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Czech company Excalibur Army (part of the Excalibur Group) , founded in 1995 and now owns two former Defense Ministry repair plants Czechoslovakia (bronetankoremontnym VOP 026 Šternberk and Refinish VOP 081 Pøelous), is engaged in repair, modernization and resale of military equipment of Soviet and Eastern European descent . In 2014, the company acquired for repair and resale 58 T-72A, decommissioned Hungarian army (you T-72A, in turn, were in the amount of 100 units purchased by Hungary in 1996 in the presence of Belarus). Transportation of these tanks from Hungary to the Czech Republic by rail caused in August 2014 a great response, giving rise to the assumption that the tanks were actually intended for delivery to the Government of Ukraine.
However, the ability to send these tanks to Ukraine was then immediately denied by an official representative of Excalibur Group, claimed that the 58 T-72A bought "solely for commercial purposes" and that "according to a preliminary assessment of their condition, about half of the machines will be dismantled for parts and the other half after the repair will be put up for sale "- presumably for developing countries. As we now know, Excalibur Army has found a buyer for at least 16 of these refurbished tanks through the Ministry of Defence of Nigeria. Recall that both Nigeria in 2014 received a T-72AV purchased from the presence in Ukraine, under a contract, presumably in January 2014. However, appear to be an urgent need for the Ukrainian army tanks during the civil war in Ukraine led to the inability of Nigeria to continue their acquisition of the Ukrainian side.