URE tretji del


11. sep 2007

zanima me, koliko je ta ura vredna...

Zadnja slika je motna, kaj naj... Model je Hamilton H325190.
Dobil za darilo 2012, kupljena pri Slowatch, nošena dva do trikrat, ohranjenost 10/10. Teža mi ne odgovarja...
Našel po vseh letih v kleti, pa, naj gre, če gre...
Hvala v naprej in LP...

Ne bi te rad užalil, samo meni ne zgleda kot bi bila 2x nošena. Jaz jo nosim vsak dan že dve leti, pa upam trdit da je manj zdrajsana. Dopuščam pa možnost, da fotoaprat naredi svoje in povdari to kar oko nebi opazilo.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: jello in McGiver


11. avg 2013
Kje bi nadaljeval to zanimivo debato ...

Hamiltona sem imel tudi sam, žal razočaran. Ura je magnet za praske in pomanjkanje "ainti-reflecting coatinga" nisem mogel prenašati. Tudi lume je porazen.

Čestitke kolegu, ki je kupil Casio Diverja. Dobra izbira. :biceps:

Čestitke tudi kolegu, ki je kupil Wengerja. Lepo si prišel skozi, čeprav bi sam raje kupil tole.

Kar se tiče avtomatskih ali kvarčnih ur, se ne mislim spuščati v "konflikte". Sam bom vedno kupoval avtomatike. Raje Seiko 5 za 100 EUR kot (ne vem, vstavi poljubno kič znamko na baterije). Zadnjega mi je mojster skalibriral na +2.6 s na dan. Hah. Pa tudi če bi jih bilo 30, ne bi jokal. Swatch System 51 je gotovo interesantna ura. Žal me preveč spominja na razne kitajske avtomatike ala Fossil, ki je v zadnjem času dal na trg zelo zanimive ure, vendar žal (za moj okus) prekičaste.

Sedaj pa takole, dragi fantje ... Seiko 5 je krasna ura in močno jo spoštujem, vendar potrebujem eno malce bolj klasično uro srednjega ranga. Pogoj je vsekakor avtomatik. Naj bo Švicar z usnjenim. Bo Tissot kar prava izbira, ka-li?

420 USD Jomashop


Izključen uporabnik
24. jul 2007
Tule je eden dezertiral s seika... pa če se govori o razredu $400.

[Discussion] Seiko has completely downgraded their mid range (~$500) automatics, they went from great value choices, to barely competitive.


Ok, so let me start by saying that brand value and design are purely subjective measurements. If you believe that the Seiko name is worth a lot of money, or that you love their designs a ton, then by all means, a midranged Seiko is a brilliant deal. In my opinion, Seiko is not a watch brand that I'm willing to pay extra for.
So lets rewind 20 years or so. In the 90s, Seiko was selling ~$300-500 watches with the 4s15 movement. Most of these were JDM, so I won't really consider inflation (since well, the yen deflated in the last 20 years), but they were Seiko's midrange, mainstream, high volume automatics. The 4S15 movement is a 28,800 BPH, 40 hour power reserve, hacking, hand winding automatic movement. The 4S15 is approximately an ETA 2824 tier movement. The most classic example would probably be the Seiko "red alpinist"
Eventually Seiko phased out the 4s series in their mainline watches (and seriously pushed them up market to Credor), and came out with the 6R15 for use in their mainstream watches. The 6R15 is 21,600 bph, 50 hour power reserve, and hacking and hand winding. I personally consider the 6R15 to be a movement that is slightly worse than the ETA 2824 (higher beat rate) and Powermatic 80 (higher power reserve). However, most of the best known 6R15 equipped watches have sapphire crystals so combined with the interesting designs (OG Cocktail time, green dialed Alpinist, Sarb033/35), I absolutely don't mind the price to performance ratio around the ~500 gray market price that these were going for.
But in the last year or two, Seiko has been discontinuing the models that you can find for around ~$400, $500 gray market like the SARB065 Cocktail Time, the SARB017 Alpinist, and the Sarb033/035. Now in the segment between the Seiko 5 (<$300) to ~$1000, Seiko fills their lineup with the new Presage lineup, Seiko Premiers and a few new Prospex models.
So now, if you want a Seiko dress watch in that price range, you can get the ~$500 presage lineup (gray market street price is around $300-400). These watches have Hardlex crystals and 4R series movements. Problem is, look at the competition around that price range (I'll just get gray market prices off Jomashop, there's probably cheaper out there):
For around $300-400 gray market, you can take your pick of Tissot Visodates, Tissot La Locles, even COSC certified Tissot Luxury automatics. Tissot isn't to your liking? How about the Frederique Constant Slimline, the Hamilton Viewmatic, or the Raymond Weil Maestro?
Every single one of them have a better movement than the Seiko 4r series movements and sapphire crystal. Hell, the majority of them have deployment clasps. So yes, unless you truly love the Seiko designs or the Seiko brand, there's a lot more around the ~$300-$400 gray market price range that will knock the socks off the new Seiko Presage line up.
You want a dive watch? Well Seiko divers around the $300-500 on the gray market are usually a 4r3* divers with hardlex, steel construction, and 200m water resistance, like this SRPA21.
The competition? How about this Tissot Seastar with a Powermatic 80, 300m water resistance, ceramic dial, and a helium escape valve? All for only $375. Or how about this Hamilton? Or how about a Steinhart with ceramic bezel and full warranty from an AD? Hell, spec wise the Seiko Prospex is competitive with the Orient Ray II, a watch that you can get on the gray market for under $150 bucks.
Again, when it comes to dive watches, Seiko for ~$500 on the gray market has nothing that is really competitive. Why buy a Seiko with you can go with the Swiss for a lot better around the same price? or you can get an Orient from the same group for less than half the price. Hell, mineral crystal, 4R36, and 200m water resistance? You can get all that on an $80 Invicta pro diver.
I can keep going. You want to talk about field watches? Take your pick with the $300-400 Hamiltons, all of them come with either ETA2824 or H10, with sapphire crystal at the least. Tissot can make you an automatic chrono for around ~$400, Seiko doesn't have anything in that range.
You know what, at one point, Seiko truly did delivery class leading value at a price point the swiss and Orient/Citizen cannot hit. But the sad thing is, Seiko has been slowly downgrading their midrange lineup, from the 4S movements that were ETA2824 competitive, to the 6R15, to now the 4R3*, and now Seiko even dropped the sapphire crystal and the deployment clasps from that price range.
4R36 movement and Hardlex is OK at the Seiko 5 price range (<$300), but Seiko is trying to push that combination upmarket to the ~$500 range, while pushing the 6R15 movement even more upmarket. I think that's absurd, and now their products are some of the LEAST price competitive products out there.
You know what we call watches with crappy internals that sell on the basis of their appearance? Fashion watches. Welp, now with the latest round of downgrades and discontinuations, Seiko, when it comes to the midranged automatic watch, is essentially a fashion watch maker now. After all, the only reason why you might want to pick a Seiko is a pretty face.

Za okol $500-600, bi jst uro, ki je bila v drugi dimenziji ne le na luni.



14. maj 2011
Thx za info. Bom itak še kakšno uro nabavil pa verjetno ne bo seiko.
Zdaj mam dost za letos. Sem kupil še suunto9 za prosti čas... naslednje leto morda še kakšno ubodem :)


11. avg 2013
Čestitke. S Seikom ne moreš zgrešiti. :biceps:

Ne vem še, kje jo bom kupil. Lokalni diler jee zastopnik za Tisso-je, zato bom najprej povprašal njega. Predvidevam, da bi si za dobavo zaračunal lepo provizijo. Bom videl.

Sprehod po LJ se mi zaenkat ne splača. Kontaktiral bom SloWach in povprašal, kako je z dobavo in nabavo dotičnega modela. V najslabšem primeru pokličem kakšno prodajalno v Grazu ali pa bom kupil nekaj na poslovni poti, ni problema. Konec koncev imam še vedno Jomashop, bi pa znal v jezi potegniti kartico v kakšnem butiku. :ostrzek::ostrzek:

Z veseljem bi se stegnil do Maurice Lacroix ali Frederique Constant, vendar so njihovi avtomatiki že čez tisočaka. Mi je pa neumno dati celo plačo za takšno uro. :jezen:

Kar se pa tiče Hamiltona ... Sam sem šel to uro sigurno trikrat preizkusiti, a sem se na koncu odločil za Khaki Field (ki je že prodan). Izjemno zanimiva pilotska ura, ampak mi očitno ni bila usojena. :) Kot sem rekel, Khaki Fielda sem hitro prodal, tale Interstellar Watch pa bi bila gotovo zanimiva izbira. Tudi za v sef. :zardelalter:

Mislim, da so mi jo v Qlandiji v NM ponujali za 680 EUR.
Nazadnje urejeno:


15. jul 2009
Kje bi nadaljeval to zanimivo debato ...

Hamiltona sem imel tudi sam, žal razočaran. Ura je magnet za praske in pomanjkanje "ainti-reflecting coatinga" nisem mogel prenašati. Tudi lume je porazen.

Čestitke kolegu, ki je kupil Casio Diverja. Dobra izbira. :biceps:

Čestitke tudi kolegu, ki je kupil Wengerja. Lepo si prišel skozi, čeprav bi sam raje kupil tole.

Kar se tiče avtomatskih ali kvarčnih ur, se ne mislim spuščati v "konflikte". Sam bom vedno kupoval avtomatike. Raje Seiko 5 za 100 EUR kot (ne vem, vstavi poljubno kič znamko na baterije). Zadnjega mi je mojster skalibriral na +2.6 s na dan. Hah. Pa tudi če bi jih bilo 30, ne bi jokal. Swatch System 51 je gotovo interesantna ura. Žal me preveč spominja na razne kitajske avtomatike ala Fossil, ki je v zadnjem času dal na trg zelo zanimive ure, vendar žal (za moj okus) prekičaste.

Sedaj pa takole, dragi fantje ... Seiko 5 je krasna ura in močno jo spoštujem, vendar potrebujem eno malce bolj klasično uro srednjega ranga. Pogoj je vsekakor avtomatik. Naj bo Švicar z usnjenim. Bo Tissot kar prava izbira, ka-li?

420 USD Jomashop

Sicer vsakomur svoje, ampak meni so te open heart zadeve kičaste.


Osebje foruma
20. jul 2007

A tukaj se sme vprašati tudi za pametne ure, ali je rezervirano samo za avtomatike? :D

Torej, za nežnejši spol, pa da je zadeva očesu prijazna ... recimo Suunto 3 fitness gold:


... ali Suunto Spartan Trainer gold:


Ali so to v redu zadeve? Pri drugi me skrbi ker je nekoliko večja od prve (46mm vs 43mm), pa potem verjetno tole izpade že kar veliko na bolj suhi roki? Alternative? V tem cenovnem razredu seveda (200-250eur).

EDIT: Pogoj je HR meritev na zapestju in activity monitoring.


20. avg 2007
Trainer na ženski roki ne izgleda preveliko, je pa debelejša od Fitness. Pa odvisno za kaj rabiš, trainer je čisto outdoor ura.

sicer imaš tudi Garmin Vivomove in Vivoactive.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: crashednburnt


12. jul 2016

A tukaj se sme vprašati tudi za pametne ure, ali je rezervirano samo za avtomatike? :D

Torej, za nežnejši spol, pa da je zadeva očesu prijazna ... recimo Suunto 3 fitness gold:


... ali Suunto Spartan Trainer gold:


Ali so to v redu zadeve? Pri drugi me skrbi ker je nekoliko večja od prve (46mm vs 43mm), pa potem verjetno tole izpade že kar veliko na bolj suhi roki? Alternative? V tem cenovnem razredu seveda (200-250eur).

EDIT: Pogoj je HR meritev na zapestju in activity monitoring.

Misli boljša polovica resno s treningi ali se ji gre za "lepo" športno uro ali celo modni dodatek, korake in občasno meritve aktivnosti?

Če misli resno, potem to kar so ti predlagali. Če je taka kot 98% drugih žensk, potem je dolgo ne bo nosila. Zdaj je zunaj Apple watch 4, torej lahko dobiš 3, ki je praktično ista za podoben denar kot je tvoj budget ali manj. Ima dovolj funkcij za šport, dodatno pa je za ženske zanimiva, ker te čez dan skozi nekaj opominja, vzpodbuja, ekran je lep, bla bla. Pa še lepše zgleda na ženski roki, kot Suunto krožnik in ji lahko menja paščke (moda pa to). Dela tudi muzika na slušalke in BT povezava ne pada dol (kot pri mnogih drugih).

Seveda pride to v poštev, če ima Apple telefon, z ostalim je tako tako.

Nikakor nisem fan Apple produktov, sam uporabljam Garminovo uro v kombinaciji z Android telefonom (ura je ok, povezava s telefonom katastrofa), vidim pa pri ženskah, da so jim te športne ure le trenutni hit, potem pa zvodeni. Nekaj vmes kot je Apple 3/4 pa kar nosijo.


21. sep 2011

že dlje časa si želim kupiti starejšo Omega avtomatsko uro (Seamaster ali kaj podobnega) z usnjenim paščkom , narejena v 60-70tih, pa na slovenski Bolhi, ter Ebayu ne najdem nobene dobre ponudbe. Zanima me, ali lahko ponudbe spremljam še kje, poleg Chrono24, kjer se mi cena zdijo napihnjene napram ostalim.
