Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
zadetek je definitvno bil. ali je bil v aktiven ščit ali rezervoar pa res ne vem. kot izgleda pa tanku ni nič hudega. verjetno je res zadel aktiven ščit ( na to opcijo niti pomislil nisem )
Minutes earlier, Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) said Daesh terrorists launched an attack on Tell Abyad, a northern Syrian town also on the Turkish border nearly 35 miles east of Kobani.
YPG said a column of Daesh terrorists left the Islamists’ stronghold of Raqqa to launch an assault on Tell Abiad, while a group of 50 Daesh terrorist attacked the town from the Turkish side.
What in the hell did I just watch?
Welcome to 2011-13, before ISIL took the spotlight. Unfortunately I remember this one from when I was compiling such videos for a forum discussion.
Yup I remember this video. As awful and dehumanizing as this, this isn't even in the top 20 of worst leaked regime videos I have seen over the last five years. The worst part is knowing that the beatings and torture seen here is only the beginning for anyone detained by the SAA or NDF. For the ones they don't execute on the spot the horror only gets worse as they will be transferred to abominable prisons run by one of the various Mukhabarat agencies who actually compete with each other to see who can torture inmates the most violently. The psycho regime forces really do take sadism, brutality and torture to a another level.
It's among the more gruesome regime torture/killing videos, I don't know what other videos you've seen that would dwarf this one in gore and brutality. There are some videos with regime soldiers stabbing prisoners and crushing their heads with concrete slabs, those are among the few worse ones than this. I've done a comprehensive search of regime torture and other crimes so I think I know the "landscape" in this regard somewhat, though I've not searched in Arabic as I don't speak it, and I did that in summer 2013.
Washington (AFP) - Turkey does not place a high priority on fighting Islamic State jihadists and as a result foreign fighters are able to travel through the country into Syria, US intelligence chief James Clapper said Thursday.
When asked, Clapper told senators he wasn't optimistic Turkey would take a more active role in the war against the IS group.
"I think Turkey has other priorities and other interests," he told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"So somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 percent of those foreign fighters find their way to Syria through Turkey."
The Russian ceasefire monitoring center near Latakia says it is verifying reports of an attack on the Kurdish town Tell Abyad in northern Syria carried out by militants coming from Turkey.
The reports came overnight and claim that the forces coming from Turkey are using heavy artillery, according to Lt. Gen. Sergey Kuralenko, who heads the center for Syrian reconciliation.
“This information was verified though multiple channels, including representatives of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), [a rebel alliance that includes Kurds, Arabs and other ethnic groups and operates in the region],” he said.
Russia has requested clarification from the US-run counterpart of the center based in Amman, citing its influence on Turkey, a member of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State terrorist group, the general said.
avjetnica sirijskog predsjednika Bashara al-Assada, Bouthaina Shaaban, rekla je u razgovoru za RT kako novac i resursi za ISIL stižu od strane regionalnih aktera zbog čega borba protiv terorizma postaje iznimno teška. No, osvrnula se i na cjelokupnu opoziciju ističuæi kako njome upravljaju strane agende.
After 67 years, that day has arrived: Turkey, which for half a century was a stalwart ally in the Middle East while proving that a Muslim-majority nation could be both secular and democratic, has moved so far away from its NATO allies that it is widely acknowledged to be defiantly supporting the Islamic State in Syria in its war against the West. Since Islamist strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has taken a harshly authoritarian turn, embracing Islamic terrorists of every stripe while picking fights it can't finish across the region - including an escalating war with 25 million ISIS-battling Kurds and a cold war turning hot with Russia, whose plane it rashly shot down in November. With those fights coming home to roost - as bombs explode in its cities and with enemies at its borders - Turkish leaders are now demanding unconditional NATO support, with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declaring on Saturday that he expects "our U.S. ally to support Turkey with no ifs or buts."
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he doesn’t want to ‘respect’ court decision on the release of Cumhuriyet journalists who were detained after publishing a report showing intelligence officials transporting arms to Syria.
“I will remain silent on the decision the court has given. But I don't need to accept it, I want to make that clear. I don't obey or respect the decision,” Erdogan told reporters on Sunday. “This has nothing to do with press freedom. This is a case of spying.”
The two were released after Turkey's Constitutional Court ruled that their "rights to personal liberty and security" and "freedom of expression and freedom of press" had been violated. The decision was approved by 12 members of the court, with three dissenting, according to Turkish media.