Okrvavljen Trump - Varnostni incident na zborovanju


17. dec 2012
Ne vem. AI pravi da ne. Lahko da se AI moti, povej kaj več.

While Trump has faced significant legal scrutiny and numerous investigations, none have resulted in a criminal conviction to date.
Tole ni ažurno. Me je zgleda vrgel na zastarel model. Pozabi.

Piše sicer, da bo določanje kazni šele 18.9.2024.


2. mar 2010
Je kdo videl Dementnega in mu povedal, da ni več kandidat za predsednika ?

1/2. Summarizing the past 48 hours:
BREAKING: According to multiple sources, the following message is circulating the internet.

"A verified source has informed the Global Press team that Joe Biden is currently in hospice care and is unlikely to survive the night."

Never forget, 1 week ago an assassination attempt was made against Donald Trump. The Secret Service was complicit, the FBI was complicit, and as Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said in the Congressional investigation today, Sheila Jackson Lee was heavily involved in controlling the Secret Service. Jackson Lee suddenly died days after the failed attempt on Trump.

For months, Biden was adamant about continuing his presidency and refusing to drop out of the 2024 election. Then, staunch liberal democrat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and several other high profile liberals proclaimed yesterday that Obama's shadow presidency and elites in the democrat party are mounting a massive coup against Joe Biden. Some in the media repeated these claims. Shortly afterwards, we hear that Biden has COVID-19 and has been isolated in his home and all future appointments are cancelled.

Then, on ordinary white paper, with no presidential, white house, or campaign letterhead or seals, an apparent resignation alleging to be from Biden, says he is resigning from the 2024 campaign, appears on Biden's social media page on X. His sole support for Kamala Harris to take over the campaign also appears in this letter on Joe Biden's Twitter (X) page. There is nothing in the letter about the current presidential administration.

What's even more shocking is, not one single Biden staffer, including his own chief of staff, was aware of Biden's intentions to drop out of the race. They collectively flood social media in shock saying they had no idea Biden was going to drop out and they only found out with this letter on Biden's social media account. What's more is, Biden's signature on the letter has been compared to his actual signature and it has publicly been called a forgery. It's a bad forgery at that. Multiple media personalities and politicians have said they don't believe the letter is real and are demanding proof of life from Joe Biden before they accept this alleged resignation from the 2024 campaign.

There is one main point noticed in the following hours. Many democrats fall in line to support Harris. However, Obama DOES NOT support a Harris campaign and publicly states THEY will decide who the candidate for the democrats will be for the upcoming election.

Then, a video surfaces showing someone that looks like Joe Biden but has several distinct differences, claiming he is stepping down from the 2024 election campaign. It is obviously pre-recorded as it does not address several key questions about the legal process to turn over a heavily funded campaign for Joe Biden to Kamala Harris that were raised immediately after the letter appeared on his X account. And Kamala is hundreds of miles away, already on her own campaign trail, when she gets an alleged phone call from what sounds like Joe Biden. It is aired at the campaign event for the audience to hear.

n that call the conversation doesn't quite match up, there appears to be friendly banter between Harris and Biden but then the truth comes out in a slip from Harris. She says she knows Joe is still there in the "recording"...then catches herself halfway through the word and says "the call". She acts all lovey dovey but they talk over each other for a moment then the "call" ends. The audience goes nuts and they believe Joe has given his blessing to Kamala.

But...another incident occurred yesterday that set all of this up. We found out yesterday morning, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) had received paperwork from Kamala Harris during the last few days changing the 2024 Biden Presidential campaign to the 2024 Harris Presidential campaign. The entire $46 million in Biden's campaign funds were taken over by Harris and her campaign.
  • Haha
Reactions: jest5


17. dec 2012
Pismo, ko to berem je čisto možno, da je že mrtev. Vprašanje, če je sploh kdaj imel kaj besede.


6. sep 2007
Heh, če bi bil obtožen, bi bil v zaporu. Zdaj bo pa predsednik.

Počak da pri nas Janša spet zmaga že 4 krat pravnomočno obsojen, pri nas jo vedno odnese s kaznijo in denarno porovnavo. V ameriki bi šel zaradi takih verjetno sedet ali bi pa milijone plačal. aradi tistih dveh novinark je dobil celo 3 mesece pogojno, do kam se je Matvoz po tistem pritoževal pa ne vem, mogoče je šel celo do evropskega.


2. jul 2020
Počak da pri nas Janša spet zmaga že 4 krat pravnomočno obsojen, pri nas jo vedno odnese s kaznijo in denarno porovnavo. V ameriki bi šel zaradi takih verjetno sedet ali bi pa milijone plačal. aradi tistih dveh novinark je dobil celo 3 mesece pogojno, do kam se je Matvoz po tistem pritoževal pa ne vem, mogoče je šel celo do evropskega.

Ne se smešit in cepetati, Đoni je enako žalil, pa ga niso niti povohali zaradi tega:


Presstitutka pa niti ne vem kakšna žalitev je. Mogoče da prodaja svoje članke za denar? Da ima medijskega zvodnika? Ker če tako pomislim, ima kar prav. Najbolj glasni PressTituti na RTVju so si kar lepo plače dvignili, ko so prišli do korita. Flokija, seveda take banalnosti ne motijo. Vsaj naši kradejo!
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N


6. sep 2007
Ne se smešit in cepetati, Đoni je enako žalil, pa ga niso niti povohali zaradi tega:

Poglej priponko 89531

Presstitutka pa niti ne vem kakšna žalitev je. Mogoče da prodaja svoje članke za denar? Da ima medijskega zvodnika? Ker če tako pomislim, ima kar prav. Najbolj glasni PressTituti na RTVju so si kar lepo plače dvignili, ko so prišli do korita. Flokija, seveda take banalnosti ne motijo. Vsaj naši kradejo!

Pokvarjena Hillary v primerjavi z odsluženimi prostitutkami za male pare.

Pol tvitov v ameriški predsedniški tekmi je bolj žaljivih kot tale kot si ga prilepil. Pa tu gre že za nasprotnega kandidata tam pa za novinarje.

Pri nas lahko cigan ki je pol življenja presedel v zaporu zmaga da o parlamentarcih ne govorim. Tudi mi nimamo zakona kjer bi takim preprečil že kandidaturo..........demokracija pa to.


21. sep 2023
Fascinantno, kako se kot dokaz proti Trumpu predstavlja razne vire, linke itd., ki so vsi po vrsti njemu "sovražni" - od lastniške strukture, ustanovitelja, vira podatkov/statistik itd. Že sami ameriški "main stream" mediji so proti Trumpu v 90% in seveda, če je v teh medijih, je pa že res ane? Lep primer je bilo jutro po poskusu atentata, ko so na eni glavnih medijskih hiš odpovedali najbolj znan jutranji šov - ker po besedah vodstva te hiše, niso upali spustit komentatorjev oz. "panela" v eter, da ne bi kdo zinil kakšne neprimerne neumnosti. Zanimivo ane?
Trump je definitivno klovn kaliber, sigurno nategun, ni perla, definitivno pa ni tak, kot se ga predstavlja. 8 let se že na polno ukvarjajo z njim, pa mu nič ne morejo. Mediji lepo "božajo" precej hujše zločince v politiki... Tudi Bidena se je predstavljalo popoplnoma drugače po medijih, kot se je sedaj dejansko pokazalo. Samo če živiš v mehurčku in spremljaš samo eno stran, pač tako je. Tudi Golobnjak je lep primer vseh laži o Bidenu, še par dni nazaj je grulil, kako pri sebi in aktiven je. Bullshit.