While the bloc will miss its delivery target, it now has the capacity to produce 1 million shells, EU officials said.
By the end of 2024, the European arms industry should produce 1.4 to 1.7 million rounds of 155 mm ammo. It will be closer to a third of that.
The head of Rheinmetall, Germany's biggest defence firm, says Europe's ammunition stocks are currently empty.
The European Union’s capacity to produce 155 mm artillery ammunition may be one-half to one-third of public estimates by senior EU officials, Schemes and its partners in a journalistic investigation found. And the EU has given Ukraine about half of the 1 million shells it promised by March 2024.
Opinion: There are at least three competing munitions demands on the European defense industry that require immediate attention.
Throughout 2023 and 2024, the European Commission proclaimed that Europe was ramping up its arms industry.
Europe must ramp up production of armaments massively and urgently, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Monday, warning that the continent now “does not live in times of peace”.
Pe še nekaj 10 kako sta EU in ZDA kupovala vse zaloge 155 mm granat po svetu ker jih niso imeli kje vzet. Ampak vem da tudi teh ne boš prebral.
Pa si malo prebral članke??????
Koliko je razbrati, je EU pošiljala toliko (starega) streliva koliko novih je lahko ustvarila. Če ni šlo po planu, je bilo dostavljenega manj streliva, kot so ukrajincem obljubili.
Šolc svari, da časi niso rožnati in je treba povečati vojaško moč.
In kaj sklepaš po tem? Eni sklepate, da so skladišča prazna, spet drugi to malo drugače tolmačimo