Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


6. sep 2007

Notice what these soldiers said toward the end...Right Sector troops have forts, better weapons, food, medicine. NATO is not supporting the Ukrainian army, instead they are fully supplying and unleashing highly trained Nazis, to murder Russian speakers in the east of the country. Those men need to return to Kiev and save Ukraine before it's too late.


2. mar 2010
[eng subs] Ukr videi na yt so 90% RT propaganda, seveda zavita v celofan.

Če greš gledati blog iz videa, link spodaj: , tipičen ruski blog, zgoraj nas pozdravi zastava Južni križ brez zvezd, (tagi Novorossia DPR LPR), na prvi pravi sliki
Zakharchenko, Strelkov, Borodai, tipični "lokalni" prebivalci Donetska.


10. maj 2014
Novaya Gazeta (ruski časopis) je objavila intervju z ruskim vojakom iz tankovske brigade v Ulan-Ude-ju, ki trenutno okreva po napadu na Debalcevo.


Batomunkuev Dorji, 20 years old, 5 Tank Brigade (Ulan-Ude), a military unit № 46108. conscripts, called to November 25, 2013, in June 2014 signed a contract for three years. Personal Number 200220, military ID 2609999.
- How were you hurt?

- In the tank. Tank battle was. I hit the enemy tank, it exploded. Got even under another tank, but it was protection, good protection was activated. He turned and hid in the forest. Then we did a rollback to a different location. And he hit us.

- How did you get here?

- I call upon the 13th year on 25 November. Came voluntarily. This sends only contractors, but I came to Rostov, as conscripts.
- You went to the exercises?

- We were told that the exercises, but we knew where we were going. We all knew where we were going. I have already been set up morally and mentally, that will be in Ukraine.

We tanks still in Ulan-Ude painted over. Right on the wagon up....Patches - are removed when the landfill arrived. All in order to mask. Passport to the military unit left, military ID at the landfill.
Unloading ramp was in Matveyev Kurgan. While traveling from Ulan-Ude to Matveyev Kurgan, many cities have seen. 10 days riding.
- What is a polygon?

- Kuz'minskii. There's a lot of polygons. Tent cities. Some stopped, others left. Previous echelons met there. Kantemirovskaya team from Moscow was after us. There are Marines and one tank company not strong power. But our tank battalion of 31 tanks. Can be something serious to do.
- How many of you have gone?

- It turns out 31 tanks in the battalion. We went porotno. Ten tanks in each company. For every 10 tanks was added three BMP, motolyga medical and five "Ural" with ammunition. That's the size of the task force-latitude. Tank battalion of about 120 people - three tank companies, support platoon, communications platoon. Plus infantry, of course. Approximately 300 people have gone. All from Ulan-Ude. Basically, most of the - Buryats. Local looked at us, they say - you guys are desperate. And we Buddhists opened so we believe the Almighty, the three elements and rebirth. If you die, be sure to be born again.
- Your commanders went with you?

...My battalion commander ... He is now in Rostov, just burned in the tank, I ... my commander, Colonel. Somewhere among 12-14 th, here in those days. Because it was necessary to release one village. I do not remember the name of ... well ... Village recaptured all ...

We played in the carousel. This is a tactical method of combat shooting from the tank. Three or four tanks leave the line open fire, shoot, and they have run out of ammo, to replace them and send three or four tanks, and they are loaded. And changed.
- You fought with the militia? Common tasks were you?

- No. They just ... take another line, and when it is necessary to go further enemy dozhimat militias refuse to go. They say: we will not go there, it is dangerous. And we have the order to advance further. And want - will not order them. Well, then you go. Do not worry, we're almost squeezed pot already.
- You receive helps the organization of the boiler?

- ...Ammunition enough. The main ammunition - in the tank. 22 projectile in a rotating conveyor inside the tank and still scatter 22. Total tank ammunition is 44 charging shell. And in the "Ural" second ammunition we had brought. My tank was very good. Not just 72, and the tank 72b. A beshka ruled that there is scope 1K13, it is for night shooting, night surveillance, for shots with guided missiles. Guided missiles I was 9. Cumulative, shrapnel still. The main thing - I was shown how to use it. Now hard to miss. All sorts of shelters, shelter - all strikes quietly. Assume here intelligence reports that behind the cluster of enemy infantry, infantry fighting vehicles and one two "Ural" ... We just had two of the tank - and my, my platoon commander. So we went out and the break. And always impressed. This tank was well done, good tank. Who burned.
- So you do not coordinated?

- No. Militias - they are strange. Shoot, shoot. Then stop. How to go to work. No organization is not.
Nope chapter boekomandovaniya all discordantly.
- Have you seen mercenaries from Poland?

- No, but we were told that there is.

- Communicate with peace?

- No. Civilians themselves came to us a lot. We have tried them not to talk helluva lot. Command said: not to engage in contacts. When we were in Makeyevka, they all told us that 70 percent of the civilian population here - for dill [žaljivka za ukrajince], "so you will be on the alert, guys." In Makeyevka stopped in the city park we hid, hid technique disguised - and within an hour we began to peck mortars.

V Ukrajino je vstopil z bataljonon 31 tankov, 9 oklepnikov, tremi reševalnimi vozili in 15 tovornjakov s strelivom.

Toliko o "V Ukrajini ni ruskih vojakov ".


10. maj 2014
Meduza ima že angleško obnovo.


...Twenty-years-old, he came to Ukraine as a contracted soldier in the Russian Army. He says he was stationed in Ulan-Ude, the capital of Buryatia, as recently as October 2014, when he was transferred to the Rostov region for training exercises. From there, on February 8, his tank unit was deployed to fight in Ukraine.
Batomunkuev was injured in battle in the city of Lohvynove, at the chokepoint of the so-called “Debaltseve pocket,” where Novaya Gazeta says a Russian tank battalion was sent to engage Ukrainian troops trying to break out of the encirclement.
He says he fought in Ukraine as an active Russian military personnel, not as a soldier “on rest and recuperation.” Batomunkuev told Kostyuchenko that he believes he fought for peace and for eastern Ukraine’s civilians. In early February, Batomunkuev says he was sent into Ukraine with another 300 Russian soldiers, most of them fellow Buryats.


10. maj 2014
Ti in tvoji kozaki. Še ena stvar, ki jo je carska Rusija "ukradla" v Ukrajini.

Kozaki originalno izvirajo iz Ukrajine, najbolj slaven je zaporoški sich. Kot lahko prebereš so (bili) malo anarhistov.

To so tisti tradicionalni kozaki, z zalizanimi irokezami. Njihova zgodovina je tudi temelj ukrajinskega nacionalizma, podobno kot Karantanija pri nas.

Danes so sicer najbolj znani kot turistična atrakcija.

Pojavljajo se v ukrajinskih političnih reklamah in ameriških blockbusterjih.

Bili so tudi na euromajdanu.

No, skozi leta jih je cesarski Rusiji uspelo uporabit za svoje interese, popolnoma v nasprotju z osnovno idejo. Malo so jih preselili, malo ustvarili z 0...

Od ruskih so najbolj znani don kozaki, ki tudi povzročajo največ sranja v Ukrajini.

Pripada jim recimo Kozytsin, ki je povezan s sestrelitvijo MH17.


Kot produktu carske Rusije, jim boljševiki niso bili preveč všeč, tako da so v veliki meri kolaborirali z nacisti. Imeli so svojo SS divizijo, ki je čistila partizane po jugi.

The division was then not, as it had hoped, sent to fight the Red Army, but instead it was ordered, in September 1943, to proceed to Yugoslavia and fight Josip Broz Tito's partisans. The Cossacks took part in several major offensives against the Partisans including Operation Rösselsprung, the attack on Tito's headquarter in Bosnia from which Tito evaded capture only by the narrowest of margins.

Ta del svoje zgodovine še vedno slavijo.

Dvignjene desnice, naci uniforme, SS/hakelkrojci...vse skupaj pod policijskim varstvom, v okolici Moskve, dober mesec pred začetkom Euromajdana.

Kdo je naci?

Še enkrat poudarjam - tukaj govorimo o ruskih državljanih, ki živijo na teritoriju ruske federacije.

Po 2. sv. vojni jih je sovjetska oblast uspešno, hm, pospravila.

Renesanso so doživeli po razpadu SZ, video sem ti prilepil že pred kakim tednom. Postali so paravojaška formacija. Po pisanju na nekem gun forumu jim ni potrebno plačevat davkov, morajo pa se obrožit in biti pripravljeni za boj. Lahko veš, da so se prisotnim Američanom začele cedit sline


13. sep 2007
The US is planning to send about 300 military personnel to Ukraine from March to October to train the Ukrainian army, according to a tender on a US government website that requires logistics for the troops.


10. maj 2014
Prispevek o ruskem vojaku v Ukrajini Ruse močno zanima. Števec ogledov ob članku je že na 551000, spodnja stran, ki sledi ruskim družabnim omrežjem pa pravi, da je najbolj bran članek zadnjega tedna in 3. najbolj bran zadnjega meseca, čeprav je bil objavljen šele danes. Celo popoldne, se mi zdi.

Christo Grozev, ki se profesionalno ukvarja z mediji, trdi, da česa takega še ni videl.

As of now, Novaya Gazeta interview with half-burned RU soldier reposted 77,000 times. Never seen this before.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Upam da se NATO in EU čimbolj zaobide in da USSA posreduje preden oni začnejo drek mešat.....zal!


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Amerosi ta evropska birokracija in sprdavanje


24. jul 2009
zda !?
to bi bil praktično neposreden napad na rusijo. Ruska vojska je v delu moldavije uradno že 20 ali koliko let. Delujejo na nek način kot mirovna sila med sprtima stranema ( in istočasno podpora proruski strani )
Zahod je očitno že začel s svojo propagando podtikanja in delanja peezdarij

Način kako ruse resnično razpeezdit in vključiti nato bi bil tak, da bi šli iebat rusko populacijo v baltskih državah.IN če ni rusi intervenirali potem pa udri miško z vso silo po rusiji. ampak to se še nekaj časa ne bo zgodilo (, če pa se bo potem evrope ne bo več )


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Hah ok definitivno če se RuSSia zgane to ne bo dobro za EU.....

Sam tak allmighty mi pa s5 ne delujejo....že sam da zadnji tank premaknejo na mejo EU iz svoje zadnje Tunguzije jim gre tolk resursov da bankrotirajo

Pa evropa je Polis.....morje malih državic....morje malih vojsk......ok ma prednosti ma slabosti to.....sam lej mravlje.....če si medved in te napade celo mravljišče skupaj tud nimaš za burek