Aja protesti so to, sem pa mislil da so volitve.
Ker po volitvah se v demokracijah menja predsednika. Če ni demokracije pa se predsednika menja z državnim udarom, in potem predsednik zbeži iz države.
Za odstavitev predsednika niso potrebne volitve. Lahko namreč odstopi tudi sam Ampak opcij je več, med drugim če to počne državni zbor, je tudi čisto OK. Ne vem kdo te farba, da je za vsak drek potreben referendum in/ali volitve ? Putin te farba? Naj potem raje Putin pred sabo pokmete svoje smeti, prej kot se oglaša kot kukavica
Ampak ker vem, da si kot papiga in praviš, da bi v Ukrajini morali imeti volitve, je to tako enostavno, da se očitno motiš.
In February 2014, the Revolution of Dignity culminated with the flight of then-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to Russia. There were no articles of impeachment brought against Yanukovych, as the impeachment process laid out in the Ukrainian Constitution was not designed to deal with the president abandoning their post without warning. Instead, the Verkhovna Rada voted on February 22, 2014 to "remove Viktor Yanukovych from the post of president of Ukraine" on the grounds that he had withdrawn from fulfilling his constitutional duties, and to hold early presidential elections on May 25. The exact wording of the title of this resolution was "Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: On self-removal of the President of Ukraine from the exercise of constitutional powers and appointment of extraordinary elections of the President of Ukraine."