The Judgment day

Zmagal/a bo:

Rezultati so vidni samo po glasovanju.
13. jul 2011
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik pinkobalinko pravi:
Veze ima toliko, da se imenuje po turški reformistični struji izpred sto let, katere član je bil tudi Ataturk.

Je govora o tem?

Young Turks and the Armenian Genocide

The Young Turks were the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. The Young Turk Movement emerged in reaction to the absolutist rule of Sultan Abdul-Hamid (Abdulhamit) II (1876-1909).

Saj je preprosto:

Menda ne misliš jutub kekcem naprtiti odgovornosti za Armenski genocid.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Mah ne, je pa zanimivo, kakšno ime so si izbrali.



5. sep 2007
1. Peter Schiff
Cenk ga je povabil v studio....On je zelo nespostljivo driskal pol ure.... Ze pri 2:50 pri vecini letel iz studija...

2. Ben Shapiro
Sploh nima spremljave, sploh ni agresiven do ostalih, itd, itd..

Btw, prvi (Cenk) nastopa javno in odprta. Drugi pa na povabilo in (praviloma) pred zelo specificino (naci) skupino. Ce ga sploh spustijo na prireditev zaradi zelo specificnih stalisc


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Jp, prvega nastopajočega sem vedel, da je Peter Schiff, sem dosti od njega tudi že pregledal na YT. Npr. tole:

Napovedal je tudi housing bubble 2008:



5. sep 2007
Goldberg: Breitbart's Ben Shapiro 'fascist'

By Dylan Byers

02/20/13 02:56 PM EST

Earlier this month, editor-at-large Ben Shapiro cited Senate sources who told him — "exclusively" — that Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of defense, had received funding from a group called "Friends of Hamas."

Never mind that "Friends of Hamas" doesn't exist and that rumors of its existence have been sourced, by New York Daily News reporter Dan Friedman, to a congressional aide's bad joke — Shapiro is doubling down: "Our Senate source denies that Friedman is the source of this information," he writes today.

For those unfamiliar with Shapiro, he's the one who called President Obama "an anti-Semitic son of a bitch" who "incentivizes Palestinian Arabs to violent uprising" and "embodies all the personal characteristics of a fascist leader"; said that "Jews who vote for Obama are, by and large, Jews In Name Only (JINOs)" and that "Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage"; and — but this really is a step too far — once told Fox News he wanted to "cap" Sesame's Street's Elmo and Big Bird.

Today, Jeffrey Goldberg, a far more credible reporter — you may know him from his interviews with President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — adds that Shapiro once endorsed forcibly expelling Palestinians from the West Bank, "the position of the extremist Meir Kahane, who was banned by the Israeli Supreme Court from participating in Israeli politics because of his racist views," Goldberg notes.

Goldberg thus posits that it's Shapiro who is the fascist.

"Shapiro, who has positioned himself as a stalwart defender of Israel and of the Jewish people, has expressed views that place him squarely in the fascist camp," Goldberg explains. "Not only is he to the right of Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama, he is to the right of the mainstream pro-Israel community; of the right-wing Zionist Organization of America; the Likud Party; and the governing body of the West Bank settlement movement."

"Shapiro is the one who seems completely divorced from Jewish values," Goldberg concludes. "His leadership role in the dump-Hagel movement reflects well on Barack Obama."

Dylan Byers

bomo se kr promovirali tega fasista? huh?
poleg tega da je sociopat


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
ze pri 0:20 zacne zlagati laz na laz


Komentarji v članku so zanimivi

Hočeš reči, da vsi triljoni na novo stiskanega denarja ne povzroča inflacije? FED in ECB jo držita umetno dol le z nično obrestno mero, kar bo samo povzročilo nov balonček zaradi poceni denarja. Nihče več ne varčuje (ker se ne splača), vsi le zapravljajo in se zadolžujejo.
V času Obamove administracije se je dolg države povečal x2. USA mnogo več uvaža, kot izvaža - cca 40 milijard USD na mesec več uvozijo, kot izvozijo.

Tole je npr. graf EUR - CHF:
USD pa gor drži le še Petrodolar.


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
USD pa gor drži le še Petrodolar.

In zato je Sirija (poleg še par ostalih) tak trn v peti USA, saj si Assad želi prodajati nafto v evrih. In ni pogojev, da bojo Ameri to dopustili pa magari, če si je zaradi tega potrebno izmisliti nov problem za bližnji vzhod (ISIS).


5. sep 2007

Ali ce skrajsamo:
First of all, much of the debt increase was the result of laws and economic conditions in place before Obama took office rather than laws that passed under his presidency. The Congressional Budget Office’s first current law projections of the Obama presidency already projected debt held by the public would rise from $5.8 trillion to $9.1 trillion when Obama left office – and these projections didn’t incorporate the entire depth of the Great Recession, which reduced revenue and therefore further increased debt.

Importantly, though, President Obama did sign many laws worsening this debt situation. Among the most significant are the 2009 stimulus, extending the 2001/2003 tax cuts temporarily in 2010 and making most of them permanent in 2012, the 2015 permanent "doc fix," and the tax extenders/omnibus bill at the end of 2015. President Obama also signed several pieces of legislation to reduce projected debt, most significantly the Budget Control Act. But importantly, these laws were written not by the president but by Congress.

It is Congress that passes tax and spending legislation. There is little the president can do to impact the debt, positively or negatively, without a bill passed by Congress. Conversly there is little Congress can do without the president's signature or a veto-proof supermajority. Further, during most of Obama's term to date, control of Congress was split between a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. Both branches share blame, both for legislation that increased the debt and for failing to enact legislation that would curb the debt growth that was already projected to occur from the growth of entitlement programs and insufficient revenues.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:

bomo se kr promovirali tega fasista? huh?
poleg tega da je sociopat

Shapira ne poznam.

Druga oseba na tvoje clipu (linku). Oh in sploh zglede demokraticnost in bla bla bla....

Vem, da je to druga oseba na tistem clip-u, ampak tipa ne poznam. Ga ne spremljam.


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:

bomo se kr promovirali tega fasista? huh?
poleg tega da je sociopat

Shapira ne poznam.

Druga oseba na tvoje clipu (linku). Oh in sploh zglede demokraticnost in bla bla bla....

Vem, da je to druga oseba na tistem clip-u, ampak tipa ne poznam. Ga ne spremljam.

Torej si linkal clip kljub temu da nimas blage veze o cem se gre? On je na vecini drugega dela clipa ,ki si ga ti postal.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik eazy pravi:

Ali ce skrajsamo:
First of all, much of the debt increase was the result of laws and economic conditions in place before Obama took office rather than laws that passed under his presidency. The Congressional Budget Office’s first current law projections of the Obama presidency already projected debt held by the public would rise from $5.8 trillion to $9.1 trillion when Obama left office – and these projections didn’t incorporate the entire depth of the Great Recession, which reduced revenue and therefore further increased debt.

Importantly, though, President Obama did sign many laws worsening this debt situation. Among the most significant are the 2009 stimulus, extending the 2001/2003 tax cuts temporarily in 2010 and making most of them permanent in 2012, the 2015 permanent "doc fix," and the tax extenders/omnibus bill at the end of 2015. President Obama also signed several pieces of legislation to reduce projected debt, most significantly the Budget Control Act. But importantly, these laws were written not by the president but by Congress.

It is Congress that passes tax and spending legislation. There is little the president can do to impact the debt, positively or negatively, without a bill passed by Congress. Conversly there is little Congress can do without the president's signature or a veto-proof supermajority. Further, during most of Obama's term to date, control of Congress was split between a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. Both branches share blame, both for legislation that increased the debt and for failing to enact legislation that would curb the debt growth that was already projected to occur from the growth of entitlement programs and insufficient revenues.

Vse res, ampak problem je v tem, da imajo že tako visok dolg, da še obresti ne morejo več servisirati brez tiskanja denarja, kaj šele glavnico.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:

bomo se kr promovirali tega fasista? huh?
poleg tega da je sociopat

Shapira ne poznam.

Druga oseba na tvoje clipu (linku). Oh in sploh zglede demokraticnost in bla bla bla....

Vem, da je to druga oseba na tistem clip-u, ampak tipa ne poznam. Ga ne spremljam.

Torej si linkal clip kljub temu da nimas blage veze o cem se gre? On je na vecini drugega dela clipa ,ki si ga ti postal.

Ne. Moj fokus je bil pogovor s Petrom Shiffom in pogovor TYT ekipe s publiko, kjer človeku niso pustili do besede.


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:

Ali ce skrajsamo:
First of all, much of the debt increase was the result of laws and economic conditions in place before Obama took office rather than laws that passed under his presidency. The Congressional Budget Office’s first current law projections of the Obama presidency already projected debt held by the public would rise from $5.8 trillion to $9.1 trillion when Obama left office – and these projections didn’t incorporate the entire depth of the Great Recession, which reduced revenue and therefore further increased debt.

Importantly, though, President Obama did sign many laws worsening this debt situation. Among the most significant are the 2009 stimulus, extending the 2001/2003 tax cuts temporarily in 2010 and making most of them permanent in 2012, the 2015 permanent "doc fix," and the tax extenders/omnibus bill at the end of 2015. President Obama also signed several pieces of legislation to reduce projected debt, most significantly the Budget Control Act. But importantly, these laws were written not by the president but by Congress.

It is Congress that passes tax and spending legislation. There is little the president can do to impact the debt, positively or negatively, without a bill passed by Congress. Conversly there is little Congress can do without the president's signature or a veto-proof supermajority. Further, during most of Obama's term to date, control of Congress was split between a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. Both branches share blame, both for legislation that increased the debt and for failing to enact legislation that would curb the debt growth that was already projected to occur from the growth of entitlement programs and insufficient revenues.

Vse res, ampak problem je v tem, da imajo že tako visok dolg, da še obresti ne morejo več servisirati brez tiskanja denarja, kaj šele glavnico.

On je vecino problemov podedoval. Preveri samo koliko je slo samo za resevanja Chicaga. Alternativa je pa bila da spusti 4mio ljudi na cesto.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Vrh administracije mu ga je sestavil Citigroup (Secretary of Treasury je bil Tim Geitner, ki je prišel z WallStreta). To je zdaj že znano iz Wikileaks-ov, torej banke in Wallstreet.

Z denarjem, za katerega so zadolžili ljudi, so reševali sfalirane banke, namesto, da ni jih pustili da gredo v stečaj. Ni nobene skrbi, zdrave banke bi prevzele posel.
Tako pa so bile banke, ki so bile krive za krizo, nagrajene in iz te lekcije so se naučili le, da ga lahko serjejo še naprej in bodo vedno rešene.

Ljudje so še vedno revni ali še revnejši, srednji sloj je izginil, banke in wallstreet pa je še bogatejši.

Mimogrede, Obama pa je drone program pripeljal do vrhunca, nadzor nad prebivalstvom je popoln, obtoženih je več whistleblowerjev, kot vsi predsedniku skupaj, destabiliziral je Libijo, Sirijo in je kriv za vzpon ISIS-a. Aja, pa še Nobelovo nagrado za mir je dobil

Da ne govorim o Obamacare.

On se je res izkazal za lame duck predsednika.

Edit: Aja, pa odnose z Rusijo je pripeljal do dna, ameriško vojsko in orožje je pripeljal pred vrata Rusije.

Mah, sej se sploh ne morem spomniti ene pozitivne stvari o njemu, pa take upe sem polagal vanj. Sej, čisto možno, da bo Trump enako razočaranje, ampak, za Obamo že vemo, da za sabo pušča razsulo, za Trumpa pa bomo še videli.
Nazadnje urejeno:


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Vrh administracije mu ga je sestavil Citigroup (Secretary of Treasury je bil Tim Geitner, ki je prišel z WallStreta). To je zdaj že znano iz Wikileaks-ov, torej banke in Wallstreet.

Z denarjem, za katerega so zadolžili ljudi, so reševali sfalirane banke, namesto, da ni jih pustili da gredo v stečaj. Ni nobene skrbi, zdrave banke bi prevzele posel.
Tako pa so bile banke, ki so bile krive za krizo, nagrajene in iz te lekcije so se naučili le, da ga lahko serjejo še naprej in bodo vedno rešene.

Ljudje so še vedno revni ali še revnejši, srednji sloj je izginil, banke in wallstreet pa je še bogatejši.

Mimogrede, Obama pa je drone program pripeljal do vrhunca, nadzor nad prebivalstvom je popoln, obtoženih je več whistleblowerjev, kot vsi predsedniku skupaj, destabiliziral je Libijo, Sirijo in je kriv za vzpon ISIS-a. Aja, pa še Nobelovo nagrado za mir je dobil

Da ne govorim o Obamacare.

On se je res izkazal za lame duck predsednika.

Ni treba rehashat vsako bedarijo zadnjih 8 let... Liberalizacija trgov, bank in podobne turbokapitalisticne zadeveso pripeljale do poloma. Gospodarstvo so pa resili "socialisticni" prijemi. V teoriji je se lepo igrati "bo drug vse uredil", v praksi je pa heba pognati v zrak par (neposrednih). mio zaposlitev.

Tudi Obama care je bil "kompromis" glede na zelje/zahteve republikancev. Danes velika vecina ZDA zeli obdrzati Obamacare (vkljucnu z republikanci btw).


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Liberalizacija trgov, bank in podobne turbokapitalisticne zadeveso pripeljale do poloma. Gospodarstvo so pa resili "socialisticni" prijemi. V teoriji je se lepo igrati "bo drug vse uredil", v praksi je pa heba pognati v zrak par (neposrednih). mio zaposlitev.

Tudi Obama care je bil "kompromis" glede na zelje/zahteve republikancev. Danes velika vecina ZDA zeli obdrzati Obamacare (vkljucnu z republikanci btw).

Za liberalizacijo in deregulacijo finančnega trga je kriv Bill Clinton.

Ti 'socialistični' prijemi so samo podaljšali agonijo krize in prestavili datum big bang-a. To so iste fore, kot pri nas, ko država z našimi milijoni rešuje npr. Cimos (in še sto prijateljskih podjetij), ki na koncu tako ali tako crkne.

Obamacare je popoln fail. Nihče ga noče obdržati. Premije so jim poskočile ohoho. Ne vem, od kje ti to.