41Sexual intercourse with a girl under 1313 years
2017Matloob Hussain42Sexual intercourse with a girl under 1313 years
2017Amjad Ali36Sexual intercourse with a girl under 1311 years
2017Zalgai Ahmadi45Conspiracy to commit sexual assault and false imprisonment9 years, 6 months
2017Sajid Ali38Seven counts of indecent assault7 years, 6 months
2017Zaheer Iqbal40Five counts of indecent assault7 years, 6 months
2017Riaz Makhmood39Three counts of indecent assault6 years, 9 months
2018Asghar Bostan47One count of rape9 years
2018Tony Chapman42Seventeen child sexual abuse offences25 years
2018Khurram Javed35One count of sexual assault2 years
2018Darren Hyett55One count of sexual activity with a child9 years
2019Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar37One count of rape, one count of aiding and abetting rape, three counts of indecent assault, one count of procuring a girl under 21 to have unlawful sexual intercourse with another and count of sexual assault23 years
2018Nabeel Kurshid39Two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault19 years
2018Iqlak Yousaf34Two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault20 years
2018Tanweer Ali37Two counts of rape, two counts of indecent assault and one count of false imprisonment14 years
2018Salah Ahmed El-Hakam39One count of rape15 years
2018Asif Ali33Two counts of indecent assaults10 years
2018Unnamed ManUnknownTwo counts of rapeunknown
2019Aftab Hussain40Two counts of indecent assault24 years
2019Abid Saddiq38Two counts of rape, four counts of indecent assault and two counts of child abduction20 years
2019Masaued Malik35Three counts of indecent assault5 years
2019Sharaz Hussain35Four counts of indecent assault4 years
2019Mohammed Ashen35Three counts of indecent assault18 years
2019Waseem Khaliq35Two counts of child abduction, three counts of witness intimidation and indecent assault13 years 9 months
2019Unnamed ManunknownTwo counts of indecent assaultunknown
2023Neil Cawton68Four counts of sexual activity with a child, four counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, one count of assault of a child under 13 by penetration10 years
2023Ishtiaq Khaliq40One count of Indecent assault, one count of theft2 years
2023Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar42Two counts of rape, two counts of indecent assault12 years
2024David Saynor7718 sexual offences against eight victims24 years
2024Adam Ali43Four counts of rape, three counts of sexual assault13 years
2024Neil King5117 offences against a girl21 years
2024Mohammed Amar42Two counts of indecent assault on a girl aged 1114 years
2024Mohammed Siyab44Two counts of rape and trafficking for sexual exploitation24 years
2024Mohammed Zameer Sadiq49Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13 and rape15 years
2024Ramin Bari37Four counts of rape9 years
2024Tahir Yassin38Eight counts of rape13 years
2024Yasser Ajaibe39Indecent assault of a girl aged 116 years
2024Waleed Ali42Rape of a girl aged 145 years
2024Shahid Hussain48Indecent assault against girl aged 148 years and deportation
  • Wow
Reactions: ynos


6. sep 2007

The failure of Operation Augusta gives us reason to doubt improvements on child protection​

The focus is on Operation Augusta, initiated in February 2004, following the death of 15-year-old Victoria Agoglia while she was in the care of Manchester City Council. Since the age of 13 she had been sexually abused and assaulted by mainly Asian men; she died having been injected with heroin by a 50-year-old man. In essence, Augusta was designed to find and protect children in a similar situation to Victoria and to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators. It did identify 57 girls at risk and 97 suspects before being closed down after 16 months, leaving the perpetrators free to continue their systematic abuse in plain sight. Very few of the abusers were prosecuted, nor were their activities disrupted. Augusta was a litany of poor leadership, lack of resources, territorial disputes within Greater Manchester Police and an overreliance on difficult-to-obtain evidence from victims.