Rusi v Siriji


12. jun 2008
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
Splača se pogledati drugi video, ki ga je danes nalimal Andy... Sirija in Iraq, sta zgolj dva kamenčka v mozaiku, ki se mu dandanes reče globalno prestrukturirnje moči... Drugače pa, lahko samo rečem, da kar se tiče ISISa, ga večina ljudi debelo podcenjuje...ISIS je kalifat in čedalje več muslimanov , ki jih je več kot milijarda na svetu, vsaj pasivno podpira ISISovo zavzemanje za strogo bivanje po črki Kurana... Bojim se, da ISIS že danes ni več vojaško premagljiv.. In bojim se, da se bodo konflikti na bliž. vzhodu, kaspijskem bazenu in še malo širše, okrepili... Tu je tudi iskati eden od glavnih vzrokov da so Rusi začeli vojaško delovati v Siriji... Bolje za njih v Siriji, kot na svojih južnih mejah...

Se kar strinjam, ljudi ekstremno prane s knjižico od zibelke naprej je enostavno voditi v skrajnosti...


10. nov 2014
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
Splača se pogledati drugi video, ki ga je danes nalimal Andy... Sirija in Iraq, sta zgolj dva kamenčka v mozaiku, ki se mu dandanes reče globalno prestrukturirnje moči... Drugače pa, lahko samo rečem, da kar se tiče ISISa, ga večina ljudi debelo podcenjuje...ISIS je kalifat in čedalje več muslimanov , ki jih je več kot milijarda na svetu, vsaj pasivno podpira ISISovo zavzemanje za strogo bivanje po črki Kurana... Bojim se, da ISIS že danes ni več vojaško premagljiv.. In bojim se, da se bodo konflikti na bliž. vzhodu, kaspijskem bazenu in še malo širše, okrepili... Tu je tudi iskati eden od glavnih vzrokov da so Rusi začeli vojaško delovati v Siriji... Bolje za njih v Siriji, kot na svojih južnih mejah...

Se kar strinjam, ljudi ekstremno prane s knjižico od zibelke naprej je enostavno voditi v skrajnosti...
Še posebej, če z neskončno malho petro-$$$, to vodenje tudi plačuješ...


12. jun 2008
Normalno, nekje se je začelo z dolarji, ampak tole gre lahko čez vse začrtane plane wahabitov, izraelcev,...


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Normalno, nekje se je začelo z dolarji, ampak tole gre lahko čez vse začrtane plane wahabitov, izraelcev,...

aja... wahabiti kontrolirajo Americane in ne obratno

vse drzave so razhebali na isti nacin pa ni bilo "wahabitov", so pa bili Americani zraven


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Ja, lepo sodelujejo, če wahabit rabi orožje ga brez problema dobi pri ameru.

torej amer kontrolira stvar i ne wahabit... ce amer rece "no more rockets for you" se zgodba konca...

wahabiti so samo orodje in nikakor igralci v tej zgodbi, kaj sele reziserji


10. nov 2014
Če še malo ostanemo pri Moreku... Malo sem pobrskal po twitih, kar ne počnem velikokrat ( to raje prepuščam Pac_Manu )... Pa vseeno ..Polek Moreka so islamisti danes zavzeli še Tal Sukekh in Atshan.... Vse to je v provinci Hama in za vse to so uporabili veliko število borcev.. Najbolj zanimivo pri vsem pa je, da so vsa tri mesteca provladne enote zapustile brez boja... Tako vsaj pišejo vsemogočni twiterji...


12. jun 2008
Zakaj bi amer to rekel "prijatelju"? SA je pomemben igralec tam, to je njihovo igrišče, isto velja za Turke.


5. sep 2007
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Zakaj bi amer to rekel "prijatelju"? SA je pomemben igralec tam, to je njihovo igrišče, isto velja za Turke.

Zato ,ker (ce nisi opazil?!) amer baje "napada" ISIS zaradi tega orozja.... SA je nepomemben puppet rezim in nic drugega.

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath



10. maj 2014
Poleg licence za tankovske IR namerilce, ki so ruske končno naredili uporabne tudi ponoči, je Francija (Thales) prodala tudi licenco za letalske targeting pode. Brez njih so pametne bombe precej neuporabne, razen GPS/GLONASS vodenih. Se bojim, da nam bo tega še žal.


The Su-34 is believed to have the Thales Damocles electro-optical targeting and reconnaissance system, which may be the first piece of Western equipment approved for integration with Russia's combat aircraft and produced in Russia under an official licence with its manufacturer, Thales Group in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

The Thales Damocles is a third-generation targeting pod that also is used by the French Air Force attack fighter aircraft. The pod has a long-range laser designator, integrated navigation forward-looking infrared sensor, and high resolution imager, The Damocles system can help the Su-34 fire laser-guided bombs, imagery guided weapons, satellite-guided weapons.

Analiza ruskega letalstva v Siriji:

The Su-34 "Fullback" AKA the star of the show.

The star of the Russian Air Force bomber/ground attack assets, capable of delivering a payload of 11.8 Tons putting slightly behind the star of the USAF bomber/ground attack fleet the F-15E by just 200Kg (Some sources claim the Su-34 can carry 12 Tons of payload as well however), and a ferry range of 4000km and a combat sortie range (Combat Radius) of 1100km (Putting just below of its American counterpart by 170Km, a magnificent feat)

However we are here to discuss its military capability, and so far it is the only military aircraft operated by the Russians that can reach western level of precision in delivering munitions, and for good reason, as the Su-34 employs the French built Thales Democles pod purchased by Russia in 2012 to be fitted in the Su-34source. The Su-34 is thus capable of delivering highly precise air strikes on the level of western and western-aligned countries airforces
However the Su-34 suffers from a high maintenance/flight hour ratio at 4/1, making its continued use in the battlefield require extra care due to its special capabilities that currently no other aircraft on the SAA side can come close to.

The Su-30SM "Flanker-C" AKA the Air-Air champion of the Russian Air Force.

However we are here to discuss its bombing capability, and while it is truly the second best in the lot after the Su-34 in that function, its deployment numbers highly suggest that it doesn't have any bombing role, but here to escort the other bombers and act as a playing card in case of accidents in the highly cluttered Syrian airspace.
Well for starters, the Su-30SM carries a built-in Kaira-24M family of laser designator which is so notoriously bad that AirForces belonging to other nations who use this aircraft has opted to use external laser designator, like Malaysia using the Thales Democles pod, and India using the Israeli Litening pod.

The Su-24M2 "Fencer" AKA the Legacy of Russia's Bombers in its twilight.

the fencer can carry 8000Kg of Payload, putting it at 500Kg more than the F-16, but a Combat Radius of 650Km put it in somewhat of a relatively small reach combared to more modern Russia aircrafts and its western counterparts, which suggests that these aircrafts were mainly brought for the purpose of the defense of Latkia and Al-Ghab Plain radius, or in the Northern Homs pocket frontline mostly, if we are to measure their effective range and placements.

The Su-24M2 also carried the obsolete Kaira-24M built in laser designator, with the notoriously bad resolution that pilots would not be even able to carry out day mission bombing let alone night missions, and thus the Fencer mainly if only carries Dumb bombs to hit its targets, assisted by drones to increase its accuracy and delivery
while the drones significantly increase the effectiveness of ordinance delivery through dumb bombs it is thus an increase over the SyAF previous glorified artillery role of bombing an area/grid in the hopes of hitting anything there, it is however still far from close to being as effective as real Laser Guided Bomb delivery, employed by western and western-aligned nations.

The Su-25 "Frogfoot" AKA Fly low, fly slow.

The upgrade is not a laser designation upgrade however, it is a navigation/ground attack upgrade that is flaunted to increase the effectiveness of airstrike CEP by a 15 meters Radius from the target, using satellite correction of the aircraft and more atomization of the bomb release. However the system is still using dumb bombs, and heavily relies on the UV-32-57 57 mm or B8M1 80 mm rocket pods to deliver its ordinance on a target grid. Which is something the rebels have adapted to well over the years.


24. jul 2009
bodi brez skrbi, da znajo to tudi sami narediti. ampak zakaj bi, če je to že nekdo pred njimi naredil in te pride ceneje če tisto uporabiš


10. maj 2014
Tale ima odličen dostop do satelitskih posnetkov

#Syria : #Russian presence on at least 3 #Syria airbases visible on sat imagery as of last week. C'mon news orgs, buy from DG & publish

#Syria : Regime forces AFVs (w/ Russians?) gathering on M4 in NE #Latakia over last week. Perhaps staging for offensive up M4

#Syria : 2 regime convoys arrived in #Aleppo today for the first time since rebels cut supply line

Despite successes, packing more forces into #Aleppo with supply lines so tenuous is another regime military blunder

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Pa kaj jih je to helikopter dobil pa celo kolono poradiral, al kaj je to.