Na Stellantis se da zdaj prijaviti škodo oz. popravila, ki so bila deloma krita oz. ste jih plačali v celoti in sicer preko
Na spletni strani so napisani tudi pogoji:
"This platform enables you to submit your compensation claim in a fast and convenient process. If you had issues with previous generations of the PureTech 1.0
and 1.2 engines, due to excessive oil consumption and/or premature degradation of the timing belt, please check below if you are entitled to a reimbursement.
All of the following criteria have to be met:
1. The incident happened between Jan 01, 2022, and March 18, 2024, without or with partial compensation for:
● Timing belt issue on a vehicle equipped with 1.0 / 1.2 PureTech engine natural aspirated produced from June 2012 to June 2022 or with a 1.2
PureTech turbo engine produced from April 2014 to June 2022
● Oil over-consumption linked to a piston ring issue on a vehicle equipped with 1.2 PureTech engine before EURO 6.2, from April 2014 to July 2018 (for
● Oil over-consumption linked to oil separator issue on a vehicle equipped with 1.2 PureTech engine EURO 6.2 and beyond, from February 2018 to
February 2023.
2. The car is covered by the extended “warranty period” (10 Years / 175.000 km), from the warranty start date (commonly the first registration date).
3. The maintenance was carried out according to the manufacturer recommendation (planning & oil mainly), by any automotive professional. The 3 lasts
detailed invoices will be asked. We will consider acceptable a maximum delay of 3 months / 3000 kms in the maintenance schedule.
4. The diagnosis and repair must be carried out in the approved network.
Note: If one customer has already benefited from a partial coverage for oil over-consumption for an incident that happened between Jan 01, 2022, and March 18,
2024, it is still possible to apply for reimbursement to receive the missing part of the 100% coverage. "
Jaz sem dobil pred leti delno kritje za odpravo pitja olja in to v 6 letu vozila (5 letna garancija in vsi servisi na pooblaščencu), tako da bom zdaj poskusil dobiti kritje v celoti, samo da naberem vso dokumentacijo. Jermen je bil predhodno že menjan z vpoklicem.
Zanimivo mi je, da tega nikjer ne najdeš na nobeni spletni strani slovenskih uvoznikov ali samih znamk in me prav zanima, če bodo kaj na naslednjem servisu opozorili ali obveščali po pošti, kot so to delali za vpoklice.