Opposition leaders say President Yanukovych, whose whereabouts are unknown, must stand down immediately.
They have called for elections by 25 May - not by the end of December as envisaged in Friday's peace deal.
Despite the EU-mediated agreement signed on Friday, thousands of people have remained on the streets of Kiev.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
To pa verjamem ja, oz vidim kot edini realni scenarij. Ne pa neko klanje ruskih vojakov sredi kijeva, dajte no.
Hm...decembra...a me ni killa okaral, ko sem včeraj govoril o decembru? Boš moral tudi bbc opozorit na napako, killa.
Uporabnik Rosenthal pravi:
There are protests against Yanukovych by the anti-Russia opposition.
The pro-European opposition is made up of three political parties:
-The "Fatherland", led by the oligarch and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (serving a prison sentence following her convictions for embezzlement).
-The party of former boxing world champion Vitali Klitschko.
- The 'Nazi' party (Svoboda), led by Oleh Tyahnybok.
>>These parliamentary parties have the support of:
A Nazi splinter group (Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists) which is Zionist and which was part of NATO's Operation Gladio.
There is an alliance between the Obama administration and the Nazis.
'Ukrainian Nazis' include Paula Dobriansky who served as Under Secretary of State for Democracy (sic) during the George W. Bush administration.
Due to the president’s absence, the bills passed by the parliament on Friday have not been passed into law from a technical point of view, because Yanukovich never signed them. Opposition leader, Arseny Yatsenyuk, told fellow MPs that this gives grounds for the president’s resignation.
Ukrainian MPs have voted to oust President Yanukovych and hold early presidential elections on 25 May.
Tole pa niso bila pogajanja - opozicija je dobila vse, Janukovič nič.Citat:
Also on Saturday, prominent opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko walked free from prison in the eastern city of Kharkiv.