Kopiram sem odgovor nekoga iz slo-tech-a, ki je prilepil del splošnih pogojev s katerimi se moraš strinjati ob migraciji:
Od kje ta informacija? Danes sem opravil migracijo, v pogojih pise, da tvoja sredstva niso(!!!) del depozitne jamstvene sheme. Tudi na spletni strani ni nikjer omenjeno teh 100.000€.
3.9. When we hold Electronic Money for you, us holding the funds corresponding to the Electronic Money is not the same as a bank holding money for you in that:
(a) the funds that have been received by us in exchange for Electronic Money will be either deposited in one or more segregated accounts with credit institutions held separately from our own funds or invested in secure, low-risk assets in line with the requirements of the 2009 Law;
(b) your Electronic Money will not accrue interest;
and (c) your Electronic Money is not covered by the deposit protection scheme of the Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts Luxembourg (“FGDL”).
Prej je ta zascita veljala, imel si pravi bancni racun pri Solaris Bank, sedaj tudi racun ni vec "pravi", vsaj po pogojih sodec.
7.7. You agree and acknowledge that the IBAN details of your Vivid Account are only a referencing tool provided by our banking service provider in order to allow identification by us of the relevant payment transactions done on your behalf or by third parties. The IBAN
details do not constitute an actual bank account in their own right and are linked to a specific actual bank account held by us. Accordingly, the IBAN details do not constitute or create an account or other type of relationship between you and our banking service provider and do not qualify for any deposit guarantee or any other protection or compensation schemes.
Tole zgoraj je vse c/p iz novih T&C.