Tik-tak, Tik-tak....
China sharply cuts oil purchases from Russia after Putin meets Xi Jinping China has cut its purchases of Russian oil by 30% after Putin's visit to Xi Jinping.
In July, oil supplies from Russia to China fell by 7.4% compared to last year and reached 1.76 million barrels per day - the lowest level since the end of last year. The decline began in the first quarter and accelerated after Putin's visit to Beijing. As a result, supplies fell from 2.55 million to 1.9 million barrels per day between March and July.
Chinese refineries have been replacing Russian crude with supplies from the Middle East: imports from Saudi Arabia rose 13% in July, while imports from Malaysia rose 61%. Despite this, China remains the largest buyer of Russian oil, accounting for 43% of its exports. Oil and raw materials account for more than 90% of Russia's supplies to China.
Začela se je nova 2 mesečna operacija

China sharply cuts oil purchases from Russia after Putin meets Xi Jinping China has cut its purchases of Russian oil by 30% after Putin's visit to Xi Jinping.
In July, oil supplies from Russia to China fell by 7.4% compared to last year and reached 1.76 million barrels per day - the lowest level since the end of last year. The decline began in the first quarter and accelerated after Putin's visit to Beijing. As a result, supplies fell from 2.55 million to 1.9 million barrels per day between March and July.
Chinese refineries have been replacing Russian crude with supplies from the Middle East: imports from Saudi Arabia rose 13% in July, while imports from Malaysia rose 61%. Despite this, China remains the largest buyer of Russian oil, accounting for 43% of its exports. Oil and raw materials account for more than 90% of Russia's supplies to China.

Začela se je nova 2 mesečna operacija

Vladimir Putin: Čas imate do oktobra
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin naj bi vojski ukazal, da mora z vdorom Ukrajincev v regijo Kursk opraviti najkasneje do začetka oktobra, poročajo nekateri mediji, ki se sklicujejo na informacije iz ukrajinskega vojaškega vrha. Ključni pogoj pri osvobajanju Kurska, ki naj bi ga Putin postavil...