Članek izpred enega leta, ki dobro napoveduje trenutno stanje v zvezi z gripo in cepivi:
A tebi, kot sam zase praviš, samostojno razmišljujočemu človeku ne zazvoni zvonec ob vsej drami s prašičjo gripo?
- Vse desetine milijard $ porabljenih za obstoječa in bodoča neučinkovita cepiva proti novim oblikam gripe? Ob tem pa je na svetu cel kup bolezni, ki redno pobijajo milijone ljudi, a to ni novica. Novica je, če so nekje odkrili 5 okuženih z virusom H1N1.
- V naprej prodane ogromne količine cepiv, ki niso niti preizkušena?
- Popravljena dikcija WHO, kaj je pandemija, da so lahko razglasili najvišjo stopnjo nevarnosti?
- Pred leti dosežena imunost farmacevtskih družb, ki jih ne moreš tožit za negativnimi posledicami cepljenja?
- Skrivanje podatkov o dejanskih negativnih posledicah cepljenja?
- Ogromno pretiravanje in laži v zvezi z obolelimi za prašičjo gripo?
- Fiasko iz leta 1976, ko so v ZDA proti prašičji gripi cepili 40 milijonov ljudi, a pandemije sploh ni bilo? Za posledicami cepljenja pa je po uradnih podatkih (neuradni so verjetno mnogo višji) umrlo nekaj 10 ljudi, nekaj 1000 pa je utrpelo trajne posledice. Zavarovalnice takrat niso hotele zavarovat farmacevtskih družb pred tožbami obolelih za cepivi. Danes je to urejeno, družbe ne moreš tožit, tudi če za posledicami prisilnega cepljenja umreš.
in še in še
A ti zdravniška etika ne trka na srce, da malo raziščeš vse skupaj in nehaš ponavljat eno zveličavno dogmo. Igraš se namreč z življenji ljudi, ko jih takole zavajaš...
BTW, Global Research je eden redkih neodvisnih medijev s kritičnim in objektivnim pogledom na svet. Ga spremljam dlje časa in se je izkazal za zelo točnega v svojih (za čas objave) neverjetnih napovedih. Med drugim je sredi leta 2007 pravilno napovedal finančni zlom, recesijo in tudi naštel možne posledice.
Stran, ki precej drugače govori o cepljenju, kot ti:
Še nekaj o varnosti cepiv, resnica je precej bolj grozljiva, kot jo ti prodajaš:
Flu Shots Simply Don’t Work
Because addressing the potential side effects of these untested swine flu vaccines is not the only problem here. Numerous studies have shown that flu shots simply do not work. Why would this case be any different?
For example:
According to the 2006 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 51 separate studies concluded the flu vaccine worked no better than a placebo in 260,000 children ranging in age from six months to 23 months.
A study published in the October 2008 Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found flu vaccines in young children have made no difference in the number of flu-related doctor and hospital visits.
As reported in a 2004 publication of the Archives of Disease in Childhood, a study of 800 children with asthma concluded those receiving a flu vaccine had a significantly increased risk of asthma-related doctor and emergency room visits.[6]
A more recent study released at the 2009 American Thoracic Society International Conference showed children with asthma who received FluMist had a 3-fold increased risk for hospitalization.[7]
And not only are vaccines ineffective in preventing flu in your children, they are equally useless for adults, including the elderly.
According to the 2007 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, studies of over 65,000 healthy adults concluded vaccinations reduced the risk of flu by only six percent, and reduced missed work days by less than a single day. Vaccinations did not reduce the number of people who sought medical help or took time off from work.[8]
The 2006 Cochrane Database also includes a review of 64 vaccination studies of the elderly across nearly 100 flu seasons. The studies showed flu vaccines were ineffective in preventing the flu in either nursing home patients or elderly living in the community.[9]
A study published in the Lancet last year found that influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. This supports a study done five years ago, published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.
Last year, researchers with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Institutes of Health published this conclusion in the Lancet Infectious Diseases:
“We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of non-specific endpoints such as all-cause mortality have led cohort studies to greatly exaggerate vaccine benefits.”
Flu Vaccines Pose Significant Health Risks to Your Children
Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative that is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury.[10] If taken in high enough doses, it can result in long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions.
Disorders associated with mercury poisoning include autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies.
The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, and yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.
It has been calculated that, by age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury from vaccines alone, which far exceeds the current EPA “safe” level of 0.1 mcg/kg per day.
Ob vsem tem se resno sprašujem, kakšen fah [censored] mora biti zdravnik, da o cepljenju prodaja le eno resnico, to da je cepljenje koristno in brez škodljivih posledic
A tebi, kot sam zase praviš, samostojno razmišljujočemu človeku ne zazvoni zvonec ob vsej drami s prašičjo gripo?
- Vse desetine milijard $ porabljenih za obstoječa in bodoča neučinkovita cepiva proti novim oblikam gripe? Ob tem pa je na svetu cel kup bolezni, ki redno pobijajo milijone ljudi, a to ni novica. Novica je, če so nekje odkrili 5 okuženih z virusom H1N1.
- V naprej prodane ogromne količine cepiv, ki niso niti preizkušena?
- Popravljena dikcija WHO, kaj je pandemija, da so lahko razglasili najvišjo stopnjo nevarnosti?
- Pred leti dosežena imunost farmacevtskih družb, ki jih ne moreš tožit za negativnimi posledicami cepljenja?
- Skrivanje podatkov o dejanskih negativnih posledicah cepljenja?
- Ogromno pretiravanje in laži v zvezi z obolelimi za prašičjo gripo?
- Fiasko iz leta 1976, ko so v ZDA proti prašičji gripi cepili 40 milijonov ljudi, a pandemije sploh ni bilo? Za posledicami cepljenja pa je po uradnih podatkih (neuradni so verjetno mnogo višji) umrlo nekaj 10 ljudi, nekaj 1000 pa je utrpelo trajne posledice. Zavarovalnice takrat niso hotele zavarovat farmacevtskih družb pred tožbami obolelih za cepivi. Danes je to urejeno, družbe ne moreš tožit, tudi če za posledicami prisilnega cepljenja umreš.
in še in še
A ti zdravniška etika ne trka na srce, da malo raziščeš vse skupaj in nehaš ponavljat eno zveličavno dogmo. Igraš se namreč z življenji ljudi, ko jih takole zavajaš...
BTW, Global Research je eden redkih neodvisnih medijev s kritičnim in objektivnim pogledom na svet. Ga spremljam dlje časa in se je izkazal za zelo točnega v svojih (za čas objave) neverjetnih napovedih. Med drugim je sredi leta 2007 pravilno napovedal finančni zlom, recesijo in tudi naštel možne posledice.
Stran, ki precej drugače govori o cepljenju, kot ti:
Še nekaj o varnosti cepiv, resnica je precej bolj grozljiva, kot jo ti prodajaš:
Flu Shots Simply Don’t Work
Because addressing the potential side effects of these untested swine flu vaccines is not the only problem here. Numerous studies have shown that flu shots simply do not work. Why would this case be any different?
For example:
According to the 2006 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 51 separate studies concluded the flu vaccine worked no better than a placebo in 260,000 children ranging in age from six months to 23 months.
A study published in the October 2008 Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found flu vaccines in young children have made no difference in the number of flu-related doctor and hospital visits.
As reported in a 2004 publication of the Archives of Disease in Childhood, a study of 800 children with asthma concluded those receiving a flu vaccine had a significantly increased risk of asthma-related doctor and emergency room visits.[6]
A more recent study released at the 2009 American Thoracic Society International Conference showed children with asthma who received FluMist had a 3-fold increased risk for hospitalization.[7]
And not only are vaccines ineffective in preventing flu in your children, they are equally useless for adults, including the elderly.
According to the 2007 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, studies of over 65,000 healthy adults concluded vaccinations reduced the risk of flu by only six percent, and reduced missed work days by less than a single day. Vaccinations did not reduce the number of people who sought medical help or took time off from work.[8]
The 2006 Cochrane Database also includes a review of 64 vaccination studies of the elderly across nearly 100 flu seasons. The studies showed flu vaccines were ineffective in preventing the flu in either nursing home patients or elderly living in the community.[9]
A study published in the Lancet last year found that influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. This supports a study done five years ago, published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.
Last year, researchers with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Institutes of Health published this conclusion in the Lancet Infectious Diseases:
“We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of non-specific endpoints such as all-cause mortality have led cohort studies to greatly exaggerate vaccine benefits.”
Flu Vaccines Pose Significant Health Risks to Your Children
Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative that is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury.[10] If taken in high enough doses, it can result in long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions.
Disorders associated with mercury poisoning include autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies.
The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, and yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.
It has been calculated that, by age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury from vaccines alone, which far exceeds the current EPA “safe” level of 0.1 mcg/kg per day.
Ob vsem tem se resno sprašujem, kakšen fah [censored] mora biti zdravnik, da o cepljenju prodaja le eno resnico, to da je cepljenje koristno in brez škodljivih posledic