Alberta's COVID-19 pandemic response : Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force : final report
Na kratko - 'teoretiki zarote' smo imeli prav.
RFK Jr. suggests parents consider measles vaccine amid deadly Texas outbreak: 'Call to action'
Kennedy wrote in an opinion piece published Sunday on Fox News Digital that parents should consult with physicians about the MMR
Kot prvo greš seveda na Alter oz širši internet vprašat kaj narest, ker sam nisi sposoben sam s svojo glavo razmišljat, še manj si pa sposoben nekomu povedat v ksiht kaj si misliš.Zdaj pa ena resna, kaj naredite, ko imate kak tak primerek (varianta Andy, Mirsi...) v širši družini.
je proti nepreverjenim cepivom, ne proti cepivom na splošnoSLO antivaxxerji so ga že označili za prodano dušo, ali pa, da je to vse fake in nič res.
SLO antivaxxerji so ga že označili za prodano dušo, ali pa, da je to vse fake in nič res.
Zdaj pa ena resna, kaj naredite, ko imate kak tak primerek (varianta Andy, Mirsi...) v širši družini. Jaz izgubim željo pa kakršnem koli pogovarjanju, čeprav so ljudje v osnovi čisto ok. Nisem dovolj strpen? Jih je treba sprejemati take kot so, ampak do kod? Pa tudi njim nič ne koristim, če ne reagiram na njihove nebuloze.
je proti nepreverjenim cepivom, ne proti cepivom na splošno
Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality.[2] He markets largely unproven dietary supplements and medical devices.[3] On his website, Mercola and colleagues advocate unproven and pseudoscientific alternative health notions including homeopathy and opposition to vaccination.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mercola spread misinformation about the virus and pseudoscientific anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms.[11][12][13] Researchers have identified him as the "chief spreader of coronavirus misinformation online has featured positive presentations of the claims of AIDS denialists, a fringe group which denies the role of HIV in causing AIDS.[3] The scientific community considers the evidence that HIV causes AIDS conclusive.[65][66][67][68]
Claims that many commercial brands of sunscreen increase, rather than decrease, the likelihood of contracting skin cancer with high UV exposure, and instead advocating the use of natural sunscreens, some of which he markets on his website.[3] This view is not held by mainstream medical science; in 2011, the National Toxicology Program stated that "Protection against photodamage by use of broad-spectrum sunscreens is well-documented as an effective means of reducing total lifetime UV dose and, thereby, preventing or ameliorating the effects of UV radiation on both the appearance and biomechanical properties of the skin."[71]
Rectally administered carbon dioxide creates a protective force preventing illness.[29]