Ohh, ko bi bilo vse enoznačno in enostavno.
- 1921-1945: After the Russian Civil War, Crimea was part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) but was given the status of an autonomous republic known as the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Crimean ASSR). This was primarily due to its significant Tatar population.
- 1945-1954: Following World War II, the Crimean Tatars were deported from Crimea in 1944 by Soviet authorities under accusations of collaboration with the Nazis. Consequently, the Crimean ASSR was downgraded to the status of an oblast (region) within the RSFSR in 1945, becoming the Crimean Oblast.
- 1954: In a significant administrative move, Nikita Khrushchev, then First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, transferred the Crimean Oblast from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR). This transfer was officially to mark the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Agreement which symbolically united Ukraine with Russia.
Before the Soviet Union was established, the status of Crimea changed several times through history:
- Ancient Times to Middle Ages: Crimea was inhabited by various groups like the Scythians, Greeks, Goths, Huns, and others. It was known as the Tauric Peninsula. Greek colonies like Chersonesos were established, and later, Byzantine influence was significant with the establishment of the Theme of Klimata.
- 13th to 15th Century: In the Middle Ages, Crimea was under the influence of the Mongol Golden Horde. Later, the Crimean Khanate emerged as an independent state in the mid-15th century, nominally under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire. The Crimean Khanate was a powerful entity, often involved in raids into Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine and Russia.
- 18th Century: The Russian Empire began to exert control over Crimea. After several conflicts, particularly the Russo-Turkish Wars, Russia annexed Crimea in 1783 under Catherine the Great. This ended the independence of the Crimean Khanate.
- Late 18th to Early 20th Century: Crimea became part of the Russian Empire as the Taurida Governorate. It was a period of colonization by Russians and migration from various parts of the empire, leading to a multi-ethnic region. The Crimean Tatars, who were the indigenous Muslim population, faced various policies aimed at Russification.
- Early 20th Century: During the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), Crimea saw various powers controlling it, including the Bolsheviks, Whites, and even briefly an independent Crimean People's Republic in 1917-1918. However, by 1921, with the Bolshevik victory in the civil war, Crimea was incorporated into the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), setting the stage for its status within the Soviet Union.
Problem je le v tem, kako daleč nazaj bi rad vrtel zgodovino? Morda je Grški, morda Turški, morda celo Mongolski.
Saj ni point, da bi morali vrteli zgodovino nazaj.
Ker če bi jo vrteli za vse in bi hitro prišli na čas, ko je bil Krim Ruski, Amerika pa od Indijancev, pa Bosna turška... Čigava pa Slovenija?
Krim je ukrajinec Hruščov priključil nezakonito, po slovensko bi se reklo napaka v postopku. Sodišče je njegov dekret razveljavilo.
Poleg tega so bili referendumi 1991, 1995, kjer so prebivalci povedali, da nočejo iti na svoje.
In tudi če vsega prej povedanega nebi bilo, je tu point referendum in odličitev, da se od Ukrajine odcepijo. Tako kot Slovenci od Juge.
In to bi bilo treba spoštovat.
Slovenci smo se tud 1918 priključili Jugi. Ampak smo se premislili. To ne velja več. Velja zadnji sklep skupščine iz 1991.
Odcepitev Krima, Slovenije, Kosova... to ti je isti qrac, Ljudje so imeli dovolj oblasti in so se odcepili.
Če pa hočeš pravno pokritost, boš pa našel več razlogov da je Krim ruski, kot pa ukrajinski. Od neustavnega dekreta, referendumov, sestava prebivalcev....
Bo Nataša Pirc enkrat nabasana podarila Piran Milanoviču bomo rekli, ok je pač podarila in bo sedaj je Piran hrvaški, kljub temu da se Pirančani s tem ne strinjajo, so naredili referendum da hočejo pod slovenijo. .... In nima veze, da je podarila mimo potrditve v parlamentu in v nasprotju z ustavo in zakoni. In ko se bodo Pirančani na silo odcepili od Hrvaške, pa bodo prišli Hrvatje iz Slavonije in hoteli Piran zavzet, sak je pač njihov. podarjem
Sem že večkrat vprašal, tiste, ki bi radi napadli osvobodili Krim, in nikoli dobil odgovora. Koliko desettisočev ali stotisčev življen ste pa pripravljeni še žrtvovat da bi odvobodili ljudi na Krimu ruske okupacije in jih spraviti pod Kijevsko oblast, kamor ljudje nočejo it, pa tudi pod okupacijo živijo precej bolje, kot njihovi sovrstniki v Ukrajini.