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Tole zgoraj je Donald J. Drumpf.
September 2007:
Paul J. Manafort is an American lobbyist and political consultant.
Manafort was an adviser to the presidential campaigns of George H.W. Bush in 1988,[3] Robert Dole in 1996,[4] George W. Bush, and John McCain. In March 2016 he joined the presidential campaign of Donald Trump to lead Trump's "delegate-corralling" efforts.[5] In April 2016, Manafort gained control of an expanded $20 million budget, hiring decisions, advertising, and media strategy.[6]
He also worked as an adviser on the Ukrainian presidential campaign of Viktor Yanukovych[9] even as the U.S. government (and McCain) opposed Yanukovych because of his ties to Russia's Vladimir Putin.[4]
Borys V. Kolesnikov, Yanukovich’s campaign manager, said the party hired Manafort after identifying organizational and other problems in the 2004 elections, in which it was advised by Russian strategists. [9]
In 2010, under Manafort's tutelage, the opposition leader put the Orange Revolution on trial, campaigning against its leaders' management of a weak economy.
Yanukovych owes his comeback in Ukraine's presidential election to a drastic makeover of his political persona and, people in his party say, that makeover was engineered in part by his American consultant, Manafort.[9]

Tole zgoraj je Donald J. Drumpf.

September 2007:
Once a divisive figure reviled by some here as a shady reactionary and Kremlin pawn, Prime Minister Viktor F. Yanukovich has turned into arguably the nation’s most popular politician.
On the eve of critical parliamentary elections, Mr. Yanukovich now calls himself an anticorruption reformer who wants to move Ukraine closer to the West.
Though the strategist, Paul J. Manafort, has sought to remain behind the scenes, his handiwork has been evident in Mr. Yanukovich’s tightly organized campaign events, in his pointed speeches and in how he has presented himself to the world.
On the stump this week, Mr. Yanukovich has repeatedly declared that he is the only politician who can bring stability to a nation weary of political turmoil.
“I understand your dreams,” he told supporters at a rally, before echoing a line from former President Bill Clinton. “I feel your pain, and I share in your desire to make Ukraine a land of opportunity.”
He added, “I want you to know who I am, not who my opponents try to say that I am.”
Mr. Manafort, whose partner, Rick Davis, manages the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, said Thursday that he would not discuss his advice to Mr. Yanukovich or how much he is being paid. But Mr. Manafort said he believed that the prime minister was an outstanding leader who had been badly misunderstood.
“The West has not been willing to move beyond the cold war mentality and to see this man and the outreach that he has extended,” said Mr. Manafort
Mr. Yanukovich was introduced to Mr. Manafort by Rinat Akhmetov, a Yanukovich supporter and billionaire industrialist who is Ukraine’s richest man. Mr. Manafort was then advising Mr. Akhmetov on improving the image of his companies.
To undercut Mr. Yanukovich’s more polished campaign, his opponents have charged that oligarchs like Mr. Akhmetov are simply buying a better candidate.
“They are just packaging him in a new cover and educating him in some techniques to use,” said Hryhoriy Nemyria, a Tymoshenko adviser. “It’s the same Soviet and post-Soviet political culture.”