Uporabnik titov pravi:
Uporabnik dodaske pravi:
dajmo se vrnt raje na Ukrajino....
Načeloma nisem hotel komentirat umora Nemcova....To da ga ni Putin, mi je bilo takoj jasno. To da ga je CIA tudi....ampak zakaj?
Končno sem našel analizo, ki mi je najbolj logična in dovolj kompleksna, da jo lahko pripišemo boju elit...evo
Kar nekaj, to ni kompleksna analiza, ampak neumna... Komentar spodaj pove vse:
3 days ago
The knowing of 'facts' by Boris N. is the weak point in this argument.
Any connection of him to the Kremlin would be known. His lifestyle defied any connection to special services, much less to VV Putin.
The storyline works for a Netflix TV series, superbly.
In reality, you don't risk war with NATO, your regime, your nation, with a weakling like this guy as your 'mole', doubled or tripled.
He has been in descent for years.
This weaving of a mantle of smarts, cleverness, and patriotic usefulness is ingenious by the author. But it lacks truth. Not even the semblance of a fact. Just good fictive writing.