Sem konzervativen kar se tiče Eco stvari v avtoindustriji.....ker je ekologija samo en velik biznis...
Preferiram raje malo večjo porabo.....kot pa na račun ekologije zmanjšano zaščito motorja.....tud za svoje avte kupujem sae40 olja...čeprav so predvidena in priporočena tudi sae30 olja...
Na toyota forumih vsi zatrjujejo da če je tovarna odobrila da je vse ja bo čas pokazal
Jaz se strinjam z sledečim....
Flushing oils
These are special compound oils that are very, very thin. They almost have the consistency of tap water when cold as well as hot. Typically they are 0W/20 oils. Don't ever drive with these oils in your engine - it won't last. (Caveat : some hybrid vehicles now require 0W20, so if you're a hybrid driver, check your owner's manual). Their purpose is for cleaning out all the gunk which builds up inside an engine. Note that Mobil1 0W40 is okay, because the '40' denotes that it's actually thick enough at temperature to work. 0W20 just doesn't get that viscous!
Plus da sem se 1x pogovarjal z enim Honda je fantaziral da je to edino olje za Honde...da na vse ostalo mašine zaribajo
Jaka ekologija