Revolut bančni račun


22. jul 2007
Kaj se zgodi če se naredi premium račun zaradi črne kartice potem pa nazaj spremeni v navadneg brezplačnega? :)
Za črno kartico Premium ne bo dovolj, boš moral vzet Metal. Če bos skenslal v roku 14 dni in prej naročil kartico, ti bodo zaračunali 12-19GBP za express delivery + 40GBP za metal kartico, ti bodo pa načeloma vrnili subscription fee. Če bo skenslal kasneje, plačaš normalno subscription + break fee v vrednosti naročnine za dva meseca (torej 3x13,99€, kar bo vrjetno še vedno ceneje kot prva opcija). Kartica načeloma dela dokler je veljavna, potem je seveda ne moreš več naročit.
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Reactions: Gamero


28. apr 2020
Rabim manjši nasvet,
prejle sem revolut dodal v app account (payment and shipping). V revolutu mi sedaj piše:
Status:card sutorisation request

Kaj in kdo naj bi sedaj to izvedel. Zadevo sem dodajal v telefonu na apple account. Čakam na Revolut za avtorizacijo ali moram sam kaj narediti?


28. apr 2020
Nasvet prosim,
nekaj se igram na trade računu z delnicami. Sem jih nekaj kupil tekom letošnjega leta. Se bo konec leta kaj spremenilo zaradi brexita?
Hvala, Lp


22. jul 2007
Zivjo, eno morda neumestno vprasanje...
A se da z Revolut kartico kupit letalske kartice ali kaj preko tujih spletnih trgovin? Kot z navadnim Mastercardom?
Če z navadni misliš kreditni, se da načeloma (sploh preko interneta) kupit več ali manj vse tudi tudi z debetnim/prepaid MasterCardom, ki ga dobiš od Revoluta. Izjema so več al manj kakšni (pa še to ne vsi) rent-a-carji, ki zahtevajo eskplicitno kreditno kartico za garancijo. Nekateri se zadovoljijo tudi z debetno, če vzameš full insurance, samo pazit je treba kaj piše v pogojih. Problem znajo bit še nekatere avtomataske bencinske (spet ne vse), recimo Petrolov avtomat, ki (vsaj stare prepaid) kartice od Revoluta ne sprejme (ne vem pa ali delajo nove debetne). V praksi 99% stvari plačam z Revolutom (tako preko spleta kot fizično s pomočjo Apple Paya) in še nisem imel težav s plačilom razen na petrolovem avtomatu in parkirnem avtomatu na kongresnem trgu.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matjaz1974


20. dec 2011
Nasvet prosim,
nekaj se igram na trade računu z delnicami. Sem jih nekaj kupil tekom letošnjega leta. Se bo konec leta kaj spremenilo zaradi brexita?
Hvala, Lp
Nekaj se pa vendarle bo za uporabnike, ki uporabljajo trgovanje:
As you know, the UK will formally leave the EU after 31 December 2020. As a result, our trading company, Revolut Trading Limited (RTL), will no longer be able to passport its services across the EEA from 1 January 2021, as an appointed representative of its UK principal firm (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.)
This means that RTL will no longer be authorised on behalf of its principal firm to advertise, promote or otherwise provide the trading service to you under EU law after this date. You can, however, choose to continue trading with RTL from 1 January 2021 if you are comfortable with how the following changes affect you, so please do read on.​

How will Brexit affect me?

Regulatory Protection
- You will no longer have the benefit of EU regulatory protection but you will continue to benefit from UK consumer protection laws or regulations that may apply to the trading service.
Compensation Schemes - Don’t worry, your investments will continue to be held by DriveWealth LLC and protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) in the US.
Right to Complain - Depending on the circumstances of your complaint, you may not be able to refer your complaint to the UK’s Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) but we'll still do our best to put things right if you're unhappy with any aspect of the trading service.
RTL will continue to operate as an appointed representative of its UK principal firm, and will continue to adhere to the high standards set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the UK Regulator. Rest assured that the investments you’ve made via the Revolut App will continue to be kept safe and secure after 31 December 2020.​

What do I need to do?
You have until 31 December 2020 to decide what to do next. We will continue to update you via the Revolut App, email and our Help centre page with relevant information.
You have two choices:
Choice 1: To continue Trading with RTL, from early November you can download the latest version of the Revolut App and confirm via the Revolut App that from 1 January 2021:
- You are trading with RTL at your own initiative
- You are trading with RTL on the basis of an ongoing relationship
- You have been made aware that the trading service is not provided by an investment entity authorised in the EU
- You are aware that you do not have the benefit of any EU regulatory protections or investor compensation schemes by Trading with RTL
Choice 2: You can sell down your positions, transfer your cash from your investment wallet into your payments wallet and then close your trading account by 31 December 2020, should you no longer wish to continue trading with RTL after this date. Normal fees and charges will apply.
There may be tax implications for you if you have to sell down your positions before closing your account, so you should seek independent tax advice regarding this.​

If you do nothing before January 1st 2021
As of 1 January 2021, you will not be able to access the trading service - either to continue trading or to close your account - unless you give the required confirmation via the latest Revolut App.​

Our Future Plan
We are currently applying for a licence in Ireland which will enable us to provide investment services across the EEA in 2021. We will keep you informed on its progress.​

Financial Conduct Authority
If you have any questions about how Brexit could affect your financial protections please contact the FCA on +44 207 066 1000 or email them at
Nazadnje urejeno:


20. dec 2011
V prvi polovici 2021 se bo itak vse prestavilo na Irsko. V vmesnem obdobju je tako, kot da bi delnice kupoval od ameriškega podjetja.

Delnice so shranjene v ZDA. Če je tvoj broker v ZDA, Veliki britaniji ali v EU.


20. dec 2011
Skopirajte podatke računa v generator EPC QR kode. Po generiranju kode poslikajte QR kodo z vašo Revolut ali bunq mobilno aplikacijo in plačajte račun.

Upam, da bo komu v pomoč :)
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Gamero