Uporabnik darjan pravi:
zato, ker se proizvajalci avtov jebejo za par promil nižje izpuste in porabo, za kar ponucajo miljarde dnara...a pol bi nek petrol kr na easy naredil nekaj, kar bi takoj nudilo izboljšanje?
V bistvu že to kar vozimo sedaj par let nudi ravno to......x-10% etanola not ( v benzu) in lepši izpust ...gasohol al kakorkol že to imenujejo
E10: you're using it right now
It's not widely known but a lot of petrol companies now blend up to 10% ethanol into their petrol products without really admitting to it, much less advertising the fact.
If you've noticed your car runs somewhat less than the advertised gas mileage, that's part of the reason. Most of the gasoline in California is currently 5.7% ethanol (2% oxygen). Ethanol is blended into petrol for a variety of reasons including
* as an oxygenate to reduce CO and HC emissions
* an octane booster
* to provide volume in place of MTBE
There's nothing wrong or underhanded about this, it's just a cost effective means to legitimate ends. So if the EPA tells you you should be getting 20mpg city and you're only getting 18mpg, even driving with a feather right foot, it's not you, it's the petrol companies.
10% ethanol blend will rob you of about 5% gas mileage, and EPA figures assume a pure non-ethanol petrol. Apart from the emissions regulations, money is a factor in ethanol blending - more product that is cheaper to produce but sold for the same price.
You can bet your bottom dollar (or euro) that the European refineries are doing exactly the same thing.